Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Sherlotta Banners

Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Sherlotta Banners

The Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 10 event just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. This event came with 2 banners.

Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 10 Banner 1

The Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 10 banner 1 features the following chars and their weapons:

  • Sherlotta from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, Force or FR, and Burst or BT
  • Lenna Charlotte Tycoon from Final Fantasy V – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
  • Aphmau from Final Fantasy XI – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD

Have everything on this banner except for Sherlotta’s LD, FR, and BT.

Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 10 Banner 2

The Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 10 banner 2 features the following chars and their weapons:

  • Sherlotta from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time – FR only
  • Exdeath from Final Fantasy V – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and BT
  • Irvine Kinneas from Final Fantasy VIII – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
  • Yda Hext from Final Fantasy XIV – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD

Have everything on this banner except for Sherlotta’s FR, Exdeath’s Ex, LD, and BT, and Irvine’s LD. My copies of Irvine’s Ex and Exdeath’s 15cp and 35cp aren’t fully MLB yet.

Thoughts about Sherlotta from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time

My Sherlotta from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time (#ad) has her 15cp, 35cp, and Ex fully MLB. She doesn’t have her High Armor but her base armor’s been Purpled.


She has triple perfect Artifacts – 3 MAX BRV 330 with Living Out Eternity Boost★★ (Raises MAX BRV, SPD by 5% while Light of the Crystal buff active).


Sherlotta has her Bloom Stone. All of her Summon Boards have been completed. Fully unlocked and completed the Character Enhancement Boards for her 15cp, 35cp, and Ex.

I like Sherlotta well enough but she’s not a fave or anything. I remember when she first showed up in the game with her 15cp, 35cp, and Ex. She was said to be a really good support and healer and buffer so I pulled for her. No regrets because she was really good.

When her LD first came though, I already have a lot of other supports and didn’t think I really needed her so I skipped her. Now her 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD have shown up again, accompanied by her Burst and Force weapons. The latter 2 are new and appearing for the first time on the Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 10 banners.

Been hearing lots of pretty good things about Sherlotta as a support and buffer if her Burst has been upgraded to Green or BT+ 3/3. Even withot this, she’s also an excellent force gauge charger, assuming her Force Enhancements have been fully maxed. Her Force ability is also pretty good.

Initially, as in before the Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 10 banners showed up, I was seriously considering pulling for Sherlotta. After all, you can never have enough supports, and she is really good.

But the thing is the very next Burst cycle after Sherlotta will be Lunafreya Nox Fleuret’s from Final Fantasy XV. Lunafreya will be the latest playable char to be added to Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia.

She’ll be arriving with her 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, BT, and FR. Lunafreya is also a support, buffer, and healer. She’s being heavily compared to Sherlotta. 

Although both are supports and buffers and healers, they do this in different ways. For instance, Lunafreya can enchant the party and imperil enemies with the ice and water elements while Sherlotta can’t do that at all.

Both are really good, but if I had to choose 1, I was more inclined to go with Lunafreya just because I like her more than Sherlotta. 

In fact, I’ve been wanting to pull for Lunafreya the moment I heard that she’d been introduced as a playable chara in the Japanese version of DFFOO. Couldn’t wait for her to show up in the Global or English version of the game as well.

So I thought maybe I’d be better off just skipping Sherlotta and waiting for Lunafreya.

Was all set to do that but the Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 10 Shinryu (level 300) quest put a wrench in that plan. This Shinryu fight is said to be really hard. 

Having Sherlotta will make it easier to deal with the mechanics and gimmicks of this fight. Tidus from Final Fantasy X is also an option. That is, assuming one has him fully built and maxed, of course.

I actually have all of Tidus’s weapons but haven’t even Realized his Burst to BT+ 0/3 and his Force weapon hasn’t been limit broken at all. I have his High Armor but haven’t bothered to Realize it to 0/3. And I didn’t even get any of his Force Enhancements.

Tidus is a DPS and he is really, really good but, right now, my preferred DPS is Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII. Sephi is my go-to for any Shinryu fight unless we’re talking about Dimensions’ End: Transcendence quests since this locks out chars if you’ve already used them on one stage.

Didn’t want to build Tidus just for 1 fight. So I was back to eyeing Sherlotta with interest. I could use her for Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 10 then she can also see some use in other Shinryu quests since she is a support.

