Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Shelke Rui LD Banner

Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Shelke Rui LD Banner

The Shelke the Transparent event just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. This event came with 1 banner.

Shelke the Transparent Banner

The Shelke the Transparent banner features the following chars and their weapons:

  • Vayne Carudas Solidor from Final Fantasy XII – Burst or BT only
  • Shelke Rui from Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
  • Fujin from Final Fantasy VIII – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
  • Lulu from Final Fantasy X – 15cp, 35cp, and Ex

Missing Vayne’s BT. This is Shelke’s debut event so have nothing for her. Have all of Fujin’s and Lulu’s weapons. 

Fujin is fully MLB and Purple. Lulu’s 15cp and 35cp are fully MLB but her Ex hasn’t even been limit broken at all.

Shelke Rui from Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII (#ad) is a DPS who can get lots of free turns. She’s pretty good but I don’t really need her since I already have lots of DPS. 

Still, I thought I’d try throwing some tickets on her banner anyway. If I managed to snag her kit, I was thinking maybe I could use her in Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 3 to free up some chars from there.

Shelke the Transparent Banner Ticket Pulls Results

Currently all out of tickets but I managed to obtain a few from doing the quests and missions in the Illusory Lighthouse event and some of the other campaigns and such that were currently going on in DFFOO. 

Couldn’t even get a hundred tickets though so it seemed doubtful that I’d get anything.

And so, imagine my surprise when Shelke’s LD actually showed up after only a few 10-ticket pulls.


Was seriously not expecting that at all. This was a very pleasant surprise though.


Decided to pull first before playing through the Shelke the Transparent event so Shelke’s LD was the very first weapon that I got for her. This automatically recruited her and added her to my char list.


This 10-pull also gave me a dupe of Fujin’s 35cp.


Should have stopped pulling on this banner and saved the few tickets that I still had left. Yeah, I was missing copies of Shelke’s 15cp, 35cp, and Ex but I had ways of acquiring these things without having to pull. 

We get a free copy of Shelke’s 15cp just by playing through her event. Have hundreds of Power Tokens that I could use to exchange for her 35cp. 

Also have the Ex Tokens needed to exchange for her Ex. Then I can just use Power Stones to MLB everything.

Decided to keep pulling though. Was hoping to snag a copy of Shelke’s Ex so I wouldn’t have to use my Ex Tokens. I only have like 46 of these Tokens and it costs 10 of them to get a char’s Ex so was reluctant to use them.

Only have a few tickets left. However, instead of stopping when I ran out, I went to the Summon Boards and got the tickets from the treasure chests there. 

Only have a few tickets left to get from here but I ended up getting all of them just so I could keep pulling on the Shelke banner. I regret this now. Wish I hadn’t done this. 

At the very least, I wish I’d just stopped after getting enough copies of Shelke’s 15cp and 35cp to be able to MLB both without having to use a single Power Stone.


But I kept going because Shelke’s Ex refused to show up. It was really frustrating. Kept getting a lot of dupes and trash. 

Every time a gold orb popped up, was disappointed when I only got either Fujin’s Ex or Lulu’s Ex. At least Lulu’s Ex wasn’t MLB yet. Ended up getting so many dupes that I was eventually able to MLB the copy I had.


Then I even ended up with a dupe of Shelke’s LD.


A bit later on, a gold orb appeared and gave me my third copy of Shelke’s LD alongside a dupe of Fujin’s Ex. Argh! Shelke Ex, doko da?


Just when I thought I might actually be able to fully MLB Shelke’s LD via dupes, ended up with another copy of Fujin’s LD instead. Meh. 

Fujin’s LD came from a gold orb and brought with it 3 other golds – 2 copies of Shelke’s 35cp and 1 copy of Lulu’s 15cp. How could getting so many golds at once turn out to be so disappointing? 


Yeah, I could use the dupes of Shelke’s 35cp to limit break the one I already have but still. Wish I could have gotten her Ex instead.

In the end, ran out of tickets without seeing hide nor hair of Shelke’s Ex. So I had no choice but to use my Ex Tokens anyway. Sigh. Eff this banner.


Shelke Rui from Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII

As mentioned, managed to MLB Shelke’s 15cp and 35cp just via dupes. Spent the rest of the Power Stones needed to MLB her LD and Ex. 


Then I spent the Book and Ingots needed to Purple or get her Ex to Ex+ 3/3. Finished all of her Summon Boards. Bought her Bloom Stone.

Unlocked part of her LD Board, particularly the tiles that would give me her LD Call and her LD passive extension. 

As for the rest of her Character Enhancement Boards – couldn’t make up my mind yet on whether it was worth it to complete them or not. 

Wasn’t really planning to use Shelke for a Lufenia+ fight, not even the one from her own event where she’s synergy. 

I mean, haven’t done the quest yet at the time I’m writing this post, but I’m already thinking about the chars I wanna use and Shelke didn’t make the list.

However, I do still want to use her on Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 3, which is why I’m also thinking about whether to buy her High Armor or not. 

I’m thinking it’s better to try the quest first in her current state to see how she does. If I need more damage from her, then I could get her High Armor and finish the rest of her Boards.

In the meanwhile, started farming for Shelke’s Artifacts while I tried to clear out the contents of the co-op shop of her event. 

It took way too long but eventually managed to get triple ATK 108 with Net Diver Up★★ (While Amber Eyes active: Raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 5%). Actually ended up getting 4 which was just as well since one cost a whopping 15cp.


Before getting Shelke’s preferred Arts, kept on getting the useless ones as well as ATK 108 with MAX BRV 330.



So, what about you? Did you pull on the Shelke the Transparent banner? What do you think about Vayne, Shelke, Fujin, and Lulu? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.


  • screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
  • originally published on my main Tumblr blog on Aug 6th, 2022 9:22:26pm

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