
This blog is meant to be a backup of all my Final Fantasy-related posts that were originally published on my main Tumblr blog. This includes mobile gacha games like Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) and Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK).

Recently, had a bit of a scare when I discovered that my Tumblr account had been terminated. There was some sort of mistake or accident or something. Thankfully, was able to get it back but that had been one of the most stressful and depressing weeks ever. Will talk more about that in another post but the point is that now I’m scrambling to back up everything.

I started trying to back up my blogs before but, sadly and unfortunately, I never got to finish doing so. Heck, I barely managed to get anything backed up. Now, I’ll really try my best to finish backing up everything. I don’t want to lose anything.

Opted not to use WordPress’s import feature because my main Tumblr blog isn’t just made up of my Final Fantasy articles. Also have posts about a variety of other topics. And when I exported my blog, I actually ended up with over 10GB+ worth of content. If I’d tried to import that here on WordPress, I definitely would have run into the free version’s 3.0 GB media limit. So will just have to back up my posts manually. It’s too bad that WordPress doesn’t have a single post importer unlike Medium.com.  Or is it actually possible to do that here?

Anyway, so as aforementioned, this blog is all about Final Fantasy and all the stuff that’s related to it. For now, this only refers to the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia and Final Fantasy Record Keeper mobile gacha games. Posts here include my current progress on those games, reviews, thoughts, analyses, discussions, guides, plans, and more. All posts contain original text content. Screenshots are from my game accounts.

Note that this blog is a secondary blog. My primary and main WordPress.com blog is Freya Yuki, so this is what I will be using to like posts and follow other WordPress users.

Feel free and welcome to like, reblog, comment, and/or share any one of the posts on this blog. You can make use of the provided share buttons, which you can see at the end of each post. You can also copy a short paragraph from the article, but, please, do not repost or copy the whole thing. Please contact me first if you’d like to buy a post or have one written for your blog or website.

Contact me

If you have any questions, need some help, or just want to chat about DFFOO and/or FFRK, feel free to contact me, and I’ll try to reply as soon as possible.

© 2022 Freya Yuki

All the content on this blog is copyrighted. All rights reserved, unless stated otherwise.

Last updated: April 20, 2022 Wednesday