Final Fantasy Record Keeper Cloud Strife Updated Relics and Stats List

Final Fantasy Record Keeper Cloud Strife Updated Relics and Stats List

In the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, Final Fantasy VII is the realm where I have the most relics. That’s because FF7 is my fave realm in this game.

If there’s a Final Fantasy VII banner or if a Final Fantasy VII char is featured on a banner, I almost always pull on said banner.

This post is all about Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII and all the Soul Breaks that I currently have for him as well as his current stats and such.


Final Fantasy Record Keeper End of Service Announcement

Unfortunately, Final Fantasy Record Keeper just recently announced that it was gonna end its service on September 29, 2022. I talk more about that in another post.


I really wish this didn’t have to happen. I don’t want FFRK to end, at least not anytime soon.

Anyway, I’m hoping to be able to finish as much of FFRK’s content as I can before everything ends on September 29, 2022. I also want to take screenshots of a couple of stuff in the game.

Cloud Strife Relics List

Here’s a list of all the relics that I have for Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII (#ad):

  1. Limit Break Chain (LBC), Woven Bond: Cloud
  2. Limit Break Guardian Soul Break (LBGS), Guardian Choco-Mog
  3. Dual Awakening Soul Break 1 (DASB1), Awoken Finishing Touch
  4. DASB2, Awoken Darkpetal Bloom
  5. Chain Soul Break+ (CSB+), Bond (Cloud)
  6. True Arcane Soul Break 1 (TASB1) or Arcane Dyad Soul Break 1 (ADSB1), Omnislash
  7. TASB2, Apex Hazardous Darkness
  8. Synchro Arcane Soul Break 1 (SASB1), Apex Slash
  9. SASB3, Mako Strike
  10. Awakened Arcane Soul Break 1 (AASB1), Angelic Synergy
  11. AASB3, Dark Side Braver
  12. Arcane Overstrike Soul Break 2 (AOSB2), Eye of Darkness
  13. Ultra Soul Break 1 (USB1), Ultra Cross Slash
  14. USB2, Climirage
  15. USB3, Darkpetal Bloom
  16. Overstrike Soul Break 1 (OSB1), Finishing Touch
  17. Burst Soul Break 2 (BSB2), Cloud Cycle
  18. Glint+ Soul Break 1 (G+1), Aerial Fang
  19. G+4, Triple Slash
  20. Glint Soul Break 1 (G1), Mako Power
  21. G2, Mako Abyss
  22. Default Soul Break, Sonic Break
  23. Legend Materia Relic 1 (LMR1), Sprinting Wolf
  24. LMR2, Truth Surmounted
  25. LMR5, Borrowed Blade
  26. Legend Materia 1, Lone Wolf
  27. Legend Materia 2, Mantle Bearer

Missing 16 of Cloud’s Soul Breaks:

  1. Limit Break Overstrike (LBO) or Limit Break Over Flow (LBOF), Sonic Blade
  2. SASB2, Meteor Rain
  3. AASB2, Sephiroth Cell Quickening
  4. AOSB1, Sonic Braver
  5. OSB2, Cherry Blossom (FFT)
  6. G+2, Jenova Cell Power
  7. G+3, Truth and Illusion
  8. BSB1, Fenrir Overdrive
  9. BSB3, Sonic Blade (KH)
  10. Super Soul Break (SSB), Blade Beam
  11. Unique Soul Break, Climhazzard
  12. Unique Soul Break, Cross Slash
  13. Unique Soul Break, Braver
  14. LMR3, Light Seeker
  15. LMR4, Broken Illusions
  16. LMR6, Self Forgiveness

I can get 11 of these relics from the The Record Lab using Anima Lenses. Haven’t bothered to do so before though since I don’t need these Soul Breaks.


Plus, each char can only equip up to 10 Soul Breaks at a time so I doubt I’ll be able to use these relics, certainly not when I have newer and better Soul Breaks for Cloud.

But since FFRK is gonna end soon anyway, decided to just go ahead and spend the Anima Lenses needed to get the aforementioned relics from the The Record Lab.


Now the only relics I’m missing for Cloud are his LBO, Sync 2, AASB2, BSB3, and LMR3. Too bad I was never able to get any of these before. And now I’ll never be able to because the game is ending already. Sigh.


Cloud Strife Info

In Final Fantasy Record Keeper, Cloud is a physical wind and dark DPS. Wind is his primary element. He’s a really good wind DPS.

He does well enough as a dark DPS, but there are plenty of others who are way better than him in said element.

Cloud’s part of my physical wind elemental team and my Final Fantasy VII realm team. Well, to be more precise, he’s the backup for my FF7 realm team. He’s the char I switch in if I need more fire power.

At the moment, the following chars are part of my Final Fantasy 7 realm team:

  1. Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
  2. Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII
  3. Barret Wallace from Final Fantasy VII
  4. Vincent Valentine from Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
  5. Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII

Aerith is my healer. Barret is my support although he can help deal damage too. Genesis is my main DPS while Sephiroth and Vincent are my secondary DPS.

