Final Fantasy Record Keeper Final Fantasy XV Starseer Oracle Event

Final Fantasy Record Keeper Final Fantasy XV Starseer Oracle Event

The Final Fantasy XV (#ad) Starseer Oracle event just started in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game. This event comes with 2 banners.


Starseer Oracle Banner 1

The Starseer Oracle banner 1 contains the following relics:

  • Imperial Magitek Arm (XV) – contains Ravus Nox Fleuret’s (from Final Fantasy XV) Dual Awakening Soul Break (DASB), Awoken Violet Arc
  • Hyperion (XV) – contains Gladiolus Amicitia’s (from Final Fantasy XV) DASB, Awoken Tempest
  • Swords of the Wanderer – Variant (XV) – contains Ardyn Izunia’s (Ardyn Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV) Limit Break Guardian Summon (LBGS), Guardian Ifrit
  • Sword of the Tall – Variant (XV) – contains Ardyn’s True Arcane Soul Break (TASB) or Arcane Dyad Soul Break (ADSB), Awakening Darkness
  • Zwill Crossblade (XV) – contains Ignis Scientia’s (from Final Fantasy XV) TASB, Overclock
  • Alba Leonis (XV) – contains Ravus’s TASB, Technique – Last Rites
  • Tenebraen Raiment (XV) – contains Ravus’s Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB), Hateful Onslaught
  • Ravus’s Boots (XV) – contains Ravus’s Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Resentful Strike
  • Magic Flask (XV) – contains Ignis’s AASB2, Tactical Mind
  • Axe of the Conqueror Variant (XV) – contains Ardyn’s AASB, Shadow King’s Might
  • Ravus’s Glove (XV) – contains Ravus’s Glint+ Soul Break (G+), Imperial Warrior
  • Bow of the Clever Variant (XV) – contains Ardyn’s G+, Implacable Ruler

Starseer Oracle Banners 1 and 2 Stamp Sheet

There’s a Stamp Sheet associated with the Starseer Oracle banners 1 and 2. Each time you pull on one of these banners, you get 1 Stamp. The rewards these Stamps give are as follows:

  1. 1 Stamp: 30 of each 6-star Mote
  2. 2 Stamps: 30 of each 6-star Mote
  3. 3 Stamps: 100 Anima Lens+
  4. 4 Stamps: 30 of each 6-star Mote
  5. 5 Stamps: Choice of 1 6-star Ravus relic
  6. 6 Stamps: 150 Anima Lens+
  7. 7 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
  8. 8 Stamps: 30 of each 6-star Mote
  9. 9 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
  10. 10 Stamps: 1 free pick from Select Relic List A
  11. 11 Stamps: 5000 Gysahl Greens
  12. 12 Stamps: 7500 Gysahl Greens
  13. 13 Stamps: 30 of each 6-star Mote
  14. 14 Stamps: 60 Rainbow Crystals
  15. 15 Stamps: 1 free pick from Select Relic List B
  16. 16 Stamps: 30 of each 6-star Mote
  17. 17 Stamps: 90 Rainbow Crystals
  18. 18 Stamps: 30 of each 6-star Mote
  19. 19 Stamps: 90 Rainbow Crystals
  20. 20 Stamps: 1 Scroll of Honing

Each multi-pull costs 50 mythril. There are only 2 6-star Ravus relics – his Awakening and his Glint+.


Select Relic List A includes Ravus’s TASB, Sync, AASB, and Glint+ as well as Awakenings for Ignis, Gladiolus, and Ardyn.


Select Relic List B includes DASBs for Ravus and Gladiolus as well as TASBs for Ravus, Ardyn, and Ignis.


Starseer Oracle Banner 1

Had no intention of pulling on either of the Starseer Oracle banners. My plan was to save for the upcoming fest which will coincide with the 7th Anniversary of Final Fantasy Record Keeper. 

Wanted to pull on all the fest banners as well as the special banner that would let us pick a Sync of our choice after drawing twice on said banner. All-in-all, I’d need at least 600 mythril for this fest. 