She can speed up charging my force gauge (up to now, I still don’t have a dedicated force gauge charger) and she can even buff and support Sephiroth.

Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 10 Banner 1 Multi-Draws Results

So I decided to pull for Sherlotta. Went in with gems since I’m missing 3 of her weapons. While I want to get her LD, FR, and BT, I’m hoping that I don’t get her Burst on this banner.

This is because I currently have 50 Burst Tokens on hand. That’s the maximum amount that players can carry. If you get any more Tokens, they get sent to your gift box where they’ll stay for 90 days. After 90 days, the Tokens and anything else that have been there for that long will automatically be deleted.

There’s a Burst Power Token Exchange shop. This contains every single Burst weapon that is currently available in Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia. Every time a new BT is released, it will be added to this shop. 

50 Burst Tokens are needed in order to exchange for 1 Burst weapon that’s in the shop.

I have around 3 Burst Tokens that are set to expire in a week or 2. So I really need to use the 50 BT Tokens that I have on hand already.

My plan is to use those Tokens to get Sherlotta’s BT. So I don’t want to get her Burst while pulling on the Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 10 banner 1.

Anyway, currently have 1193720 gems on hand. Here are the results of my multi-draws on this banner:

  • 4/11, all dupes – 2 Sherlotta 15cp, 1 Lenna 15cp, and 1 Aphmau 35cp
  • 2/11, all dupes, came from a gold orb – 1 Lenna LD and 1 Aphmau 15cp
  • 1/11 – dupe Sherlotta 15cp

Meh. So far, my pulls have been pretty bad, especially that 1/11 dupe. Thankfully, the next multi-draw gave me something new. Got a gold orb and one of the items that showed up was soon revealed to be –


My very first copy of Sherlotta’s LD. Hell, yes! Super pleased to see this.


Too bad the results of the rest of this pull was really bad. Only got 1 gold while the rest were bronze and silver trash. The single gold being Sherlotta’s LD more than made up for that though.


I now have 80 G Tokens on this banner. Need 400 in order to use these to exchange for Sherlotta’s FR. Hopefully, it won’t come to that. Just want to get her FR already so I can get out of this banner.

My next multi-draw gave me 4/11 again. It was nice to see so many golds. It’s just too bad they were all dupes. Got 2 Aphmau 15cp and 2 Sherlotta 15cp.


To my surprise and relief, my next multi-draw actually gave me a Force orb.


Hell, yes! Super pleased to see this. So happy to get my first copy of Sherlotta’s FR. Also really glad it didn’t cost me that much at all.


This multi-draw also gave me dupes of Lenna’s 15cp and Aphmau’s Ex.


I now have 120 G Tokens on this banner. The only thing I can do with this is to exchange 100 of these Tokens for 4 Power Stones.


The rest of the stuff here require more Tokens so can’t exchange for them. And I’ll have 20 leftover Tokens but ah, well. It’s fine.


Sherlotta from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time

Glad I didn’t get Sherlotta’s Burst from the Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 10 banner 1. Can’t Token it yet though because I want to pull on the next banner that’s coming really soon.

Among other things, this banner will feature the Force weapon of Reno from Final Fantasy VII and Sherlotta’s BT. I’m hoping to get Reno’s FR while failing to get Sherlotta’s BT.

It’s only after pulling on the Reno FR and Sherlotta BT banner that I’ll use my Tokens to exchange for Sherlotta’s Burst. That is, assuming I don’t end up pulling Sherlotta’s BT anyway. Fingers crossed.

Anyway, I might not have Sherlotta’s BT yet but I’ve already made up my mind to fully max her out. 

So I unlocked her Force Enhancements up to the max of Level 30.


Bought her High Armor then spent the resources needed to Blue it.


Spent the 12 Power Stones needed to fully MLB her LD.


Also spent the resources needed to fully MLB her FR.


Created a Special or Unique-type Ultima Weapon (UT) for her. Managed to get this up to Level 3 of 5.


Equipped Sherlotta with the following real Spheres:

  • Lilisette’s (from Final Fantasy XI) Debuff Success BRV Gain All C Sphere

When inflicting debuff on target:
• Grants party BRV based on 5% of individual MAX BRV, once per turn


This has been rotting in my inventory for a long while now. Glad to finally get a chance to use it.

