Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Umbral Equinox Banners

Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Umbral Equinox Banners

The Umbral Equinox event just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. This event came with 2 banners.

Umbral Equinox Banner 1

The Umbral Equinox banner 1 features the following chars and their weapons:

  • Wakka from Final Fantasy X – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
  • Amidatelion from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
  • Setzer Gabbiani from Final Fantasy VI – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD

Problems with the Umbral Equinox Banner 1

This must be one of the worst freaking banners ever. For starters, there’s no featured Burst weapon here which really sucks. 

Yeah, there are 3 LDs on this banner but as can be seen in the screenshot above, only one is new. The other 2 are old and basically useless since they’ve been powercept by now.

If it weren’t for Setzer Gabbiani from Final Fantasy VI (#ad), I wouldn’t even bother with this banner. But Setzer’s said to be really good and I really need to update my roster a bit since it’s been a while since I really pulled and built a char. 

The last banner I pulled on was the one which featured Queen’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD. But I never really fully built her. Didn’t even get her Artifacts or any of her Char boards and such so I never got to use her on a Lufenia quest.

I have Amidatelion fully built from before so I don’t need nor want any of their stuff on this banner. I don’t even use them in my main party anymore although I sometimes still use them as a Call. 

Seriously though, if they’d just put a BT on the Umbral Equinox banner 1 instead of Ami’s LD, said banner would have been much, much better even if the featured Burst was an old one.

Getting a dupe Burst was way better than getting a dupe LD since at least you can sell the dupe Burst for 5 BT Tokens. Once you get 50 BT Tokens, you can exchange it for any Burst you want that’s currently available on the BT Exchange Shop.

I’m missing Wakka’s LD but not really interested in it, certainly not now when he’s already been powercrept. I never really got to use him since I didn’t get his LD way back when it first showed up. But I did Purple his Ex for the Sphere.

It’s been a while since Setzer got updated. Back when he got his Ex+, opted not to invest in him although I have his Ex since the resources needed to Purple chars were quite scarce. Recently though, I ended up Purpling him in anticipation of his upcoming LD.

Umbral Equinox Banner 1 Free First Multi-Draw Results

As part of some campaign or other, we get a free first multi-draw on the Umbral Equinox banner 1. This free pull gave me 2 golds – dupes of Wakka’s 15cp and 35cp. Meh.


Umbral Equinox Banner 1 Multi-Draws Results

Really want Setzer’s LD so decided it was best to go in with gems even though this banner really sucks. Hopefully, he’ll come home quickly enough. 

Here are the results of my multi-draws on the Umbral Equinox banner 1:

  • Amidatelion’s 15cp and Amidatelion’s Ex, came from a gold orb – ugh, Ami, stop trolling me, please

Already have all of your weapons MLB. Don’t need them anymore.

  • Setzer’s 15cp, Wakka’s 15cp, 2 Setzer’s 35cp – how could getting 4 golds on a multi-draw turn out to be so disappointing?
  • Amidatelion’s 15cp and Amidatelion’s Ex, came from a gold orb – again? Seriously? Argh! So frustrating!

Was getting really miffed with the results of my pulls so lost the motivation to screenshot them. They were all mostly trash anyway with the usual bronze and silver crap and a few gold dupes here and there. 

Really hate this banner and the fact that it doesn’t have a BT and has 2 old LDs, one of which I already have.

A few pulls later, I got a gold orb which turned into my very first copy of Wakka’s LD.


It’s new but couldn’t really feel that excited about getting it since Wakka’s been powercrept by now. So I don’t really see myself using him and his LD. 


Besides, would have to spend more resources if I want to use him. The Power Stones to MLB his LD isn’t really an issue. The problem was the points needed to max out a char’s Boards which are still scarce.

Also, I couldn’t help but think, what if that LD had been Setzer’s instead of Wakka’s? I could have been done with this banner by now. 

It was really vexing how my gem count kept going down and yet Setzer’s LD had yet to show up. It felt like I was really gonna have to pity him. If this banner at least featured a BT, it wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe I could have gotten that BT.

As I feared, ended up having to pity Setzer’s LD. Went from having 501,920 gems down to 431,920 gems. Really freaking pissed, especially since this is such a crappy banner. If only there was at least 1 BT here as well. Sigh. Eff this banner!


Amidatelion trolled me a lot. Their Ex showed up a whopping 10 times. Well, assuming I didn’t have a copy or 2 already in my inventory from when I pulled for them before. 


Also got dupes of Setzer’s Ex and a lot of the 15cp and 35cp featured here. Amidatelion’s LD didn’t show up again though and only got 1 copy of Wakka’s LD.


Need to get back to saving again. Hopefully, I won’t have to pity anymore weapons anytime soon. And hopefully, we don’t get any more trash banners like this one.