So far, I’d been able refrain from pulling. The last time I pulled using mythril was during the last fest. Honestly, that feels like forever ago.

For a while after the first Starseer Oracle banner showed up, I’d been able to just ignore it. That didn’t last long though. 

I soon found myself actually taking a closer look at the relics featured on it. Then I found myself seriously considering the possibility of actually pulling.

I shouldn’t. I really shouldn’t. I’m supposed to be saving for the upcoming fest. If I pull on either or both of the Starseer Oracle banners, then I definitely won’t have enough mythril to be able to pull on all the fest banners. 

Couldn’t seem to help myself though. I guess I’m just itching to pull since it’s been a long time since I was able to. The fest is coming soon, and yet, at the same time, it feels like it’s not coming fast enough.

And, to be honest, I’ve been feeling bored with FFRK lately. The last time I did a fight manually was when I took on physical and water-weak Argent Odin and that seemed like ages ago. 

After that, haven’t bothered to do any more endgame content. All I’ve been doing is logging in, autoing whatever event is currently available and that I haven’t done yet, completing all the daily missions then logging out. Event quests can easily be autoed. 

The daily missions bring me nothing but annoyance as they feel like a chore. Have to clear 3 quests or dungeons to get all the daily rewards. It feels like a waste of time. 

At least the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game only wants me to clear 1 quest each day and that’s already enough to get me all the daily rewards. 

Right now, FFRK just feels like a slog to get through. It feels too grindy and boring. There’s nothing fun about any of this. Basically just doing all this to keep getting more mythril for the upcoming fest.

There’s still a lot of hard fights (like the Argent Odin ones) that I’ve yet to do, but how can I take on these endgame bosses when my current tech isn’t enough to beat them? 

But if I pull and actually get something useful, then that would definitely go a long way in rekindling my interest in this game. 

If I can improve my teams and feel like I actually have a shot at defeating endgame bosses, then I’d be more inclined to stay longer in FFRK instead of logging out as soon as possible. 

I could play manually instead of always playing on auto and not even paying attention to the game itself other than to get through screens and such.

Another point in favor of pulling on the Starseer Oracle banner 1 was that I do like Ravus. He’s actually the latest playable char in Final Fantasy Record Keeper. This is his intro banner. 

It’s been a long time since we had a new playable char in this game. IIRC, the last one was Ardyn and that happened ages ago. We haven’t had anyone new since.


I thought back to all the possible new Soul Breaks I could get by pulling on the fest banners. In all honesty, none of them were must-haves for me. 

They were all nice to have, of course. They’d help improve my teams and make it possible for me to tackle more endgame content. 

But even if I manage to refrain from pulling on the Starseer Oracle banners, there’s no guarantee that I’ll be able to get the relics I want on the fest banners. 

My draw results could turn out to be really crappy. It’s happened before. It’ll undoubtedly happen again. I could get lucky, of course, but I could also get unlucky or even both at the same time.

If Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII was featured on the upcoming fest, then I wouldn’t be having this dilemma right now. Currently, he’s my absolute, most favorite Final Fantasy char. He’s the reason why I’m playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper. 

Genesis is a must-have for me, and he’ll always be worth it so I’ll always save for him and will always pull for him. But the last new relic that Genesis got was his True Arcane Soul Break, LOVELESS, and that was ages ago. 

Since then, he has yet to get anything new. Even in the Japanese version of FFRK, which is a few months (6 or 8 or so maybe) ahead of its Global or English counterpart, Genesis hasn’t gotten anything new. 

I’ve been hoping and waiting for him to get a DASB and maybe even a LBGS or a second Sync and Awakening or whatever else they might want to give him but nothing. 

So at the moment, there isn’t really anything that I’m specifically looking forward to. 

If Genesis ever gets something new in the Japanese version of the game, then I’ll have plenty of time to save so, technically, I can pull wherever and whenever I want. 

The fest banners might be better than the Starseer Oracle banner 1 but the more I eyed the featured relics on the latter, the more interested I became. 

Let’s see:

Gladiolus Amicitia

Right now, the only thing I have for Gladiolus that’s worth listing is his physical earth Chain Soul Break. Don’t have a single BDL relic for him. 

