Final Fantasy Record Keeper 5-Star Magicite Madeen Fight

Final Fantasy Record Keeper 5-Star Magicite Madeen Fight

In the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, Madeen is the 5-star holy Magicite that’s weak to dark-type attacks. She takes reduced damage from physical attacks. 

Nevertheless, I still chose to bring Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII to this fight anyway. Sephi’s a physical dark elemental DPS although he does have some fire relics.


I already know that Sephiroth can win this fight because that’s exactly what I did in my Japanese Final Fantasy Record Keeper account. 

In fact, Seph basically soloed the fight. He was my only DPS. The rest of the chars I brought were just there to buff him, support him, and keep him alive.

So my team for my English FFRK account was basically like that too although slightly different since I don’t have the exact same relics on both accounts. 

For starters, I decided to bring Lenna Charlotte Tycoon from Final Fantasy VI as my healer and dancer. I brought Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII (#ad) to sing the Warrior’s Hymn.

Also brought Barret Wallace from Final Fantasy VII with Wrath and Entrust to provide gauges and cast his Awakened Arcane Soul Break 2 (AASB2), which buffs attack.


I brought Garland from Final Fantasy I only because he was my dark Chain Soul Break (CSB) holder. 

I didn’t have the Rubies to buy the Touched by Darkness (imperils the dark element) ability so I had to make do with using Anima Lenses to buy Garland’s Soul Break that lowers an enemy’s dark resistance.

Managed to win on the first try though it took 41.86 seconds since I ended up messing up a bit when it came to using abilities and Soul Breaks and the like. 

It’s fine though. Super pleased that I managed to win with this team.


So what about you? Have you tried fighting against 5-star Magicite Madeen yet? How did it go? What team did you use? What do you think about this fight? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.


  • screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
  • originally published on my main Tumblr blog on Sep 28th, 2022 10:58:21pm

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