Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Crevasse Hallowed Depths Event

Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Crevasse Hallowed Depths Event

The Crevasse: Hallowed Depths event just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. This event includes several quests.


Table of Contents

  1. Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Event Information
  2. Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Part 7 Shinryu Quest
  3. Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Part 6 Shinryu Quest
  4. Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Part 5 Lufenia Quest
  5. Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Part 4 Lufenia Quest
  6. Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Part 3 Lufenia Quest
  7. Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Part 2 Chaos Quest
  8. Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Part 1 Cosmos Quest
  9. Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Total Points
  10. Conclusion

Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Event Information

Crevasse: Hallowed Depths is a type of event wherein players get the chance to build their own fight. Well, sort of.

We get a short list of Codes, Lufenia orbs (or special countdown cards), and Force gauge effects (or force weakness cards) as well as a few quests with set enemies. We can then choose which Codes and such should go on which quests.

Codes refer to rules like “use at least 1 Green Crystal char on this fight” or “bring a char who uses a greatsword on this fight”. The Codes, orbs, and force effects have points associated with them. These points vary depending on how hard it is to fulfill their conditions.


Each quest has a multiplier that’s based on how difficult it is. After doing a quest with the Codes you specified, you get some points.

You need a total of 425 points in order to get all the rewards from this event. You also can’t bring a friend support to any of these quests.

I found this event pretty interesting. It was pretty fun being able to decide what Codes should go with which quest.

Your chars get locked out every time you Perfect a quest so this gave me the chance to use chars that I haven’t used in a while. I do wish we got more Codes to choose from though.

Anyway, the Crevasse: Hallowed Depths event has a total of 7 quests. They are as follows:

  1. Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Part 1 Cosmos (Level 150) Quest
  2. Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Part 2 Chaos (Level 180) Quest
  3. Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Part 3 Lufenia (Level 200) Quest
  4. Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Part 4 Lufenia (Level 200) Quest
  5. Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Part 5 Lufenia (Level 200) Quest
  6. Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Part 6 Shinryu (Level 300) Quest
  7. Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Part 7 Shinryu (Level 300) Quest

Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Part 7 Shinryu Quest

Also known as Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Pt. 7. This fight has 1 wave with 2 enemies, the Deathgazes. They have 85 million HP each.

Upon reaching certain HP percentage thresholds, the enemies will automatically debuff your chars even if it isn’t currently their turn. One of these debuffs will deal HP poison damage.

For this fight, my team was Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII (#ad), Rinoa Heartilly from Final Fantasy VIII, and Galuf Halm Baldesion from Final Fantasy V with The Brothers as my summon. My Calls were Lenna Charlotte Tycoon’s from Final Fantasy V, Rydia’s from Final Fantasy IV, and Lunafreya Nox Fleuret’s from Final Fantasy XV.

The Codes I used for this quest were as follows:

  • Force Weakness – entering force time while dealing ranged BRV damage with force ability and canceling buff cancels enemy’s force time
  • Bring at least 1 char who uses special or unique-type weapons
  • Bring at least 2 chars who use greatswords
  • Bring at least 3 Green Crystal chars 

Rinoa, Sephiroth, and Galuf are Green Crystal chars. Rinoa’s weapon-type is special or unique while Galuf and Sephi use greatswords.

Unfortunately, there are only 2 force weaknesses to choose from and neither can be used by this team so I just picked the one that I didn’t think I was gonna need for the other Shinryu quest.

Have Sephiroth’s, Galuf’s, and Rinoa’s 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD fully MLB. Their Ex weapons have been Purpled or upgraded to Ex+ 3/3.

Sephiroth and Rinoa have their Burst weapons and both have been fully MLB. Both have also been Greened or upgraded to BT+ 3/3. Rinoa also has her Force weapon and it’s been fully MLB.

All 3 have their High Armors and they’ve all been upgraded to Blue. They have their Bloom Stones. They have triple perfect Artifacts and triple real Spheres.

All of their Summon Boards and Character Enhancement Boards have been completed. Rinoa and Sephiroth also have all of their Force Enhancements. Galuf doesn’t have said feature yet.

Rinoa and Sephi are boosted for this fight. Seph’s equipped with a Level 5 of 5 Greatsword Ultima Weapon while Rinoa has a Level 5 of 5 Special or Unique-type Ultima Weapon.

Galuf is a counter and evasion tank. He takes the place of his allies every time they’re targeted. He can evade most attacks. He counters and deals damage whenever he’s attacked. He also provides pretty good party-wide buffs and auras including HP Regen.

Sephiroth is a physical, non-elemental DPS. He can afflict enemies with a gold-framed debuff called Cellular Erosion. He can also slow them down via a speed down aura.

Rinoa is a magical, non-elemental DPS. She’s really powerful but she also has some supportive capabilities such as being able to heal the party. She’s better as a DPS though.

Galuf made this fight pretty easy. Thanks to Galuf, there was no danger at all. All the attacks of the enemies went through Galuf. He was able to evade most of them.

Even if he can’t evade an attack, he was still able to survive since he has a lot of defensive buffs including Last Stand and even a buff that renders him practically invincible.

Rinoa’s Angel Wing ability has instant turn rate. It doesn’t deal damage but it does buff her. It also makes my force gauge charge faster.

Had Rinoa use Angel Wing a lot although I also still had her use her other abilities. Also didn’t let her hog all the turns.

When my force gauge was finally charged to 100%, had Sephiroth use his BT+ finisher for more buffs and auras. Also had him use Lenna’s regular Call. This gives the party a buff that gives them 100% debuff immunity for like 4 turns.

