Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Yuffie Kisaragi And Rude Banner

Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Yuffie Kisaragi And Rude Banner

The The Terse Turk Lost Chapter event just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. This event came with 1 banner.

The Terse Turk Banner

The The Terse Turk banner features the following chars and their weapons:

  • Yuffie Kisaragi from Final Fantasy VII (#ad) – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
  • Rude from Final Fantasy VII – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
  • Lann & Reynn from World of Final Fantasy – 15cp, 35cp, and Ex
  • Yuna from Final Fantasy X – Burst or BT only

Was planning to skip this banner because I already have Yuna’s, Rude’s, and Lann & Reynn’s entire kit. For Yuffie, I have everything for her except her LD since this banner is its first appearance.

However, I was having some trouble with the Dimensions’ End: Transcendence, Tier 4, Crucible 2 Lufenia quest because the Lufenia orbs there require ranged brave damage. 

Yuffie’s entire kit is ranged so thought she might be able to help with this fight.

The Terse Turk Banner Tickets Pulls Results

Currently only have 204 tickets on hand though. So here’s to hoping I can get Yuffie’s LD before I run out of tickets.


My first 10-pull was trash so didn’t even bother taking a screenshot. 

But surprisingly, my second draw gave me a gold orb. Tried not to get too hyped, sure I was about to get nothing more than a dupe. 

As the items started revealing themselves one-by-one, it seemed like I was indeed about to be disappointed since only bronzes and silver crap showed up. 

Looks like I was gonna get only one gold from this pull. Then that gold finally showed up, and it revealed itself to be –


My very first copy of Yuffie’s LD! OMFG! Also, hell yes! Could hardly believe this. What a very pleasant surprise to see Yuffie’s LD after only 2 10-ticket pulls. Didn’t think it’d show up this soon or at all so definitely very happy about that.


Now am definitely done with this banner. Glad I still have 184 tickets left for other banners.


Anyway, my Yuffie’s 15cp, 35cp, and Ex were all actually fully MLB already. Also have her Ex Purpled for her Sphere.


If I’m remembering correctly, gave this Sphere to Terra Branford from Final Fantasy VI. 

So now that I have Yuffie’s LD, maxed that out as well. Completed the rest of her Summon Boards and even got all of her Character Enhancement Boards.

The good news is that, after a couple more tries, I was finally able to clear the Dimensions’ End: Transcendence, Tier 4, Crucible 2 Lufenia quest. I talk more about that in another post.


The bad news is that I didn’t get to use Yuffie. I tried but, sadly, couldn’t get the win with her. 

I talk more about this in another post but, yeah, kinda miffed that I pulled for Yuffie’s LD and even spent the resources needed to max out all her Boards and yet didn’t even get to use her. Sigh.

Ah, well. At least her LD didn’t cost me that much. I’m minus 8k of the points needed to max a char’s Enhancement Boards but I guess it’s not that bad. 

Maybe I’ll get to use Yuffie in other quests. And at least now I have another ranged char in case there’s another Lufenia orb that requires one or something.


So, what about you? Did you pull on the The Terse Turk banner? What do you think about Yuffie, Rude, Yuna, and Lann & Reynn? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.


  • screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
  • originally published on my main Tumblr blog on Aug 11th, 2022 8:16:27pm

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