It’d be nice to get his DASB, especially since I heard he’s a pretty good earth DPS. Plus, IIRC, his Awakening will eventually be added to the The Record Lab. 

If I get his DASB, I could just buy his AASB when it becomes available then he can become one of my earth DPS while someone else can be my Chain holder, or I could see if he can juggle being both.  

Ignis Scientia

Have Ignis’s Sync. Since that’s the only BDL relic I have for him, haven’t really used him in endgame content. He’s a physical fire DPS slash support. 

My physical fire team is pretty stacked but Ignis’s Sync and AASB2 seem pretty good when being used as support-type relics. 

If I manage to snag his AASB2, then I could try finding a way to slot him on to my physical fire team, especially since I’m in dire need of a better physical support. 

Even his TASB could be of use though I prefer to get his Awakening to go with his Sync.

Ardyn Izunia (Ardyn Lucis Caelum)

Have Ardyn’s AASB, USB, and LMR+. His elements are fire and dark. I’ve been wishing to obtain his Sync from the time I was able to acquire his Awakening. 

I really want a secondary physical dark DPS who has at least 2 BDL relics but I currently have no one who fits that description. Instead, all I have are a few chars who only have 1 physical dark BDL Soul Break. Ardyn is one of these chars. 

It’s really too bad that his Sync doesn’t show up on the Starseer Oracle banner 1. Ahh, if only his Sync had been featured here instead of his Awakening. As it is, his AASB is actually my only dupe on this banner. 

His LBGS, TASB, and G+ would all be nice to have but none would cement his place as my secondary physical dark DPS. Would really need his Sync for that to happen. 

Still, at least those 3 items are new. They could be of use although they’re the last things I want to see or get if I pull on this banner. 

Ravus Nox Fleuret

Ravus is a physical dark and lightning DPS. Incidentally, I’m also in need of a secondary lightning DPS. Getting Ravus’s kit would allow me to kill 2 birds with 1 stone. This just made it more attractive to pull on this banner. 

The only problem was that I have 0 relics for Ravus. Since he just got added to the game, it’s gonna be a long while before some of his relics (most likely just his G+ and AASB) will get added to the The Record Lab. 


I’ll need to pull multiple of Ravus’s relics in order to make him useful. Considering the crappy rates on this game, I might need to pull several times just to get a Soul Break for Ravus. 

That gave me pause but then I thought, I don’t need all of Ravus’s Soul Breaks. I mean, of course, I’d love to get all of them but I only really need at least 2 of his BDL relics. 

If I can get a combination of either his AASB, Sync, or DASB, then he can become my secondary physical DPS for the lightning and dark elements.

TASBs increase the cap break level by 1 as well but, at the heart of things, they’re really more like Arcane Overstrike Soul Breaks (AOSBs) which means they mostly just deal damage. 

In contrast to that, Syncs, AASBs, and DASBs come with a lot more effects than simply increasing a char’s cap break level. So I prefer to get a Sync, AASB, or DASB over a TASB.  

Starseer Oracle Banner 1 Multi-Draw 1 Results 

After thinking about it some more, decided to pull on the Starseer Oracle banner 1. I can only hope that I don’t end up regretting this. 

Heck, even before I started pulling, I already found myself regretting my actions. But I couldn’t seem to help myself. Guess I was really itching to pull. Currently have 256 mythril on hand.

My first multi-draw gave me 2 disco orbs. Then Dr. Mog appeared and turned them both into 7-star items. Hmm, looks like we’re off to a good start. Here’s to hoping I’m about to get 1 or 2 of Ravus’s BDL relics. 

The first 7-star relic turned into this – well, the image of the weapon looks like a bow to me but the icon indicates that this is supposed to be a dagger.


The second 7-star turned into this sword that I was pretty sure belonged to Gladio. Have him built in DFFOO and his weapons there look like or similar to this.


When I got to the draw results screen, found out that the dagger contained Ardyn’s Limit Break Guardian Soul Break, Guardian Ifrit.