On Rinoa’s turn, had her use Lunafreya’s LD Call. One of the effects of this Call is that it will give her 2 buffs, one of which will allow her to get 3 turns in a row.

But right after using Lunafreya’s LD Call, I immediately noticed that Rinoa didn’t get 3 turns in a row. Was momentarily confused before realizing that Rinoa currently had the maximum of 6 buffs, all of which were framed, so it wasn’t possible to apply the buffs from Lunafreya’s LD Call.

Earlier, I ended up using Rydia’s regular Call. This gives the party a framed buff that enchants them with the water element.

Rinoa was still under the effects of this and more buffs by the time I used Lunafreya’s LD Call.

Since I really wanted Rinoa to be able to use Lunafreya’s LD Call, opted to just restart this fight. This time, didn’t use Rydia’s regular Call at all. But did pretty much the same thing that I did in my first run.

When my force gauge got to 100%, had Sephiroth use Lenna’s regular Call and his BT+ finisher.

Had Rinoa use Lunafreya’s LD Call. Then I had Rinoa activate her FR and her BT+ finisher. Spammed her Angel Wing ability until I had exactly 7 turns of force time left.

That was when I went into Rinoa’s Burst+ phase. By then the enemies were down to 83% HP. Their force gauge was at 85.3%. The HP damage bonus was currently at 320%.

Sephiroth was missing a bit of his HP while Galuf had lost about half of his HP or thereabouts. Rinoa was currently at full health. IIRC, the lost HP was due to me activating Rinoa’s FR. Said force ability consumes a bit of the party’s HP upon use.

Rinoa was back to full health thanks to the HP Regen from Galuf and her own BT+ finisher.

When I had Rinoa use Lunafreya’s LD Call, she still had the buff from Lenna’s regular Call. But since this buff only lasts for like 4 turns, it ran out before I could get into Rinoa’s Burst+ mode.

So when the enemies automatically debuffed my party, Rinoa got hit with said debuffs. The HP poison debuff dealt so much damage that Rinoa was soon down to 1 HP.

By the time Rinoa was about to cast Wings of the Heart, her finishing Burst+ move, the enemies were down to 39% HP. Have 1 turn of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 830%. Rinoa was able to deal 92981723 total HP damage during her BT+ phase.


Before I had the chance to heal Rinoa, the Deathgazes attacked (it wasn’t currently their turn but upon reaching certain HP thresholds, they will automatically attack a random target) and killed her.

For a moment, I was confused because that shouldn’t have happened. Galuf should have taken Rinoa’s place. So how come he didn’t do that?

I soon realized that Rinoa had also run out of the cover or shield buff that Galuf gives to his allies. This buff allows him to take their place every time they’re attacked. Should have made sure to refresh this buff before going into Rinoa’s Burst+ mode.

Now I have to try this fight again. Brought the same team and summon but this time my Calls were Rydia’s, Lunafreya’s, and Raijin’s from Final Fantasy VIII.


Raijin’s LD Call afflicts enemies with a debuff that prevents all HP damage and debuffs for like 2 turns. Rydia’s LD Call gives the party a buff that allows them to evade like 3 or so attacks.

When my force gauge charged to 100%, had Sephiroth use Raijin’s LD Call. Then I activated Sephi’s BT+ finisher. On Galuf’s turn, had him use Rydia’s LD Call. Then I had him refresh his cover buff for Rinoa.

On Rinoa’s turn, had her use Lunafreya’s LD Call. Then I had Rinoa activate her FR and BT+ finisher. Spammed her Angel Wing ability until I had 7 turns of force time left.

When I went into Rinoa’s Burst+ phase, the Deathgazes were down to 82% HP. Their force gauge was at 90.6%. The HP damage bonus was at 320%. Galuf had lost about half of his HP. Sephiroth had lost some HP too.


One of the effects of Rinoa’s BT+ is that it will transform her HP attack into this special move called Ultima (Angel Wing). This deals a lot of damage but also consumes a bit of Rinoa’s HP whenever it’s used.

Just had Rinoa spam Ultima (Angel Wing). Thanks to Raijin’s LD Call, the enemies were now unable to debuff Rinoa or any of my chars.

By the time Rinoa was about to cast Wings of the Heart, the Deathgazes were down to 23% HP. Have 1 turn of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 830%. Rinoa was able to deal 117869537 total HP damage during her BT+ phase. Nice.


Rinoa’s Wings of the Heart left the Deathgazes with around 13% and 12% HP. Right after the end of Rinoa’s Burst+ phase, the enemies automatically attacked. Galuf took on all these attacks then countered and dealt damage to the enemy.

Galuf was able to deal a lot of damage because my force time hadn’t ended yet. It was still about to end (it still says I have 1 turn left) but the HP damage bonus had gone up to 875%.

Since my chars had yet to move, my force time remained at 1 with the HP damage bonus set at 875%, allowing Galuf to deal lots of damage via his counters.

The enemies moved so many times so it wasn’t long before they were both down to 5% HP thanks to Galuf’s counters. Soon, there was only 1 Deathgaze left. Too bad I wasn’t able to finish off both of the Deathgazes via counters.


When my chars finally got the chance to move, summoned The Brothers already. It was Sephiroth’s turn. He gets 3 turns in a row thanks to Lunafreya’s LD Call.

The Brothers’s on-entry attack took the remaining Deathgaze down to 3% HP. The force gauge of the enemies was currently at 89.9%.

