Final Fantasy Record Keeper Valefor Magicite Fight

Final Fantasy Record Keeper Valefor Magicite Fight

The fights in the 6-star Magicite Dungeons in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game are quest level 550.


Valefor is the 6-star wind Magicite boss who is weak to the ice element. There are 2 versions of this fight – one that’s weak to physical ice and one that’s weak to magical ice.

My magical ice tech is basically non-existent so I opted to take on the physical, ice-weak version of Valefor first.

Surprisingly, my physical ice tech is pretty good. Well, it could be better but it really wasn’t that bad at all. Could definitely still use more ice tech though, both physical or magical.

Physical Ice Elemental Team Information

Anyway, my team for the Valefor Magicite fight was:

Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII

  • Synchro Arcane Soul Break 1 (SASB1), Cross Your Heart
  • Awakened Arcane Soul Break 1 (AASB1), Fatal Frost
  • AASB2, End of Flame      
  • Ultra Soul Break 4 (USB4), Double Junction
  • Glint+ Soul Break 2 (G+2), Fated Force
  • Burst Soul Break 1 (BSB1), Lion’s Roar

Since I have a lot of BDL relics for Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII (#ad), he served as my main DPS. Completed his Record Board and made his Hero Ability.

Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper

  • Ultra Soul Break 1 (USB1), Magika Album
  • USB2, Magika Orare
  • Glint+ Soul Break (G+), Magika Amuletum
  • Glint Soul Break (G), Magika Pius

Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper served as my healer. She can provide Regenga and hi fastcast. She can even help buff the party.

Celes Chere from Final Fantasy VI

  • SASB1, Mystical Snow
  • Chain Soul Break (CSB), More the Merrier
  • Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB), Glorious Blade

It’s really too bad that I’m missing the Awakening of Celes Chere from Final Fantasy VI. If I had it, I would have gladly made her Hero Ability.

Since I have Celes’s ice Sync, she served as my secondary DPS though she was primarily focused on casting her ice Chain to help boost Squall’s damage.

Laguna Loire from Final Fantasy VIII

  • Awakened Arcane Soul Break 1 (AASB1), Tactical Attack

The only Soul Break that I have for Laguna Loire from Final Fantasy VIII is his AASB1, but I brought him along to this fight anyway since his Awakening can imperil ice. He can also equip the ice Machinist ability that has a chance to imperil ice. 

I do wish that I have the rest of Laguna’s kit, particularly his Chain and Sync so I can make his Hero Ability and he could be my Chain user instead of Celes.

Tyro from Final Fantasy Record Keeper

  • AASB, Fantasy Grimoire Vol. I
  • Arcane Overstrike Soul Break 3 (AOSB3), Triple Phase
  • USB4, Arbiter’s Tome
  • USB3, Divine Veil Grimoire
  • USB1, Warder’s Apocrypha
  • Glint Soul Break (G), Purifying Grimoire
  • Burst Soul Break (BSB), Keeper’s Tome
  • Unique Soul Break 2, Sentinel’s Grimoire
  • Legend Materia Relic 1 (LMR1), Archival Secrets

Tyro from Final Fantasy Record Keeper was here to Wrath and Entrust and support the party with his AASB and USB4. The aforementioned Soul Breaks can increase the party’s critical hit chance.

These relics combo very well with Elarra’s Magika Orare which increases the party’s critical hit damage.

6-star Valefor Magicite Dungeon Quest Information

Valefor has a number of annoying gimmicks that can make this Magicite fight difficult.

For instance, he can summon tornadoes. In the second phase of the battle, he’ll actually fly away and you have to get rid of the tornadoes that show up before he comes back.

He also buffs himself so it’s necessary to bring Dispel. He can slow the party so it’s important to have a way to re-Haste.

6-star Valefor Magicite Fight 1

Had to do this fight a few times before I was able to get my first win. I started slow, letting Squall, Celes, and Laguna build up their bars while Elarra kept everyone alive.

Had Tyro cast his Divine Veil Grimoire USB (he was equipped with Mako Might which lets him start the battle with 2 gauges) first for the Protect, Shell, Haste and Wall then he built up his bars again with Wrath.

Waited until Squall had 4 bars before I cast his fire AASB then his ice AASB. This enabled him to deal a lot of damage (usually 29999 or thereabouts), especially when combined with Laguna’s imperils and Celes’s Chain as well as the critical hit chance up from Tyro and the critical hit damage up from Elarra.


Used Laguna’s Awakening around the time that Squall was casting his AASBs. Cast Celes’s Sync as soon as she had enough bars to do so. Phase 1 ended soon after that.

Squall, Laguna, and Celes can still break the damage cap once phase 2 started, which was good because I need to get rid of all the tornadoes ASAP.

If Valefor returns and not all the tornadoes have been defeated, he does this attack that hits really hard. Had a run which ended thanks to that.

So I also borrowed the Roaming Warrior that deals 99999 damage to help me with the tornadoes.

Having Squall’s Hero Ability was also very helpful because it’s an AoE move. It’s really nice to see him dealing a lot of damage to everything on the screen.


Anyway, once the effects of Squall’s Awakenings have run out, I activate his Sync.

I also get Celes to refresh the Chain. Once Laguna’s Awakening runs out, he can’t cast anything else so I just spam his equipped abilities.

Things can sometimes get a bit dicey towards the end because Valefor buffs himself and I need to dispel those buffs.

I have Celes equipped with Dispel but sometimes I can’t get the timing right, or I end up tapping on Snowspell Strike by mistake which means having to deal with a buffed Valefor for a while longer. This could end a run if I’m not able to heal with Elarra right away.

Really pleased to have been able to get my first win against Valefor. My clear time was 53.69 seconds.


This fight’s pretty annoying with all the gimmicks and such, but it wasn’t that bad, at least not when compared to an Argent Odin (quest level 600) fight.

Valefor Magicite Passives

Need to fight Valefor a few more times though since I want to make 2 copies of each of the 6-star Magicites.

One Valefor will have 2 Empower Wind for my wind teams while the second Valefor will have Health Boon and Healing Boon.

I’ll use this defensive Magicite if I’m up against enemies that deal wind damage since Valefor’s Majestic Blessing increases the wind damage of the party while also reducing the wind damage they take.

6-star Valefor Magicite Fight 2

For my second win against Valefor, I almost thought that I’d lose and would have to restart because Tyro ended up dying. IIRC, this happened near the end of the fight, maybe during phase 3 or thereabouts.

Decided to keep going since everyone else was still alive and Elarra had enough gauges to cast her USB1 again and the Regenga effect from the previous cast was still active.

Ah, if only I had her AASB, I could have just resurrected Tyro. So glad I was still able to win anyway. And this time I got the win in 45.99 seconds.


6-star Valefor Magicite Fight 3

My third win was even more dicey than the first 2 though because Laguna, Tyro and even Elarra died in this one.

Don’t remember the exact details anymore though. Just glad I was still somehow able to win even with 3 deaths in the party.

My clear time was now 42.87 seconds. Pleased that I’ve been able to lower my clear time every time I try this fight. Eventually, I hope to be able to sub-30 this Magicite quest.



So what about you? Have you tried any of the 6-star Magicite fights yet? What do you think about these quests? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.


  • screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
  • originally published on my main Tumblr blog on Jun 2nd, 2023 11:28:33pm

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