This is the very first LBGS that I ever got. This kind of Soul Break lets you summon something. In Ardyn’s case, he summons Ifrit. 

Man, I wish Genesis would get one of these too. He could summon Bahamut or something.

The sword does indeed belong to Gladio. It contains his DASB. Now I have 1 BDL relic for him. Nice.


All things considered, this was a pretty good pull. Got 2/11 and both relics were new and 7-star items. 

But getting Ardyn’s LBGS doesn’t cement his place as a secondary DPS and I’d need 1 more BDL for Gladio to make him one of my earth DPS. Didn’t even get a single Ravus relic.


Starseer Oracle Banner 1 Multi-Draw 2 Results

So I decided to pull again. This time only 1 disco orb showed up. At least Dr. Mog appeared again. 

Got this white and purple outfit that I immediately recognized as belonging to Ravus. Yay! Not sure which one of his relics this is though.


It was only when I got to the draw results screen that I found out that what I just got was his SASB, Hateful Onslaught.


Super pleased to have finally gotten my first Soul Break for Ravus. Unfortunately, this doesn’t really make him usable. 

I’d need another 1 of his BDL relics so he can help me tackle endgame content. Too bad this pull only gave me 1 item.


Starseer Oracle Banner 1 Multi-Draw 3 Results

Down to 156 mythril but I couldn’t just leave things like this. I wanted to at least get either Ravus’s DASB or AASB as well so I can actually use him otherwise it’d feel like I just threw away 100 mythril for nothing. 

So I pulled again, hoping to get something good. Was dreading seeing another 1/11. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case at all.

But imagine my surprise when a whopping 4 disco orbs showed up. Wow! It was hard not to get hyped upon seeing so many disco orbs at once, especially when Dr. Mog appeared again and actually turned all of them into 7-star items. 

Hell, yes! Tried to temper my expectations though. Tried not to hope too much. After all, these could all be nothing but dupes.

The first 7-star turned out to be this sword. Not sure who it belongs to though. 


The second was another sword, a red one this time, although I don’t know who owns this either.


The third was also yet another sword. Based on its appearance, I’d have sworn this belonged to Gladiolus but that couldn’t be right since he only has 1 relic on this banner. 

Also, didn’t get a Soul Break Rank-up Screen the moment this showed up so this couldn’t possibly belong to Gladio. Who knows who owns this though?


The fourth was a bracer-type relic that I immediately recognized as belonging to Ravus.

Yay! Pleased to see another one of his relics. This was either his DASB or his TASB. Really hoping it’s the former.


Got to the draw results screen and took a closer look at all the new relics I just got. 

The first sword turned out to be Alba Leonis (XV), which contained Ravus’s TASB, Technique – Last Rites. Yay for getting another Soul Break for Ravus.


The second sword contained Ignis’s TASB, Overclock. Nice, although I wouldn’t deny that I would have preferred to get his AASB2 over this.


The third sword that looks like it should have belonged to Gladio instead turned out to be Ardyn’s TASB, Awakening Darkness. 

Well, at least this gives Ardyn cap break level 1. Still wish I could get his Sync though. As it is, he’s still not making it as my secondary DPS even with this.


The bracer was Imperial Magitek Arm (XV), which contained Ravus’s Dual Awakening Soul Break, Awoken Violet Arc. Yes! 

With this, I now have 2 BDL relics for Ravus. With his TASB added to the mix, there’s no doubt about it now. Forget Ardyn. Ravus just earned his spot as my secondary physical dark and lightning DPS.


This was definitely one of the best pulls ever. I worried that I’d end up regretting the decision to pull on the Starseer Oracle banner 1 but now I have no regrets. 

This was so worth it. I won’t be able to pull on all the fest banners now but it’s fine. All the new relics I got on the Starseer Oracle banner 1 more than makes up for that.


The only things I’m missing on this banner are Ravus’s AASB and Glint+, Ardyn’s Glint+, and Ignis’s AASB2. I should be done pulling now. 

Instead, I found myself thinking about the fact that I’m only missing 2 of Ravus’s relics. Just need his Awakening and G+ in order to fully complete him. 