Had Sephiroth use his Ex ability, Black Materia. This took the boss down to 2% HP. Then I had him use Octaslash. This took the Deathgaze down to 1% HP. So Sephi’s next attack was finally enough to finish off the last enemy and end the battle on turn 14.


Got the score and all the other mission requirements which also got me the Perfect.


This team did really well. Galuf kept everyone safe while Rinoa and Sephiroth dished out the damage. Rinoa’s damage was super special awesome. She’s really powerful and amazing.


Seph’s damage was okay enough but it was unfortunately nothing when compared to Rinoa’s. He’s kinda outdated by now, especially since he doesn’t even have a Force weapon yet.

Anyway, the Codes I used on this quest gave me 46 points. The multiplier for this quest is x2.2. So the total points I got from clearing this fight was 102.


Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Part 6 Shinryu Quest

Also known as Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Pt. 6. This fight has 1 wave with 2 enemies, the Defender Zs. They have 85 million HP each.

The Defender Zs can buff themselves. They can also gain a 100k BRV damage shield.

Their force gauge charges faster than usual. Once their force gauge reaches 100%, one of them will give themselves multiple buffs then deal AoE BRV + HP damage that’s guaranteed to hit.

After that, they’ll enter 5 turns of force time with the following effects: they will regen 3% of their max HP each turn and they will delay the turns of their enemies by 1 each turn.

For this fight, my team was Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy VII, Lunafreya, and Sherlotta from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time with The Brothers as my summon. My Calls were Raijin’s, Prishe’s from Final Fantasy XI, and Leo Cristophe’s from Final Fantasy VI.


The Codes I used for this quest were as follows:

  • Force Weakness – entering force time while dealing melee BRV damage with force ability and inflicting break cancels enemy’s force time
  • Bring at least 1 char who uses staves or rods
  • Bring at least 3 Yellow Crystal chars

Tifa, Sherlotta, and Lunafreya are all Yellow Crystal chars. Lunafreya uses rods or staves as a weapon. Tifa’s FR actually deals melee BRV damage. It can’t inflict break though unless the enemies aren’t currently broken.

Have Tifa’s, Sherlotta’s, and Lunafreya’s 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, BT, and FR fully MLB. Their Ex weapons have been Purpled. Their Burst weapons have been Greened.

They have their High Armors, all of which have been upgraded to Blue. They have their Bloom Stones. They have triple perfect Artifacts and triple real Spheres.

All of their Summon Boards, Character Enhancement Boards, and Force Enhancements have been completed.

Tifa is equipped with a Level 5 of 5 Fist-type Ultima Weapon while Sherlotta has my Level 5 of 5 Special or Unique-type Ultima Weapon.

Sherlotta and Lunafreya are really good supports and healers who provide great buffs and auras. Both can quickly charge the force gauge with their instant turn rate moves. They can battery the party a lot. They can even deal pretty decent damage, especially since they’re fully built.

Lunafreya can enchant the party and imperil enemies with the ice and water elements. With her LD, she can give herself and her allies multiple turns in a row.

Tifa is a physical, non-elemental DPS who specializes in dealing single-target damage. She’s really powerful and super special awesome just like Rinoa. She’s basically like the physical DPS version of Rinoa.

Had Sherlotta and Lunafreya spam their instant turn rate moves to quickly get my force gauge to 100%.

When my force gauge was nearing 100%, had Sherlotta use her Additional Ability, Leo’s LD Call and then her BT+ finisher.

On Lunafreya’s turn, had her use her Additional Ability then her LD to give everyone multiple turns in a row. Also had her use her BT+ finisher.

By turn 3, my force gauge was at 100%. The enemies were down to 91% and 93% HP and their force gauge was at 82.6%.

It was Tifa’s turn. She gets 3 turns in a row thanks to Lunafreya’s LD. So first, had her activate her FR followed by her BT+ finisher. Had her use Prishe’s LD Call. Then I spammed Tifa’s Battle Cry move (this has instant turn rate) until I had exactly 7 turns of force time left.

That was when I went into Tifa’s Burst+ mode. By then the enemies were down to 74% and 84% HP. The HP damage bonus was at 309%.

Tifa was able to deal a lot of damage thanks to all the buffs, debuffs, auras and such that were currently active on the field. One of the effects of her BT+ finisher is that she gets 2 follow-up attacks every time she moves. This helped to further increase her damage output.

By the time Tifa was about to cast Final Heaven, her finishing Burst+ move, the enemies were down to 33% and 7% HP. Have 1 turn of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 702%.


Tifa was able to deal 126596009 total HP damage during her Burst+ phase. Nice! Tifa’s Final Heaven left the enemies at 2% and 7% HP.

It was now Sherlotta’s turn. She gets 3 turns in a row thanks to Lunafreya’s LD. Sherlotta can deal decent enough damage but she’s definitely more of a support than a DPS so her attacks weren’t able to finish off both enemies already.

In the meanwhile, the force gauge of the enemies kept increasing. Would have wanted to summon The Brothers already but unfortunately, my summon wasn’t charged yet.

I really wanted it to be Tifa’s turn already. If she’d been able to move, pretty sure she’d be able to end the battle already. But after Sherlotta, it was gonna be Lunafreya’s turn and then the enemies were also set to get a turn before Tifa.

Before Sherlotta’s turn could end, the force gauge of the enemies got to 100%. One of them automatically buffed themselves then dealt AoE BRV + HP damage to my chars.

This attack managed to kill both Tifa and Lunafreya. Sherlotta was able to survive but her HP dropped down to the red. She happened to have higher HP than her allies so I guess that’s the reason why she was able to survive the attack.