Genesis, Barret, Sephiroth, and Vincent deal physical fire damage. Well, Seph deals dark damage too but in this team, I’m running him as a fire DPS. I start using his dark Soul Breaks only after I’ve used up all of his fire ones.

Anyway, Cloud used to be part of my main FF7 realm team. But after getting more fire relics that belong to FF7 chars, I opted to run a Final Fantasy VII physical fire team which means dropping Cloud from the main lineup.

I wanted to run a fire team because Genesis is currently my absolute, most fave Final Fantasy char. He’s the reason why I’m playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper. I bring him to every fight I can bring him to.

Cloud is really good though so if I need more fire power in my FF7 realm team, I bring him in. He could replace Vincent or even Sephiroth for a while. But of course, he’s never replacing Genesis.


Anyway, at the time I’m writing this particular part of this post, Final Fantasy Record Keeper just ended its service. It’s all over now. Sadly and unfortunately. I wish we could have gotten more time.

I wish that I’d been able to use Cloud more. Yeah, he’s part of my physical wind team but it’s not like I use said team all the time.

I don’t really try clearing any endgame content unless there’s a time-limited mission that requires us to do so, or I feel like it, or I get a new relic that I want to check out.

This wasn’t a problem before since these quests are permanent. I thought that I’d always have time to do them whenever I wanted. But then FFRK gave its end of service announcement so now everything had a time limit.

I only just recently got a few of Cloud’s relics (I talk more about these pulls on another post) so didn’t really get the chance to really use them all.

Like it feels like I only got to use Cloud’s Dual 1 a few times. And I think I only got to summon his Guardian Choco-Mog once or twice. 

But that’s nothing compared to his Dual 2 which I never got to use at all. Cloud’s Dual 2 is for the dark element while his Dual 1 is for the wind element.

I just got some of Cloud’s dark relics. I’ve been meaning to try these out but, unfortunately, I ran out of time. Yeah, Cloud isn’t that good as a dark DPS but still. Would have wanted to have been able to try out his dark relics anyway.

Cloud Strife Hero Artifacts and Hero Ability

My Cloud is currently equipped with his Hero Artifacts:

  • Level 99 of 99 Buster Sword (VII), Level 66 of 99 augment – Increase wind and dark damage by 4% passive
  • Level 99 of 99 Cloud’s Guise (VII), Level 99 of 99 augment – Increase wind and dark ability damage by 5% passive
  • Level 1 of 1 Cloud’s Goggles (VII) – Reduce delay of the user’s actions by 8%

Created Cloud’s Hero Ability which is called Braver. It deals wind and dark damage to one enemy.

Cloud Strife Magia Crystals

Currently, Cloud has 222 Magia points. He has 100 Magia points in the physical attack and wind elemental attack Magia Crystals while he has 22 points in the HP Magia Crystal.


Cloud Strife Crystal Water Points

Cloud has max Crystal Waters for the following stats: HP, DEF, RES, and ATK.


Cloud Strife Character Profile

Each char in Final Fantasy Record Keeper has a Character Profile. This has 2 tabs – Overview and Hero Record.

Here’s a screenshot of the Overview tab of Cloud’s Character Profile:


Cloud’s role is listed as Physical Attack.

Under the Special Traits heading is the following text:

Wields swords and katanas. Can use rare combat abilities, buffing his Attack to deal heavy damage.

The Hero Record tab of Cloud’s Character Profile has the following text:

An ex-SOLDIER whose true memories have been lost, Cloud joins the rebel group AVALANCHE’s fight against the Shinra Company in an attempt to save the planet, and discover more about his own identity.


Below that is information about Cloud’s Wardrobe Records. He has 4 costumes.

The first one is called Cloudy Wolf. The in-game text says:

Cloud traveled far and wide, enduring battle after battle and nearly losing himself in the process. Though he saved the planet, he lost much in the struggle, and now he chooses a life of solitide, shunning contact with even his closest friends.


Cloudy Wolf is Cloud’s outfit from the Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children movie. This movie “takes place two years after the end of FF VII”.

The second costume is called KINGDOM HEARTS Cloud. This is Cloud’s outfit from the Kingdom Hearts game. The in-game text says:

A singular swordsman cloaked in shadow. His past, too, is shrouded in darkness. He enevr lets the mask he wears slip, and he avoids interacting with others, leaving his identity a mystery.


The third costume is called Happi Cloud. This features “Cloud in a festival happi” from Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade.


The fourth costume is called Pretty in Purple. This is “the dress worn by Cloud during the infiltration of Corneo Hall” in Final Fantasy VII.


Have all of these Wardrobe Records except for the Kingdom Hearts one.

Unfortunately, I started playing FFRK way after the Kingdom Hearts collab events have already happened, and they’ve never rerun those events so was never able to get this costume.

I usually have Cloud in his Cloudy Wolf outfit although I sometimes try out his other costumes too.


So what about you? What do you think about Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII? Do you have a lot of Soul Breaks for him? Were you able to get all of his Wardrobe Records? Which one do you prefer? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.


  • screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
  • originally published on my main Tumblr blog on Dec 4th, 2022 11:16:24pm

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