Umbral Equinox Banner 2

The Umbral Equinox banner 2 features the following chars and their weapons:

  • Vaan from Final Fantasy XII – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and Burst or BT
  • Kefka Palazzo from Final Fantasy VI – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and Burst
  • Ardyn Izunia (Ardyn Lucis Caelum) from Final Fantasy XV – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and Burst

A triple BT banner is definitely better than a triple LD one even if this one has nothing new. 

Already have all of Ardyn’s weapons. This event introduced his LD Boards and raised his level cap from Level 70 to 80 and Crystal Level 70 to 80. 

Missing Kefka’s LD and BT although wasn’t really interested in him. AFAIK, have his base Ex at 2 LB or so. His 15cp and 35cp are already fully MLB.

Missing Vaan’s LD and BT. Have his 15cp, 35cp, and Ex fully MLB. Purpled his Ex for his Sphere. He was rather underwhelming when he first came out so skipped him. This event gave him a really good rework though so he’s the real prize on this banner.

Umbral Equinox Banner 2 Free First Multi-Draw Results

The free pull gave me a gold orb which turned into 2 dupes of Kefka’s 35cp and Vaan’s Ex. Too bad that wasn’t Vaan’s LD instead. Ah, well, at least the Sphere from his Ex wasn’t that bad.


Was planning to skip this banner since I already have Ardyn and wasn’t really interested in Kefka. Besides, it’s been a while since Kefka came out so he’s also been powercrept by now. 

Vaan got a rework and update with this event and he’s supposed to be a really good magical DPS now so wouldn’t mind having him but I don’t know. After pitying Setzer, really wasn’t in the mood to pull and have to pity another banner again so soon.

But was having some trouble with the The Forbidden Mesa Boss Rush and the Umbral Equinox Lufenia quests so I found myself eying this banner. Thought about pulling for Vaan’s LD so I could have another char who could help me with the aforementioned quests.

Umbral Equinox Banner 2 Ticket Pulls Results

In the end, decided to go for it. Really didn’t want to use gems anymore though so went in with tickets. Thankfully, have 588 on hand so, hopefully, that’ll be enough to get me Vaan’s LD. 


Vaan’s BT would be nice to have but don’t mind missing it. His LD was what was really important for him anyway.

Aside from the usual bronze and silver trash as well as a few gold dupes, I got a gold orb which turned into my very first copy of Kefka’s LD.


It’s new but – ugh, couldn’t help but wish that had been Vaan’s LD instead so I could be done with this banner already.


Not really fond of Kefka and he’s been powercrept by now so not interested in using him even with his LD. Haven’t even fully MLB’d his base Ex. 


The only reason I’d even consider Purpling it would be for its Sphere since it’s one of the best E Spheres in the game.

A few 10-ticket pulls later and I got this gold orb which, to my complete and utter surprise, gave me a whopping 6 golds. Got 2 copies of Ardyn’s 15cp, Ardyn’s 35cp, Kefka’s 15cp, and 2 copies of Kefka’s LD.


It was pretty awesome to see so many golds, especially since this was a ticket pull which doesn’t guarantee anything. It just sucks that these were all dupes. 

Also, it was frustrating to see Kefka’s LD again. That could have been Vaan’s LD instead. Wish even just one of those had been Vaan’s LD instead. Sigh. Kefka, stop trolling me.

Even Ardyn decided to troll me with a dupe of his LD. Got a gold orb which gave me only 1 gold weapon – a dupe of Ardyn’s LD. Argh! Vaan LD, doko da? Am I gonna run out of tickets without seeing you?


Another gold orb gave me 4 gold items – Kefk’s Ex, Ardyn’s Ex, Ardyn’s 35cp, and Kefka’s 35cp. WTF? How come I keep getting Kefka’s and Ardyn’s stuff? Where’s Vaan? He’s supposed to be on rate-up too.


And Kefka, will you please stop trolling me? Got his LD two more times on two separate 10-pulls.


Now have more than enough to be able to MLB his LD without having to use a single Power Stone. Ahh, if only even one of those LDs had been Vaan’s instead.


Was starting to lose hope of ever seeing Vaan’s LD. Thought for sure I’d run out of tickets with nothing to show for it. But then, to my surprise, a few more pulls later and Vaan’s LD actually showed up.


Hell, yes! So freaking happy to see this. Even got a dupe of Ardyn’s 35cp on this 10-pull.


Still have 368 tickets left when Vaan’s LD showed up. Really happy that Vaan’s LD came home and that he didn’t take all of my tickets.



So, what about you? Did you pull on the Umbral Equinox banners? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.


  • screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
  • originally published on my main Tumblr blog on Jul 18th, 2022 8:26:43pm

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