When this happened, I was surprised because Raijin’s LD Call was supposed to protect my chars and keep them safe. I was like, why did the attack hit?

It was only later on when I was taking a closer look at the mechanics of this quest that I found out that the force attack of the enemies was guaranteed to hit. So it looks like it’s able to bypass the protection from Raijin’s LD Call. Meh. How annoying.

Tried this fight again with the same team, summon, and Calls. This time I tried to be even faster than before so I can get to Tifa’s Burst+ phase while the force gauge of the enemies was still at a pretty low percentage.

That way, even if Tifa fails to kill both enemies during her Burst+ mode, I’ll still have a bit of time to finish off the Defender Zs before they can use their force attack.

Still managed to use Sherlotta’s and Lunafreya’s BT+ finishers as well as their Additional Abilities and equipped Calls before going into Tifa’s Burst+ mode.

By then the enemies were down to 79% and 88% HP. Their force gauge was at 64.5%. Have 7 turns of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 314%.

By the time Tifa was about to cast Final Heaven, the Defender Zs were down to 15% and 36% HP. Have 1 turn of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 702%.


Tifa was able to deal 124696819 total HP damage during her Burst+ phase. Her Final Heaven left the Defender Zs at 15% and 5% HP.

It was Lunafreya’s turn next. Both enemies were set to move right after her. In retrospect, maybe I should have let the Defender Zs get a turn instead of having Lunafreya use her LD to give herself and her allies 3 turns in a row.

Because after the enemies, it was gonna be Tifa’s turn. Instead of trying to charge my force gauge with Lunafreya, should have just used one of her other moves then let the Defender Zs move.

Besides, Raijin’s LD Call was currently active so my chars should be safe from the enemies. If Tifa had been able to move, she might have been able to end this fight already.

Unfortunately, since I used Lunafreya’s LD and was spamming her instant turn rate moves to charge my force gauge again, the force gauge of the enemies was soon nearing 100% again.

The Defender Zs were at 13% and 4% HP and their force gauge was at 95.1% when I decided to just quit the fight. Tifa and Lunafreya were undoubtedly just gonna die again anyway if the enemies had gotten to use their force attack.


It’s really too bad that Tifa can’t finish off both enemies at the same time in 1 FR and BT+ phase. Looks like I’m gonna need more firepower.

So I dropped Lunafreya and brought in Cor Leonis from Final Fantasy XV. My summon was Ifrit. And my Calls were Lunafreya’s, Prishe’s, and Leo’s.


The Codes I used for this quest were as follows:

  • Force Weakness – entering force time while dealing melee BRV damage with force ability and inflicting break cancels enemy’s force time
  • Bring at least 1 Blue Crystal char
  • Bring at least 2 Yellow Crystal chars
  • Bring at least 2 chars who use special or unique-type weapons

Cor is a Blue Crystal char. He and Sherlotta use special or unique-type weapons.

Have Cor’s 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and FR fully MLB. His Ex has been Purpled. He has his High Armor and it’s been upgraded to Blue.

All of his Summon Boards, Character Enhancement Boards, and Force Enhancements have been completed. He has his Bloom Stone. He has triple RF Spheres and triple perfect Artifacts.

Cor is a support slash DPS. He can deal pretty good damage but he can also support the party via his buffs and auras. He can battery the party and he even provides party-wide HP Regen.

His main gimmick is giving one of his allies a buff that links him to them. This causes him to attack and deal damage to the enemy right before the char he’s linked with gets to move.

Removed my Special or Unique-type Ultima Weapon from Sherlotta and had it equipped to Cor instead since he can deal more damage than her. Now Sherlotta’s equipped with her Green and fully maxed out Burst weapon.

Had Cor link himself to Tifa. Had Sherlotta spam her instant turn rate moves to quickly get my force gauge to 100%.

When I went into Tifa’s Burst+ mode, the enemies were down to 80% and 85% HP. Their force gauge was at 60.1%. Have 7 turns of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 322%.


Tifa’s and Sherlotta’s BT+ finishers, Cor’s and Sherlotta’s Additional Abilities, Prishe’s LD Call, and Leo’s LD Call were all currently active.

By the time Tifa was about to cast Final Heaven, the Defender Zs were down to 7% and 20% HP. Have 1 turn of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 710%.


Tifa was able to deal 137823691 total HP damage during her Burst+ phase. Had her target the Defender Z with 20% HP with her Final Heaven. This move was enough to finish off this enemy.


Now there was only one Defender Z left and he was down to 4% HP. It was Cor’s turn. The force gauge of the enemies was at 75.6%.

Had Cor spam his LD and his Reaper’s Gale special HP attack. Both moves have instant turn rate. Thankfully, Cor was eventually able to finish off the last Defender Z before he could use his force attack.

The force gauge of the enemies was already at 87.0% when the battle ended on turn 4. Got the score and all the other mission requirements, which also got me the Perfect.

The Codes I used on this quest gave me 40 points. The multiplier for this quest is x2.2. So the total points I got from clearing this fight was 88.


Kinda worried that I only got 88 points from this quest. It seems so low when compared to how I got over a hundred points from the Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Part 7 Shinryu quest.


Now I’m wondering if I’ll have enough pointst to be able to get all the rewards for this event. For now, decided to just keep going. I’ll see about repeating this quest later on if I have to although I’m really hoping I won’t have to.

Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Part 5 Lufenia Quest

Also known as Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Pt. 5. This fight has 1 wave with 1 enemy, the Dullahan.

