Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Caius Ballad and Selphie Tilmitt Banner

Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Caius Ballad and Selphie Tilmitt Banner

The Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 6 event just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. This event came with 2 banners.

Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 6 Banner 1

The Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 6 banner 1 features the following chars and their weapons:

  • Caius Ballad from Final Fantasy XIII-2 – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and Burst or BT
  • Selphie Tilmitt from Final Fantasy VIII – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
  • Prishe from Final Fantasy XI – 15cp, 35cp, and Ex

Have everything on this banner except for Selphie’s LD and Caius’s BT.

Thoughts about Selphie Tilmitt from Final Fantasy VIII

Been hearing a lot of good things about Selphie Tilmitt from Final Fantasy VIII (#ad), especially once she gets her Level 90 and Crystal Level 90 update and rework in the future.

For now, with her LD, Selphie is still a pretty good support, healer, and buffer with decent auras.

With the debuff from her LD, Selphie can enable herself and her allies to launch enemies. She’ll also battery the party for these launches.

The catch is that this debuff will tick down every time the afflicted enemy takes either BRV or HP damage.

So this debuff’s quick to end, and it can get wasted if chars deal AoE damage since even if the enemy isn’t launched, the debuff will still tick down as long as said enemy gets hit.

Once Selphie receives her Level 90 and Crystal Level 90 rework and update, this downside will be removed but that won’t happen for a while yet.

Selphie is practically required to clear Crucible 2 of the Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 6 Lufenia (level 200) quest because the orb there can only be increased if you do 3 launches in a row.

There are ways to clear this fight without using Selphie such as by using other chars or Calls who can launch, but she’ll definitely make this stage easier just by being in your main party.

Was interested in pulling for Selphie so she can help me with the aforementioned Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 6 Crucible 2 Lufenia quest.

I have other chars who can launch but they’re already locked in earlier Tiers. Really don’t want to have to redo those stages just to free up some chars.

The fact that Selphie’s a pretty good support and she’ll only get better later just made me more inclined to go for her now.

I wish she wasn’t on this banner though. I mean, I wish I was also missing the other LD on this banner.

As it was, didn’t really want to use gems seeing as I’m only missing 2 weapons here. Would have preferred to just use tickets but I didn’t want to risk it.

Was afraid that I’d resort to using gems anyway if I failed to get Selphie’s LD with my tickets so decided to just go in with gems right away.

Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 6 Free First Multi-Draw Results

Thankfully, thanks to the currently-ongoing Winter Festival campaign, we get a free multi-draw on the Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 6 banners.

Here’s to hoping that Selphie’s LD will show up soon and that I won’t have to pity it.

My free pull on the Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 6 banner 1 gave me a gold orb.

Ended up with 4 golds. Too bad they were all dupes – Selphie’s 15cp, Caius’s 15cp, Caius’s 35cp, and Caius’s LD.


Ahh, that Caius LD was such a troll. To think that could have been Selphie’s LD instead. Sigh. If only I didn’t already have Caius’s kit, this would have been a really good pull.

But even these dupes of Caius’s weapons are useless to me since I’ve already MLB’d his 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD. His Ex is only at Ex+ 0/3 though.

The same could be said for Selphie actually although I recently went and Purpled or got her Ex to Ex+ 3/3 in preparation for getting her LD.

My Prishe’s also MLB and her Ex is Purple but only because I wanted her A Sphere which increases the ATK and MAX BRV stats by 10%.

Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 6 Banner 1 Multi-Draws Results

Anyway, my first multi-draw with gems on the Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 6 banner 1 gave me a gold orb. Please be Selphie’s LD, please be Selphie’s LD already.

Got 3 golds but no Selphie LD, unfortunately. Instead, ended up with Caius’s 15cp, Selphie’s 35cp, and Caius’s Ex. Bleh.


At the very least, I wish that Caius Ex had been Prishe’s Ex instead. Because her Sphere’s way better than his.

In fact, Caius’s A Sphere is like a joke because it only increases the INT BRV and ATK stats by 5%. Bad Sphere is bad.

Surprisingly, my next multi-draw also gave me a gold orb. Welp, looks like it’s raining gold orbs, huh? Now if only I can stop getting dupes.

The items I got started displaying themselves one-by-one, and as bronze and silver trash kept showing up, was already thinking that this pull was only gonna give me the guaranteed gold and nothing else.

Well, that turned out to be right but can’t complain because the single gold that I got was –


My very first copy of Selphie’s LD! Hell, yes! So freaking pleased to see this! So glad it showed up already and that I didn’t have to pity it.


