Privacy Policy

Blogs/sites hosted on follow WordPress’s Privacy Policy.


This site/blog refers to Final Fantasy Archives with URL link:

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Lack of information collection

This site/blog does not knowingly collect information from anyone under the age of 13. It does not collect information from anyone. This site/blog is not password-protected, so it can be accessed/visited/explored by anyone who wants to. This also means that anyone who wants to is free and more than welcome to comment on the posts here, share the articles here (such as by using the available sharing buttons), use the contact link, etc.

Cookie Policy / Notice

This site/blog uses cookies just like most, if not all, of the other sites/blogs out there. Examples of these cookies are the ones set by WordPress, Amazon, etc. This site/blog has no control or access over any of the cookies, beacons, etc that are set by affiliate programs like Amazon, or the ones set by WordPress, etc.

These cookies are supposed to make your experience with the site/blog more awesome, but you can disable them if you want to by changing the settings of your Internet browser (like Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome). However, keep in mind that disabling these cookies might not make the site/blog work as intended. For example, parts of the site/blog may not load, etc.

You can check out’s cookie policy here. For Amazon’s terms and policies, see below.

Amazon Associates

This site/blog is part of the Amazon Associates Affiliate Program. For more information, check out the Disclosure page linked below. This program also uses cookies similar to other advertising programs. You can check out Amazon’s Privacy Policy here. Find out more about Amazon’s interest-based ads policy here. You can set your Amazon advertising preferences here:

Social media sharing buttons

The social media sharing buttons used on this site/blog are set by Refer to WordPress’s terms and policies to find out more about these sharing buttons. These buttons will lead you directly to the social media website in question, and your use of these social media websites will be governed by said social media website’s terms, policies, etc. You are strongly advised/encouraged to read through the terms and policies of these social media websites.

Changes / updates to the Privacy Policy

This site/blog may change its Privacy Policy from time-to-time, any time, and without notice to anyone. You can check the “last updated” date displayed below to see when this site/blog’s Privacy Policy was last updated/changed.

Contact this site/blog

If you have any questions, comments, etc, you can contact this site/blog here.

Links to other important information:

  1. Terms of Use/Service
  2. Disclaimer
  3. Disclosure

Last Updated: April 19, 2022 Tuesday