For this fight, my team was Zack Fair from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII, Auron from Final Fantasy X, and Dark Knight Cecil Harvey from Final Fantasy IV with Odin as my summon. My Calls were Prishe’s, Seymour Guado’s from Final Fantasy X, and Kurasame Susaya’s from Final Fantasy Type-0.


The Codes I used for this quest were as follows:

  • Lufenia orb – increase the orb count by 6 whenever a char loses HP from an enemy’s attack and/or from a char’s ability; increase the orb count by 6 whenever a char uses an ability transformed from HP attack; if a char or an enemy moves, decrease the count by 2
  • Bring at least 3 chars who use greatswords
  • Bring at least 3 Black Crystal chars

Zack, Auron, and Dark Knight Cecil are all Black Crystal chars who uses greatswords. Dark Knight Cecil has moves that consume a bit of his HP before dealing damage to the enemy.

Have Zack’s, Auron’s, and Cecil’s 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD fully MLB. Their Ex weapons have been Purpled.

Zack has his Burst weapon and it’s been upgraded to Green or BT+ 3/3. He’s currently equipped with my Level 5 Greatsword Ultima Weapon.

Auron and Zack have their High Armors. Auron’s has been Realized to 0/3 while Zack’s been upgraded to Blue. Cecil only has up to his second armor.

All of Zack’s and Auron’s Summon Boards and Character Enhancement Boards have been completed.

All of Cecil’s Summon Boards have been completed. Unlocked the Char Boards for his 15cp, 35cp, and Ex. But didn’t get any of his LD Boards.

Didn’t get any of Auron’s Force Enhancements. Zack and Cecil don’t have this feature yet.

Zack, Auron and Cecil have triple perfect Artifacts. Auron and Cecil have triple RF Spheres while Zack has triple real Spheres.

Dark Knight Cecil deals dark elemental damage. He has moves that can launch enemies while also batterying the party. Too bad the boss here is immune to launches. At least the party-wide battery was of use.

Since my Cecil wasn’t fully built, his damage output was meh. Only really brought him to this fight because he’s a Black Crystal char who also uses greatswords and he can help increase the count of the Lufenia orb here.

Auron is a counter tank who can also debuff enemies. He takes the place of his allies every time they’re being targeted. He’ll then counter and deal damage to the enemies.

Zack is a single target tank who can taunt enemies into targeting him. He’s also capable of dealing really good damage. One of the effects of his BT+ is that all the attacks of the enemies will be redirected to him, even the AoE ones.

This fight wasn’t that bad. This team actually worked pretty well together. Cecil kept the orb count up while Auron and Zack dealt lots of damage to the enemy.

Had Zack use his BT+ finisher soon after the fight started so he could keep everyone safe. Thanks to Zack’s Lock debuff, the Dullahan would target him.

But Auron takes his place every time he’s being attacked. Auron will then counter and deal damage to the Dullahan.

The Dullahan’s turns can’t be deleted or delayed so he got to move often enough. He also tended to deal HP damage so between him and Cecil, the Lufenia orb was never in danger of going off.

And thanks to the defenses and such from Auron and Zack, there wasn’t any danger of anyone dying.

The fight did take a while to get through though since no one in this team has a Force weapon.

The Dullahan can debuff the party and it looks like he can dispel buffs as well. He has a recast bar. One of his moves can freeze the entire party. But, as mentioned, thanks to Zack and Auron, there really was no danger at all.


Everyone was able to survive all of the attacks although as long as Auron was frozen, he won’t be able to counter.

Anyway, the Dullahan was down to 19% HP by the time I went into Zack’s Burst+ phase. By then, still have 3 turns left of his BT+ finisher. Had him use Prishe’s LD Call before going into his BT+ mode.


Dark Knight Cecil’s Additional Ability was currently active. The effect from Kurasame’s LD Call was also currently active. The Dullahan was full of debuffs and the Lufenia orb count was at 11.

Auron was at full health while Zack and Cecil currently had very low HP. Zack’s LD, Meteor Shots, restored his and Cecil’s HP. Now Cecil was only missing a little bit of HP.

Zack was back to full health thanks to using his Ex, Apocalypse, and the HP Regen buff from his Rush Assault ability.

By the time Zack was about to cast The Price of Freedom, his finishing Burst+ move, the Dullahan was at 1% HP.


So the fight ended the moment Zack’s BT+ mode was over. The total turn count was 22.


Got the score and all the other mission requirements which also got me the Perfect.


The Codes I used on this quest gave me 44 points. The multiplier for this quest is x1.5. So the total points I got from clearing this fight was 66.


Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Part 4 Lufenia Quest

Also known as Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Pt. 4. This fight has 1 wave with 2 enemies, the Whale Zombies.

For this fight, my team was Terra Branford from Final Fantasy VI, Gabranth (Noah fon Ronsenburg) from Final Fantasy XII, and Basch fon Ronsenburg from Final Fantasy XII with Ifrit as my summon. My Calls were Seymour’s, Cid Raines’s from Final Fantasy XIII, and Keiss’s from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers.


The Codes I used for this quest were as follows:

  • Lufenia orb – increase the orb count by 5 whenever a char inflicts break on an enemy; increase the orb count by 8 whenever the enemy takes HP damage 7 or more times in 1 turn; if a char or an enemy moves, decrease the count by 2
  • Bring at least 3 chars who use short swords
  • Bring at least 2 Green Crystal chars
  • Bring at least 1 Yellow Crystal char

Terra, Gabranth, and Basch all use short swords. Gabranth and Terra are Green Crystal chars while Basch is a Yellow Crystal char.