But if I pull on this banner again, I just know that I’ll get dupes this time. Considering how much of this banner I’ve already acquired, only a miracle would ensure I actually get something new. 

I’ll probably definitely be pissed off if when that happens so I should just forget about pulling and leave this banner on a high note. 

But on the other hand, it was also true that I’m only 2 pulls away from getting the 5th Stamp Sheet reward that would let me pick between Ravus’s AASB and G+.

If I pull 2 more times here, maybe I’ll end up with dupes and more dupes but I’m also guaranteed to get Ravus’s Awakening thanks to the Stamp Sheet. 

If I get even just a little bit lucky, maybe either Ravus’s Glint+ or AASB will show up during my pulls so I can pick the one I’m missing from the 6-star Select.

Do I really need to do this though? Of course I’d love to have all of Ravus’s Soul Breaks but I already have his DASB, Sync and TASB. That should be more than good enough for now. 

But then I thought, I’m basically 2 pulls away for a guaranteed AASB. If I don’t try to get this now, where and when will I ever get the chance to get this again? Pulling will also give me another chance to maybe obtain Ignis’s AASB2. 

Been going back and forth, trying to decide what to do. Was leaning towards pulling again. 

Thankfully, before I could, I suddenly remembered that there was a second banner for the Starseer Oracle event. 

I was like, wait, this banner 2 shares the same Stamp Sheet as banner 1, right? If so, then I could just pull twice on banner 2 then choose Ravus’s Awakening via the Stamp Sheet.

Starseer Oracle Banner 2

This banner contains the following relics:

  • Duel Code (XV) – contains Gladiolus’s SASB, Wild Tempest
  • Lunafreya’s Dress (XV) – contains Lunafreya Nox Fleuret’s (from Final Fantasy XV) SASB2, Oracle’s Decree
  • Ardyn’s Guise (XV) – contains Ardyn’s SASB, Mega Death
  • Slactuar Plushie (XV) – contains Iris Amicitia’s (from Final Fantasy XV) SASB, Pocket Mega-Potion
  • Scepter of the Pious (XV) – contains Noctis Lucis Caelum’s (from Final Fantasy XV) Chain Soul Break+ (CSB+), Bond (Noctis)
  • Hardedge (XV) – contains Gladiolus’s AASB, True Shield
  • Trident of the Oracle (XV) – contains Lunafreya’s AASB, Oracle’s Benevolence
  • Stuffed Chocobo (XV) – contains Iris’s AASB, Choco Tailwind
  • Sword of the Wise Variant (XV) – contains Ardyn’s Ultra Soul Break (USB), Aura of Darkness (XV)
  • Absorb Shield (XV) – contains Gladiolus’s G+, Proud Shield
  • Lunafreya’s Wedding Dress (XV) – contains Lunafreya’s G+, Oracle’s Mission
  • Ardyn’s Hat (XV) – contains Ardyn’s Legend Materia Relic+ (LMR+), Onslaught (Ardyn) 

To my relief, both of the Starseer Oracle banners share the same Stamp Sheet. Unfortunately, I already own a lot of the relics featured on banner 2. 

Have Ardyn’s LMR+ and USB, Iris’s SASB and AASB, and Lunafreya’s AASB. The bottom half of this banner is also bad. Glints and LMRs are nice to have but there’s no way I’d pick either over a BDL relic like a Sync or AASB. 

This banner does have a lot of good things that I’m still missing so was inclined to pull here, especially since I was already guaranteed to have Ravus’s Awakening as long as I spend 100 mythril on either banner.

Gladiolus Amicitia

Would love to have his Sync and AASB to go with his DASB. If I get 1 or both, I could see about making him one of my earth DPS and finding a different char to be my physical earth Chain holder. 

His G+ can be bought from the The Record Lab using Anima Lenses so I don’t want to see this when I pull on the Starseer Oracle banner 2.

Ardyn Izunia (Ardyn Lucis Caelum)

Of course, I’d love to have Ardyn’s Sync to go with his AASB and all the other new relics that I just got for him on the Starseer Oracle banner 1. 

