
Definition: This site/blog refers to Final Fantasy Archives with URL link: https://finalfantasyarchives.wordpress.com/

All opinions expressed in this site/blog are mine and mine alone. These opinions are not meant to offend anyone in any way, shape, or form. We are allowed to have differing opinions, and we are allowed to share our thoughts and express ourselves and practice freedom of speech, so let us respect each other’s opinions even if we may not believe in the same things.

Content found on this site/blog

I try to ensure that all the facts, information, content, etc presented/shown on this site/blog are all 100% accurate and up-to-date, however, please keep in mind that mistakes can and do happen. Furthermore, it should also be taken into consideration that, sometimes, information can and does change.

No liability or warranties

For these and many other reasons, some of the content in this site/blog may contain inaccurate information even though this was not the case at one point in time. As such, it should be noted that everything on this site/blog is provided as-is, and there shall be no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied. This blog/site will not and can not be held liable or responsible for anything. It is up to the user/reader/visitor/etc of this site/blog to double-check or confirm the accuracy of any info they plan to use in any way, shape, or form.

No compensation

You will not be compensated in any way, shape, or form in case anything happens (such as a loss, injury, or damage, etc) while you are reading the contents of this site/blog.

Nature of this site/blog

This site/blog is not medical or legal in nature. Content you can find on this site/blog is all about Final Fantasy games like Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) and Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK). This includes reviews, discussions, guides, plans, current progress, and more.

Free will / Choice

If you do not like what this site/blog is talking about, discussing, analyzing, etc, then please do not read, visit, use, access, etc this site/blog. You are here of your own free will.


All standard disclaimers apply to this site/blog. Your mileage may vary. No offense is meant to anyone. You are free and welcome to agree or disagree with any of the content, text, etc on this site/blog, but let us all respect each other’s opinions and each other regardless of our differences.

Links to other important information:

  1. Terms of Use/Service
  2. Privacy Policy
  3. Disclosure
  4. Contact page

Last updated: April 20, 2022 Wednesday