Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Reno Banner

Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Reno Banner

The Professional’s Pride (Intersecting Wills) event just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. This event came with 1 banner.

Professional’s Pride (Intersecting Wills) Banner

The Professional’s Pride (Intersecting Wills) banner features the following chars and their weapons:

  • Sherlotta from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time – Burst or BT only
  • Reno from Final Fantasy VII – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and Force or FR
  • Ashelia B’nargin Dalmasca from Final Fantasy XII – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
  • Alisaie Leveilleur from Final Fantasy XIV – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD

Have everything on this banner except for Sherlotta’s BT and Reno’s FR.

Thoughts about Reno from Final Fantasy VII

My Reno from Final Fantasy VII (#ad) has his 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD fully MLB. Don’t have his High Armor but his base armor’s been Purpled.


He has triple perfect Artifacts and triple RF Spheres. He has his Bloom Stone. All of his Summon Boards have been completed. Fully unlocked and completed the Character Enhancement Boards for his 15cp, 35cp, and Ex.

I like Reno well enough but he’s not a fave or anything. He’s a debuffer who deals decent enough damage.

Been hearing some pretty good things about Reno’s FR. It’s especially good for counter-based comps that have the enemies taking as many turns as possible.

Professional’s Pride (Intersecting Wills) Banner

I do like counter-based comps well enough so decided to pull on the Professional’s Pride (Intersecting Wills) banner. Hopefully, I can get Reno’s FR without spending too many tickets.

I want Sherlotta’s BT but I don’t want to get it from this banner. This is because I currently have 50 Burst Tokens on hand. That’s the maximum amount that players can carry. 

If you get any more Tokens, they get sent to your gift box where they’ll stay for 90 days. After 90 days, the Tokens and anything else that have been there for that long will automatically be deleted.

There’s a Burst Power Token Exchange shop. This contains every single Burst weapon that is currently available in Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia. Every time a new BT is released, it will be added to this shop.

50 Burst Tokens are needed in order to exchange for 1 Burst weapon that’s in the shop.

I have around 3 Burst Tokens that are set to expire in a week or 2. So I really need to use the 50 BT Tokens that I have on hand already.

My plan is to use those Tokens to get Sherlotta’s BT. So I don’t want to get her Burst while pulling on the Professional’s Pride (Intersecting Wills) banner.

Professional’s Pride (Intersecting Wills) Banner Tickets Pulls Results

Currently have 306 tickets on hand.


My pulls on the Professional’s Pride (Intersecting Wills) banner were pretty bad.


Because I keep getting blue orbs. And these orbs keep giving me nothing but bronze and silver trash.


It really sucks to get 10-draws that don’t have even a single gold dupe.


I did get some gold orbs and gold dupes but I just wish I’d get Reno’s FR already so I can get out of this banner before I run out of tickets.

Notable ticket pulls I got include the following:

  • 1/10, came from a gold orb – Ashe Ex dupe
  • 2/10, came from a gold orb – Ashe 35cp dupe and Alisaie LD dupe
  • 2/10 – Reno Ex dupe and Alisaie 35cp dupe
  • 1/10, came from a gold orb – Reno LD dupe

A few pulls later, I got a gold orb. Was expecting to see the usual dupe and, sure enough, I was being greeted by the sight of Ashe’s LD.

I thought that was it but then the background of the screen started changing into this purple color. 

Just when I thought that I was about to get Reno’s FR, the purple color soon morphed into this black and gold hue and then, seemingly all of a sudden, I was being greeted by the sight of Sherlotta’s Burst weapon.


On one hand, it’s always nice to see a new BT, and it’s always awesome to be able to get one via tickets. Plus, I do want Sherlotta’s Burst.


On the other hand, argh! Why’d this have to happen now? Since I already have Sherlotta’s Burst, will have to pick a different BT to exchange with my Tokens.


Now I don’t know which BT to pick. Gonna have to think about which Burst to choose from the shop but I’ll talk more about that in another post.

Anyway, was down to 206 tickets when Sherlotta’s Burst showed up. Honestly, I wish I’d gotten Reno’s FR instead. Then I could be done with this banner now and I could go ahead and spend my Tokens.

If I didn’t have to think about my Burst Tokens, would have been really pleased to have been able to get Sherlotta’s BT via tickets. Because otherwise I would have had to use gems to get it.

So I kept on pulling on the Professional’s Pride (Intersecting Wills) banner. Got more dupes of Ashe’s Ex.


Other notable pulls include the following:

  • 2/10, came from a gold orb – Reno LD dupe and Reno 15cp dupe
  • 1/10, came from a gold orb – Reno Ex dupe
  • 2/10 – Alisaie 35cp dupe and Alisaie LD dupe
  • 1/10, came from a gold orb – Alisaie Ex dupe
  • 1/10, came from a gold orb – Alisaie LD dupe
  • 1/10, came from a gold orb – Alisaie Ex dupe

Soon enough, I ran out of tickets. Was really hoping I’d be able to get Reno’s FR before that happened. Sigh.

Maybe I should have just stopped now. Maybe I should have just cut my losses and left this banner already. But I kinda, sorta really wanted to have Reno’s FR. Wanted to keep trying.

So I went and redeemed the tickets I hadn’t bothered to collect yet from the player missions tab. Was saving those as emergency funds for when I run out of tickets. I guess the time has come to use these resources. 

Hopefully, I’ll be able to get Reno’s FR with this new stack of tickets. Now have 260 tickets on hand.

Got the following notable pulls from these tickets:

  • 1/10, came from a gold orb – Alisaie LD dupe
  • 4/10, came from a gold orb – Ashe 35cp dupe, Ashe Ex dupe, Reno 15cp dupe, and Ashe LD dupe
  • 2/10, came from a gold orb – Alisaie 35cp dupe and Ashe LD dupe

Was so freaking pleased when a Force orb showed up.


Hell, yes! And freaking finally! Thought I’d run out of tickets without seeing this and Reno’s FR.


So happy to finally have my very first copy of Reno’s FR. To my surprise, 2 actually showed up on this draw.


Also ended up with 3 dupes of Ashe’s Ex. LOL.


Was down to 120 tickets when I got Reno’s FR. Glad to finally be over and done with this banner.


Reno from Final Fantasy VII

Immediately fused the 2 copies of Reno’s FR that I just got. But I decided to hold off on spending the resources needed to fully MLB said weapon.

I’ll most likely be using my daily free single draws on the Professional’s Pride (Intersecting Wills) banner so there’s a chance, however small, that I could end up with more dupes of Reno’s FR.


So for now, I just equipped Reno with his FR that’s been limit broken once. Also unlocked parts of his Character Enhancement Boards, particularly the tiles that would give me his LD extension passive. Also bought his High Armor.


So, what about you? Did you pull on the Professional’s Pride (Intersecting Wills) banner? What do you think about Sherlotta, Reno, and all the other chars featured on this banner? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.


  • screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
  • originally published on my main Tumblr blog on Nov 6th, 2022 9:20:32pm

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