He might not be my secondary physical dark DPS anymore, but I could still use him for the Final Fantasy XV Dreambreaker and Dragonking fights. 

Noctis Lucis Caelum

CSB+ can only be cast once so they’re not a substitute for actual Chains that have infinite uses unless you can finish the fight before the duration of the Chain runs out. 

These Chains have their uses though so wouldn’t mind getting them but I prefer to get a Sync, AASB, and DASB. 

Have a lot of Noctis’s Soul Breaks, including his AASB and fire Sync although I wish I could get his earth Sync and/or lightning Sync. Too bad neither are available on this banner.

Lunafreya Nox Fleuret

Have her AASB, USB, and LMR+. Lunafreya’s element is water. She’s a mix between a healer and a magical DPS. 

My magical water tech is severely lacking to the point wherein I don’t have a single char with a magical water AASB and SASB. So would definitely love to get Lunafreya’s Sync 2, especially since it’s way better than her Sync 1.

Starseer Oracle Banner 2 Multi-Draw 1 Results

My first multi-draw on the Starseer Oracle banner 2 gave me only 1 disco orb. But at least Dr. Mog appeared. The 7-star item I got was this sword that I was pretty sure belonged to Gladiolus.


Sure enough, when I got to the draw results screen, I confirmed that the sword does indeed belong to Gladio. It contained his SASB, Wild Tempest.


Now I have 2 BDL relics for Gladiolus. Yay! Pretty pleased with this multi-draw even though I do wish that I’d gotten more than 1 7-star relic.


Starseer Oracle Banner 2 Multi-Draw 2 Results

Had enough mythril to do my last pull on the Starseer Oracle banner 2 but, for now, I held off on doing so. Was worried about getting a dupe or getting yet another 1/11. 

Considering the results of my previous draws, I thought it might be time for me to get something crappy. I know it doesn’t really work like that but still couldn’t help worrying anyway.

Also found myself wondering – if I had a choice, would I go for Gladiolus’s AASB, Ardyn’s Sync, or Lunafreya’s Sync 2? Which one am I hoping to get when I do my last pull on this banner? Because there’s no way I’d get all 3 in one shot unless a miracle happens.

Ardyn’s Sync wasn’t that important anymore since I already have Ravus. Really need more magical water Soul Breaks but I doubted that I’d be able to tackle endgame content that requires a magical water elemental team even if I were to get Lunafreya’s Sync 2. 

Getting Gladio’s AASB would further improve my physical earth team though. It would really cement Gladiolus’s place as one of my physical earth DPS. So I found myself leaning towards hoping I’d get Gladio’s Awakening on my last multi-draw.

Two disco orbs showed up on my pull. Dr. Mog appeared and turned one of them into a 7-star item.

The 6-star relic turned into a dress so I already knew I’d just lost my chance of getting Gladiolus’s Awakening on this banner.


There was no Soul Break Rank Up Screen so this was most likely Lunafreya’s Glint+.


The 7-star relic also turned into a dress.


This was undoubtedly Lunafreya’s Sync 2.


Both items were new. And I was hoping to get Luna’s Sync. This pull could have been a lot worse. Still couldn’t help feeling a tad bit disappointed anyway. 

Too bad I missed out on Gladiolus’s AASB and Ardyn’s Sync. Wish that Glint+ had been an Awakening instead.


I’m down to 8 mythril so I can’t pull anymore even if I wanted to. I don’t though. I’m done pulling now. Not gonna push my luck anymore. 

Besides, I now also have the Stamp Sheet reward that would let me choose between Ravus’s AASB and Glint+.


Starseer Oracle Banners 1 and 2 Multi-Draws Results

Here’s a quick list of all the relics I got on these banners:

  1. Gladiolus DASB, Ardyn LBGS
  2. Ravus SASB
  3. Ravus DASB, Ravus TASB, Ardyn TASB, Ignis TASB
  4. Gladiolus DASB
  5. Lunafreya SASB2, Lunafreya G+

All the Soul Breaks I got were new. Maybe not all of them were all that useful (that G+ could have been an AASB instead) but, overall, I’m pretty pleased with the results of these pulls. 

