Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Freya Crescent LD Banner

Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Freya Crescent LD Banner

The May Faire Campaign event just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. This event came with 2 banners.

May Faire Campaign Banner 1

The May Faire Campaign banner 1 features the following chars and their weapons:

  • Freya Crescent from Final Fantasy IX (#ad) – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
  • Zidane Tribal from Final Fantasy IX – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
  • Ciaran from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles – Burst or BT only

Have all of the Zidane weapons featured on this banner. Missing Ciaran’s BT.

Have Freya’s 15cp, 35cp, and Ex. Her Ex has been Realized to  Ex+ 0/3. Missing her LD.

May Faire Campaign Banner 1 Free First Multi-Draw

As part of the May Faire Campaign, we get a free first multi-draw on the banner with Freya’s LD.

My free pull gave me 3 golds, all dupes – 2 copies of Zidane’s 15cp and 1 copy of Freya’s 15cp.


Freya Crescent from Final Fantasy IX Info

Freya Crescent from Final Fantasy IX is a support and healer with pretty decent buffs and auras. She can also deal pretty good damage.

Her LD gives her the ability to jump into the air where she’ll be able to evade all attacks. Every time a char moves, she’ll do a follow-up attack. 

Was kinda interested in Freya but didn’t want to gem her banner since I’m only missing her LD and Ciaran’s BT. Didn’t really think I needed her but she’d definitely be nice to have. 

May Faire Campaign Banner 1 Ticket Pulls Results

So decided to try my luck with tickets. Currently have 303 on hand.


Got the usual bronze and silver trash with the occasional gold dupe.


Then, a bit later on, got a gold orb which turned into –


A dupe of Zidane’s LD. Ugh. How utterly disappointing. Wish this had been Freya’s LD instead.


Was down to 213 tickets when Zidane’s LD showed up.


Just when I was starting to think that I wouldn’t be able to get Freya’s LD, it finally graced me with its presence.


Was so pleased to see my very first copy of Freya’s LD. Now I can finally be done with this banner. Still missing Ciaran’s BT but it’s fine. Not really interested in him anyway. Not planning to Green him either even if I luck into his Burst.


Was down to 150 tickets when Freya’s LD finally showed up.


Freya Crescent from Final Fantasy IX

Spent the Power Stones needed to MLB Freya’s LD. Completed all of her Summon Boards. Bought her Bloom Stone and her High Armor. Even Realized her High Armor to 0/3.


Unlocked parts of her Character Enhancement Boards, particularly the tiles needed to get her LD Call and LD extension passive.

Farmed for triple of her perfect Artifacts – 3 ATK 108 with Dragon Knight of Burmecia Boost★★.


Equipped her with 3 RF Spheres – Yang Fang Leiden’s from Final Fantasy IV, Maria’s from Final Fantasy II, and Hope Estheim’s from Final Fantasy XIII.


Tried out Freya in a fight and she is pretty good. Her follow-up attacks deal pretty good damage. I also liked having her jump into the air then perform her follow-up attack every time one of her allies did something.

Freya’s my first built follow-up attacker char since I missed out on Yang, Cor Leonis from Final Fantasy XV, and Kain Highwind from Final Fantasy IV. Those 3 have similar mechanics to Freya in that they also have ways of doing follow-up attacks.

So this is the first time that I really got to experience having my own char do follow-up attacks. It’s pretty fun.

Since I found myself enjoying using Freya and being pretty impressed with her damage output and supporting capabilities, I found myself thinking about actually getting her High Armor then fully upgrading it to Blue.

She’s a support too so her Blue armor will benefit the entire party and not just her. As a support, I should have plenty of opportunities to use her. Like even if her damage falls off in the future, she can still be useful as a support.

Besides, I’ve been rather stingy with the Book and Ingots needed to Blue a char’s High Armor, so much so that up to now, I only have a few Blues. So I do have the resources to spare if I really wanted to Blue Freya’s High Armor.


After thinking about it some more, I decided to go for it. Since I Blued Freya, I also went ahead and fully finished the entirety of her Character Enhancement Boards.

No regrets. She’s even better now. Looking forward to taking her to do some endgame content.



So, what about you? Did you pull on the May Faire Campaign banner 1? What do you think about Freya, Ciaran, and Zidane? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.


  • screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
  • originally published on my main Tumblr blog on Aug 5th, 2022 9:38:37pm

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