Have Basch’s, Terra’s, and Gabranth’s 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD fully MLB. Their Ex weapons have been Purpled. Also have Gabranth’s and Terra’s FRs fully MLB. Terra also has her Burst weapon and it’s been Realized to BT+ 0/3.

Terra and Gabranth have their High Armors and both have been Realized to 0/3. Basch doesn’t have his High Armor.

All 3 have triple perfect Artifacts. Terra has triple real Spheres while Gabranth has 1 RF Sphere.

They have their Bloom Stones. All of their Summon Boards have been completed.

All of Terra’s Character Enhancement Boards have been completed. For Gabranth and Basch, only unlocked parts of their Char Boards, particularly the tiles that would give me their LD Call and LD extension passive.

Terra has Force Enhancements up to Level 10 while Gabranth has up to Level 3. Basch has 0 Force Enhancements.

Terra is currently equipped with my Level 1 of 5 Short Sword Ultima Weapon. She’s a magical, non-elemental DPS who can debuff enemies and take multiple turns in a row.

Basch is a tank who can taunt enemies into targeting him. He takes on all attacks, even AoE ones.

Gabranth is a debuffer who can also deal decent enough damage. He has moves that can break and rebreak enemies. He helped deal with the Lufenia orbs here.

And I think Terra also has moves that deal HP damage 7 or more times in 1 turn but can’t remember for sure now since it’s been a while since I did this fight.

I just remember there being times wherein the orb counts would get dangerously low. Thankfully, always managed to get them back up before they could explode.

Terra and Gabranth don’t have all of their Force Enhancements while Basch doesn’t even have any so unsurprisingly, my force gauge charged at a snail’s pace.

Basch was able to keep himself and his allies safe. His damage was meh though. So was Gabranth’s but he also did pretty well in debuffing enemies and keeping the orb counts up.

Terra served as my main DPS. She did really well but since she wasn’t fully built, her damage output was nothing when compared to what the likes of Rinoa and Tifa were capable of.

Had Terra take multiple turns in a row since she was the one who dealt the most damage. Just let her allies, especially Gabranth, have a turn every once in a while to keep the orb counts up.

Was hoping to wait until my force gauge was at 100% before going into Terra’s Burst+ mode.

But when the enemies were down to 82% and 86% HP, was basically forced to activate Terra’s Burst+ phase already because one of the Lufenia orbs was at 2 while the other was at 10. My force gauge was only at 60.7%.


Keiss’s LD Call afflicts enemies with a debuff that will battery the party every time an enemy is launched. Cid Raines’s LD Call will enable its user to initiate launches for 2 turns.

The turn duration for that won’t go down while inside a char’s Burst+ phase so had Terra use Raines’s LD Call before going into her BT+ mode. Prior to that, I’d already used Seymour’s and Keiss’s Calls.

The launches helped so by the time Terra was about to cast Trance Ultima, the enemies were down to 65% and 45% HP. The orbs had appeared and reappeared (they do this at certain HP thresholds) so neither were in danger of going off anymore, at least not anytime soon.

The fight dragged on but at least there was no danger so just kept on going and spamming everyone’s skills. Still had Terra take most of the turns.

When I summoned Ifrit, the enemies were down to 36% and 17% HP. My force gauge was at 91.5%. It seemed like the fight was gonna end before I can use either Terra’s or Gabranth’s FR.

Soon, one of the enemies had croaked it already. A few turns later, the remaining one died as well. It was Terra who dealt the killing blow, ending the fight on turn 10.


My force gauge had finally charged to 100% so had Terra use her Force ability, Ring of Rose and Crimson, to finish off the last Whale Zombie.


Got the score and all the other mission requirements which also got me the Perfect. This team did pretty well and they worked well enough together. This fight wasn’t that bad at all.


The Codes I used on this quest gave me 42 points. The multiplier for this quest is x1.5. So the total points I got from clearing this fight was 63.


Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Part 3 Lufenia Quest

Also known as Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Pt. 3. This fight has 1 wave with 2 enemies, the Tiamats.

For this fight, my team was Selphie Tilmitt from Final Fantasy VIII, Noel Kreiss from Final Fantasy XIII, and Shelke Rui from Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII with Pandemonium as my summon. My Calls were Lilisette’s from Final Fantasy XI, Seymour’s, and Prishe’s.

The Codes I used for this quest were as follows:

  • Lufenia orb – increase the orb count by 2 whenever a char deals melee BRV or magic BRV damage to an enemy; if a char or an enemy moves, decrease the count by 2
  • Bring at least 3 chars who use special or unique-type weapons
  • Bring at least 3 Yellow Crystal chars

Selphie, Shelke, and Noel are all Yellow Crystal chars who use special or unique-type weapons. Shelke and Noel deal physical or melee BRV damage while Selphie has magical-type attacks although she isn’t capable of dealing any form of BRV damage to enemies.

Have Selphie’s, Noel’s, and Shelke’s 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD fully MLB. Their Ex weapons have been Purpled. Noel also has his Burst weapon which hasn’t been upgraded at all.

Selphie and Noel have their High Armors while Shelke doesn’t have hers. Selphie’s High Armor has been upgraded to Blue while Noel’s has been Realized to 0/3.

Everyone has their Bloom Stones. They have triple perfect Artifacts and triple RF Spheres. All of their Summon Boards have been completed.