Honestly, that really could have gone much, much worse. I’m so glad that wasn’t the case at all. I don’t regret choosing to pull on these banners even if it means missing out on most, if not all, of the upcoming fest.

Pulling on these banners also helped to rekindle my interest in this game. Thanks to being able to build Ravus and even Gladiolus, I’m now looking forward to being able to try out the dark-weak, lightning-weak, and earth-weak versions of Argent Odin. 

Might even see if I can put even just a bit of a dent on his water-weak version courtesy of my new Lunafreya Sync 2. Also feeling inspired to try out the Final Fantasy XV Dreambreaker and Dragonking fights.

Ravus Awakened Arcane Soul Break

Went to the relic exchange shop so I could pick up Ravus’s AASB already.


Too bad I can’t get his Glint+ as well. Someday, I hope I’ll be able to luck into this as well. Maybe it’ll get added in the The Record Lab sooner or later.


There’s no way I’m picking Ravus’s Glint+ over his Awakening though. The latter’s way better since it’s another BDL relic for him.


Ravus Nox Fleuret from Final Fantasy XV

Decided to max level all the relics I got for Ravus. For now, I’ve chosen to keep Ravus’s weapons and armor instead of immediately converting them to Rainbow Crystals. I’ve only ever done this for Genesis’s relics. 

Here are some screenshots:

Imperial Magitek Arm (XV), Ravus’s DASB – Awoken Violet Arc


Alba Leonis (XV), Ravus’s TASB – Technique – Last Rites


Tenebraen Raiment (XV), Ravus’s SASB – Hateful Onslaught


Ravus’s Boots (XV), Ravus’s AASB – Resentful Strike


Leveled up Ravus to 99. Maxed out his Crystal Water Points for ATK, HP, DEF, and RES. Unlocked all of his Record Spheres, all except for levels 2 and 3 of his Aegis Strike Sphere. 

Level 1 of this Sphere lets him use 6-star Knight-type abilities, level 2 gives a copy of the Aegis Strike 6-star holy elemental Knight-type ability, and level 3 increases his Knight ability damage by 3%. 

There are currently no 6-star Knight-type abilities that deal either dark or lightning damage though so opted not to fully complete Ravus’s Aegis Strike Sphere.


Completed the entirety of Ravus’s Record Board minus the tiles that can only be unlocked after beating the Final Fantasy XV Dragonking fight. 

Made his Hero Ability, which is known as Zantetsuken (XV), a Spellblade-type ability that deals lightning and dark damage. It only hits once but it can break the damage cap.


All of Ravus’s Hero Equipment are currently available in Kite’s Treasure Trove. Unlike the other Hero Equipment that are on this shop, the ones that belong to Ravus have perfect passives. 

Readily bought them all so I don’t need to farm for them later on in the Labyrinth Dungeons. 


Ravus Nox Fleuret Soul Breaks Animations

Just saw the animations for Ravus’s Soul Breaks. Some of them are voiced, which is really nice. 

The only problem was that this only applied to the Japanese version of Final Fantasy Record Keeper. Really, really wish that wasn’t the case at all.

Would really love it if the English version of the game had voiced Soul Breaks as well. Some of Genesis’s Soul Breaks are voiced too, and I’d really love to be able to listen to them all the time. 

Someday, I really hope that the voiced Soul Breaks will make their way to the Global version of the game. 

In the meantime, here are vids featuring Ravus’s Soul Breaks for reference:

Ravus’s Dual Awakening Soul Break – Awoken Violet Arc

Ravus’s True Arcane Soul Break – Technique – Last Rites

Ravus’s Synchro Arcane Soul Break – Hateful Onslaught

Ravus’s Awakened Arcane Soul Break – Resentful Strike

Ravus’s Glint+ Soul Break – Imperial Warrior


So what about you? Did you pull on either of the Starseer Oracle banners? How did your pulls go? What do you think about the relics featured on these banners? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.


  • screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
  • originally published on my main Tumblr blog on May 20th, 2022 9:10:28pm

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