  • Paladin Cecil Harvey’s (from Final Fantasy IV) Full HP Break Hit BRV Gain All C Sphere

When inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break while own HP at MAX:
• Grants party 5% of individual MAX BRV once per turn


Already used up my copy of this Sphere. So I had to Purple a dupe Paladin Cecil Ex to get another copy of this Sphere.

  • Queen’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) Break Hit Attack Boost All Shorter D Sphere

When inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break:
• Raises party’s MAX BRV, ATK by 5% for 3 turns


Also had to Purple a dupe Queen Ex to get another copy of this Sphere.


A few days later, the banner featuring Reno’s FR and Sherlotta’s BT finally appeared. I talk more about my pulls on this banner in another post but I ended up getting Sherlotta’s Burst via tickets.


On one hand, it’s always nice to see a new BT. On the other hand, argh! Why’d this have to happen now? Since I already have Sherlotta’s Burst, will have to pick a different BT to exchange with my Tokens. 


That’s easier said than done. Unfortunately, I think a few of my Tokens will expire before Lunafreya’s banner gets here.

Gonna have to think about which BT to choose from the shop but I’ll talk more about that in another post.

Anyway, after getting Sherlotta’s Burst, spent the resources needed to fully max it out and upgrade it to BT+ 3/3 or Green.


Sherlotta in Shinryu Quests

Before I got Sherlotta’s BT and before I maxed out her FR, I used her in the Power & Magic’s Deepest Chasm SHINRYU or Blue Pulse Shinryu quest as a force gauge charger. The rest of my team was Sephiroth and Kain Highwind from Final Fantasy IV.


Basically just spammed Sherlotta’s first skill which has instant turn and charges the force gauge by a large amount. Her Ex charges pretty fast, especially when spamming her skills, so I’d also use it whenever it was up. 

Sherlotta’s Ex has instant turn rate too so it also charges the force gauge by a large amount. This is the first time I ever managed to charge the force gauge so fast.

Once my force gauge was fully charged, switched out Sherlotta for the friend support Kam’lanaut from Final Fantasy XI that I borrowed.

I talk more about this in another post, but managed to get the win by turn 22. Sherlotta did really well as my force gauge charger.


After getting Sherlotta’s BT and Greening it as well as fully maxing out her FR, decided to try her out on a Shinryu quest as my main DPS. 


Went with the Blue Pulse one again because there’s currently a time limited challenge mission that wants us to use Fujin from Final Fantasy VIII on said quest and get a perfect without using a friend support.

So my team for this fight was Sherlotta, Fujin, and Kain. I took a friend support but that was only because this char also has Force Enhancements at max level. And I think that helps even more with making my force gauge charge faster, especially since my Kain also has Force Enhancements Level 30.

Didn’t bring in the friend support at all. Didn’t spam all of Sherlotta’s skills right away. Also used her other skills. Once my force gauge was fully charged, had Sherlotta use her Force ability then activated her Burst+ phase. 

She was able to deal a lot of damage, especially since I also had her initiating launches thanks to the Cid Raines (from Final Fantasy XIII) LD Call that I had her equipped with.

My Kain is as maxed out as my Sherlotta. He also has an Ultima Weapon but his is at the max Level of 5 so he was able to deal a lot of damage. 

He’s a DPS whose main gimmick is to jump or fly up into the air and deal off-turn damage every time anyone on the field acts.

Made sure Kain was in the air while Sherlotta was in her BT+ mode for even more damage.

Fujin was undoubtedly the weak link on this team. Have her 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD fully MLB but don’t even have her High Armor. Missing her FR too. 

All of her Summon Boards have been completed but only unlocked parts of her Character Enhancement Boards, particularly the tiles that would give me her LD Call and LD extension passive.

Fujin provides party-wide enchant for the wind element. She also lowers the wind resistance of enemies. She can launch and battery with some of her skills.

Managed to get the win by turn 25. Sherlotta and Kain did really well. Fujin worked well enough. Glad I was able to clear this challenge mission.


No regrets on fully building Sherlotta. She’s really good. Looking forward to being able to use her on other Shinryu quests.



So, what about you? Did you pull on either of the Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 10 banners? What do you think about Sherlotta and all the other chars featured on these banners? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.


  • screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
  • originally published on my main Tumblr blog on Nov 5th, 2022 10:32:24pm

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