Missed out on Caius’s BT but eh, it’s fine. Wasn’t really interested in it. Have no intention of building Caius even if I get his Burst. Don’t really need him for anything.


Now I have 60 G-Tokens for this banner but there’s nothing I can spend them on since the cheapest item I can exchange for is a Power Stone and that requires 100 G-Tokens. Ah, well. It’s fine. Still done with this banner now.

Selphie Tilmitt from Final Fantasy VIII

Spent the Power Stones needed to MLB Selphie’s LD and get its passive. Already bought her Bloom Stone and farmed for her perfect Artifacts before.

Completed all of Selphie’s Summon Boards. Bought her High Armor and even Realized it to 0/3.

Also equipped Selphie with Paladin Cecil Harvey’s (from Final Fantasy IV) RF C Sphere, Hope Estheim’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) RF D Sphere, and Wakka’s (from Final Fantasy X) RF D Sphere.


Couldn’t decide what to do about Selphie’s Character Enhancement Boards though. Should I get all of them, or only some of them? After a while, went with just completing her LD Board for now.

But then I found myself thinking more about Selphie and considering the possibility of actually upgrading her High Armor to Blue. Not sure if it’d be worth it though.

Well, she was gonna be really good later, and she works well enough now, but I don’t know.

She’s a support so upgrading her High Armor to Blue will benefit the entire party. She’ll be able to boost the damage of her allies even more if she’s Blue.

I thought about Porom from Final Fantasy IV. She’s a support like Selphie and she’s really, really good.

I recently upgraded Porom’s High Armor to Blue, and if there’s anything I regret, it’s that I didn’t do that the moment it was possible to do so.


Since I got Porom, I did complete all of her Boards and farmed for her perfect Arts and gave her triple RF Spheres. But I only got her High Armor (HA). Didn’t even bother to Realize it to 0/3.

But Porom was so good that she worked well enough even without having Blue armor. It was after a lot of time had already passed when I decided to get her HA to 0/3.

And I only did that because I saw that I had the resources to spare to do so. Using a Book to Realize a High Armor to 0/3 would give me an Ingot.

You need 3 Ingots in order to upgrade a High Armor to 3/3 or Blue. I saw that I had a lot of Books but only a few Ingots so I started to Realize the High Armors of a few chars, and that included Porom.

It was only way later on, during the Divine Shiva Lufenia+ (level 250) quest that I bit the bullet and upgraded Porom’s HA to Blue. Heck, my initial clear of that fight actually only had Porom’s HA still at 0/3.

I talk more about that annoying fight on another post but, yeah, like I said, I don’t regret Bluing Porom. If anything, I really wish I’d done it sooner.

So I was thinking maybe I should Blue Selphie now. She could be of use to me now and then she’ll be even better later when she gets her update and rework.


I’ve only Blued a few chars so far so it’s not like I don’t have the resources to spare for Selphie. And since she’s a support, she won’t get powercrept that easily. She’ll even become better later so why not, right?

Looked at some vids featuring Selphie and wow, she is really good. So after a bit more back and forth, decided to go ahead and upgrade her High Armor to Blue.

Also went ahead and completed the rest of her Char Boards. No regrets so far. I’ve tried her in a few easy fights and she did very well.


Update: I talk more about this in another post but, much later, I finally got ‘round to doing Crucible 2 of Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 6, and Selphie really made that fight easy.

Got the win with her, Bartz Klauser from Final Fantasy V, and Zidane Tribal from Final Fantasy IX.


Haven’t done the Reckoning Stage yet but I’m also planning to use Selphie there.

Heard it was really hard so hopefully, Selphie can make it even just a little bit easier and more doable, especially since I’m not gonna be able to do that fight with a BT+ 3/3 char in my party.

Update 2: I talk more about this in another post but I was able to clear Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 6 Reckoning with a team of Selphie, Auron from Final Fantasy X, and Caius.


Yeah, as can be seen in the above screenshot, I was able to get Caius’s Burst weapon. Didn’t upgrade it to Green though, and I didn’t get it from this banner. I talk more about how I got Caius’s BT in another post. 


So, what about you? Did you pull on either of the Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 6 banners? What do you think about Selphie Tilmitt, Caius Ballad, and all the other chars featured on these banners? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.


  • screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
  • originally published on my main Tumblr blog on May 30th, 2023 10:40:41pm

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