Noel and Selphie have all of their Char Boards completed while for Shelke, just unlocked the tiles that would give me her LD Call and LD extension passive.

Selphie has 0 Force Enhancements while Noel and Shelke don’t have said feature yet.

Noel is currently equipped with my Level 5 Special Ultima Weapon. He and Shelke are both DPS. Shelke gets lots of extra turns while Noel has moves that can break and rebreak enemies.

They’re both decent enough but since neither are fully built, their damage output wasn’t that good. Noel was able to do better than Shelke since he has a High Armor and Ultima Weapon.

There were actually times wherein Shelke was dealing like 1 BRV damage so even if she got lots of turns, it wasn’t that helpful.

Selphie is a support slash buffer slash healer. With her LD, she afflicts enemies with a debuff that makes them launchable all the time. The debuff will also battery the party based on damage dealt during these launches.

Selphie is really good as a support and buffer. But she can’t deal much damage on her own.

The launches helped to increase the damage output of my chars but this fight was still such a slog and a pain to get through.

Selphie did really well in supporting her allies but she really needs fully built DPS to really shine and show off her supportive capabilities.

Noel and Shelke did the best they could but they just weren’t that good since they weren’t fully maxed out, and I didn’t want to max any of these chars just for this one fight.

The Lufenia orbs here were also a pain. Yes, it was really easy to get the orb counts up but they only increase by 2 each time a char deals melee BRV or magic BRV damage. On top of that, the counts also decrease by 2 every time a char or an enemy moves so it’s really hard to keep the orbs from exploding.

It doesn’t help that Noel and Shelke also have single target skills. Couldn’t just spam their AoE moves all the time or they’d run out. And Selphie can’t contribute to keeping the orb counts up because none of her skills deal BRV damage.

The enemies themselves were also really annoying. They have a recast bar. They can debuff my chars. They can deal HP damage.

If I could bring fully built chars to this quest, this fight would have been over in no time.

Anyway, ended up activating Noel’s Burst mode when the enemies were only down to 83% and 75% HP because both Lufenia orbs were at 2. Managed to get the orbs back up to 10 but Noel didn’t deal much damage at all during his Burst phase.

By the time he was about to cast Prayers Surpassing Chaos, his finishing Burst move, the Tiamats were only down to 61% and 63% HP.

A few turns later, summoned Pandemonium already. I thought things were going well enough, all things considered. This battle may be a slog to get through but at least my chars were able to keep at it.

Actually managed to get the Tiamats down to 31% and 38% HP but that was when everything went wrong when Noel ended up dying. Eff!


Was so annoyed. Now I have to do this all over again. For my next try, brought the same team and summon. But this time my Calls were the Warrior of Light’s from Final Fantasy I, Rydia’s from Final Fantasy IV, and Nine’s from Final Fantasy Type-0.


On my first try, the Calls I brought all helped to increase the damage output of my party such as by debuffing the enemies. This time, all the Calls I brought were meant to protect my chars from the attacks of the enemies such as by providing shield buffs and such.

After taking another look at the move list of the enemies and mechanics of this fight, I saw that the Lufenia orbs here weren’t actually lethal. Meaning even if the orbs had exploded, my chars wouldn’t have died. The orbs would just reset again.

If the orbs went off, the enemies would remove their debuffs and attack my chars. IIRC, this involved removing one of their buffs and possibly even dealing BRV damage to them but can’t remember for sure now since it’s been a while since I did this fight.

The point is that the countdown attack wouldn’t outright KO my party and immediately end this fight. I really wish I’d known that on my first try. I’d been so concerned with trying to keep the orbs up before. But now I was able to mostly just ignore the orbs.

It still sucked whenever they exploded but as long as my chars didn’t die, then it wasn’t that much of an issue.

Another annoying thing about this battle was how the Tiamats tended to get multiple turns in a row upon reaching certain HP thresholds. The defensive Calls I brought now really came in handy to help me deal with this.


This fight was still a pain to get through though, but at least it was much safer now. Was free to have my chars chip away at the health bars of the Tiamats while relying on the Calls I’d brought to keep them safe.

This time when I went into Noel’s Burst phase, the Tiamats were down to 55% and 50% HP. They were down to 39% and 46% HP by the time he was about to cast his finishing Burst move.

Summoned Pandemonium when the Tiamats were at 35% and 45% HP. After what felt like forever, one of the Tiamats finally croaked it. One down, one more to go.

It took a few more turns before the last Tiamat also fell. Shelke was the one who delivered the killing blow, ending the battle on turn 22.


Got the score and all the other mission requirements which also got me the Perfect although I did end up with 1462 HP lost since I wasn’t able to get Selphie back to full health before Shelke finished the fight.


Glad to finally be over and done with this quest. Really hope I won’t have to repeat this again. Hopefully, I can keep these chars locked in here.


The Codes I used on this quest gave me 44 points. The multiplier for this quest is x1.5. So the total points I got from clearing this fight was 66.


Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Part 2 Chaos Quest

Also known as Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Pt. 2. This fight has 1 wave with 2 enemies, the Count Steams.

For this fight, my team was Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII, Minwu from Final Fantasy II, and Gladiolus Amicitia from Final Fantasy XV with The Brothers as my summon. My Calls were Lilisette’s, Prishe’s, and Seymour’s.


The Codes I used for this quest were as follows:

  • Bring at least 1 Black Crystal char
  • Bring at least 2 Red Crystal chars
  • Bring at least 1 char who uses greatswords
  • Bring at least 2 chars who uses staves or rods

Aerith and Minwu are Red Crystal chars who uses staves or rods. Gladiolus is a Black Crystal char who uses greatswords. Aerith is boosted for this fight.

Have Gladio’s, Minwu’s, and Aerith’s 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD fully MLB. Their Ex weapons have been Purpled. Minwu and Aerith have their Force weapons but neither have been limit broken. Minwu also has his Burst weapon but it hasn’t been upgraded.

Gladiolus is currently equipped with my Level 5 Greatsword Ultima Weapon while Minwu and Aerith are equipped with their Force weapons.

Everyone has their High Armors. Gladio’s High Armor has been Realized to 0/3 while Aerith’s has been upgraded to Blue.

They have their Bloom Stones. They have triple perfect Artifacts. Minwu and Gladiolus have triple RF Spheres while Aerith has triple real Spheres.

All of Aerith’s Summon Boards, Character Enhancement Boards, and Force Enhancements have been completed.

All of Minwu’s and Gladiolus’s Summon Boards have been completed. Unlocked parts of their LD Boards, particularly the tiles that would give me their LD Calls and LD extension passives. For Gladio, also completed the Char Boards for his 15cp, 35cp, and Ex. Minwu and Gladiolus have 0 Force Enhancements.

Aerith is a really good support, healer, and buffer. She can also deal pretty decent damage. She can debuff enemies and she also offers 100% party-wide debuff immunity.

Gladiolus is a counter tank. He takes the place of his allies every time they’re being targeted by enemies. He’ll then counter the attacks of the enemies. He provides party-wide HP Regen. He deals pretty good damage too.

Minwu is a support slash DPS who can also heal. He’s pretty good and he also has traps in his kit. He can even delete the turns of enemies.

This fight is only quest level 180 so it was really easy. My chars worked well together. They all did very well. The battle ended on turn 6.

There was no Lufenia orb or force gauge to deal with or worry about so this fight really didn’t take much time at all. It was over soon enough.

Got the score and all the other mission requirements which also got me the Perfect.


The Codes I used on this quest gave me 20 points. The multiplier for this quest is x1.2. So the total points I got from clearing this fight was 24.


Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Part 1 Cosmos Quest

Also known as Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Pt. 1. This fight has 1 wave with 2 enemies, the Orothkamilas.

For this fight, my team was Machina Kunagiri from Final Fantasy Type-0, Yuna from Final Fantasy X, and Noctis Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV with The Brothers as my summon. My Calls were Lilisette’s, Seymour’s, and Prishe’s.


The Codes I used for this quest were as follows:

  • Bring at least 2 Black Crystal chars
  • Bring at least 1 White Crystal char
  • Bring at least 1 char who uses staves or rods
  • Bring at least 2 chars who uses short swords

Machina and Noctis are Black Crystal chars who uses short swords. Yuna is a White Crystal char who uses staves or rods.

Have Machina’s, Noctis’s, and Yuna’s 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and BT fully MLB. Their Ex weapons have been Purpled. Machina’s and Yuna’s Burst weapons have been upgraded to Green or BT+ 3/3 but haven’t even bothered to Realize Noctis’s BT.

Everyone has their High Armors. Yuna’s and Machina’s High Armors have been upgraded to Blue.

They have their Bloom Stones. They have triple perfect Artifacts and triple real Spheres.

All of their Summon Boards and Character Enhancement Boards have been completed. Machina also has all of his Force Enhancements. Noctis has 0 Force Enhancements while Yuna doesn’t have said feature yet.

Machina is currently equipped with my Level 1 of 5 Short Sword Ultima Weapon. He’s a really good DPS who can also debuff enemies.

Noctis is a DPS too. He can manipulate his turns as well as that of his allies. He also has a move that can initiate launches. He deals decent enough damage but it’s nothing when compared to what Machina’s capable of since he isn’t fully built.

Yuna is a support slash buffer slash healer. She can also deal pretty decent damage.

This fight is only quest level 150 so it was really easy. It was so easy in fact that the battle ended in no time. My chars barely got to do anything before the enemies were already croaking it.


The fight, if it could even be called that, ended on turn 2. The enemies didn’t even get the chance to do anything before it was all over. LOL.


The Codes I used on this quest gave me 19 points. The multiplier for this quest is x1.0. So the total points I got from clearing this fight was 19.


Crevasse: Hallowed Depths Total Points

And that’s it. That’s all of the quests for the Crevasse: Hallowed Depths event. After completing everything, ended up with a total of 428 points.


Initially, when I saw that, I thought I failed to get all the rewards. I thought I was missing some points, and that I’d have to repeat some of the quests here so I can get more.

But when I went to the missions tab to collect the rewards I’d been able to get and double-check exactly how many points I need to complete this event, I saw that I had actually been able get everything already.

Needed a total of 425 points to get all the rewards so I was actually able to get an extra 3 points. Nice.

Really pleased to know that I got all the rewards already and that I didn’t have to repeat any of the Crevasse quests to get more points.

This event was pretty fun. It was nice to be able to sort-of build our own quests. I do wish we got more Codes to choose from though.

Also glad that I was able to get the chance to use multiple different chars in order to clear these quests. It’s been a while since I got to use some of these chars so it’s nice to be able to bring them out and add them to my party. Looking forward to the next time we’ll get another event like this.


So, what about you? Which chars did you use to complete the quests in the Crevasse: Hallowed Depths event? What do you think about this kind of event? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.


  • screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
  • originally published on my main Tumblr blog on Apr 6th, 2023 7:16:30pm

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