Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Caius Ballad and Lenna Charlotte Tycoon Banner

Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Caius Ballad and Lenna Charlotte Tycoon Banner

The Malodorous Night Winter Festival event just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. This event came with 1 banner.

Malodorous Night Banner

The Malodorous Night banner features the following chars and their weapons:

  • Caius Ballad from Final Fantasy XIII-2 – Burst or BT only
  • Lenna Charlotte Tycoon from Final Fantasy V – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
  • Trey from Final Fantasy Type-0 – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD

Thoughts about Lenna Charlotte Tycoon from Final Fantasy V

Heard a lot of good things about Lenna Charlotte Tycoon from Final Fantasy V (#ad) so was interested in pulling for her.

She’s a support with pretty decent buffs and auras. She can heal. She can battery the party. She even offers 100% party-wide immunity to debuffs.

Already have Lenna’s 15cp, 35cp, and Ex though. Actually, I have everything on this banner except for Lenna’s LD and Caius’s BT so didn’t really want to pull here with gems.

Was thinking of just using tickets but then what if I fail to get Lenna’s LD with those? Might just end up resorting to gems anyway, which would be a waste.

Was thinking about what to do. In the end, decided to go with gems. What swayed me was Caius’s BT.

Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 6 Information

I’ve been hearing all about how hard the Reckoning stage of Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 6 is.

Most of the team comps I’ve seen for this fight included at least 1 char with a Green Burst weapon.

The problem is that, so far, I only have 1 Green BT. It belongs to Ace from Final Fantasy Type-0, and I already have him locked in Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 5.

I’ve only seen 2 comps of the Tier 6 Reckoning stage that didn’t have a Green BT. They still had at least 1 char with a BT though.

One team featured Exdeath from Final Fantasy V while the second had Caius. Can’t replicate the Exdeath team since I don’t even have Exdeath’s Ex, LD, or BT.

The Caius team was more doable since I already have all of his weapons except for his BT. Just need to build him up such as by Purpling his Ex and completing all of his Boards.

However, it didn’t seem like the aforementioned Reckoning stage can be done without at least 1 BT char. Caius is one of the best options for this fight because his kit can counter or deal with the mechanics of the enemies there.

And so I found myself thinking of getting Caius’s BT to help me with Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 6. But do I really want to spend up to 125k gems to pity Caius’s BT?

He’s not even a fave, and I’m not all that attached to him, so I don’t know. I prefer to spend my gems on chars I like, especially when it comes to getting a Burst weapon which can be really expensive.

On the other hand, I do have more than 50 Burst Tokens now. You need at least 50 in order to exchange for any of the currently available Bursts.

So I could Token Caius’s BT. But do I want to do that? Still not entirely sure what to do but for now, I’ve at least decided to use gems to pull for Lenna. Maybe Caius’s Burst will drop on the way to getting her LD.

Malodorous Night Free First Multi-Draw Results

Thanks to the currently ongoing Winter Festival, we get a free multi-draw on the Malodorous Night banner.

Too bad this pull gave me nothing but a dupe 15cp. It’s a bow so it belongs to either Trey or Lenna. Didn’t bother finding out who owned it since it doesn’t matter anyway.


Malodorous Night Multi-Draws Results

Currently have 595,670 gems. Since I was so close to 600k gems, was reluctant to spend them now but I need Lenna’s LD and Caius’s BT so welp, here goes nothing.

Hopefully, I can get those 2 weapons soon, preferably before my gem count goes down too much.

So I do the first multi-draw that costs gems and –


OMFG! A Burst orb actually showed up! Could hardly believe this but it’s really so freaking amazing. So pleased to see this. Now I’m really glad I decided to pull on this banner with gems.


There’s only 1 Burst weapon here so I already know I’m about to get Caius’s BT but was still very hyped when I saw the Burst orb anyway.


Now that I have Caius’s BT, I can fully build him. Hopefully, he can help me clear Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 6.

I’m glad I got Caius’s Burst but I still don’t want to have to Green him. I want my next Green or BT+ 3/3 to be Machina Kunagiri’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) Burst.


Machina is coming really soon, and I’m so looking forward to it already. Really excited and can’t wait for his BT to get here. Want to get it already.

Not sure if I’ll gem it or use my Tokens. The only thing I know for sure is that I will have it, and it will be Greened.

Anyway, aside from Caius’s Burst, this draw also gave me a dupe of Trey’s 35cp.


Still missing Lenna’s LD so have to keep on pulling. Was prepared to pity her LD, if needed, in the hopes of also getting Caius’s BT along the way.

But now that Caius’s Burst has shown up, no longer inclined to pity Lenna’s LD. I hope it will show up soon.

I wonder if it’d be better to switch to tickets and just save my gems. Hmm. For now, I guess let’s just keep on pulling.

After such an awesome first (well, second if we’re counting the free draw as well) pull, this next one was terribly underwhelming. Got 2 dupes again – Trey’s 35cp and either Lenna’s or Trey’s 15cp.


My next pull gave me a gold orb which turned into 2 dupes of Lenna’s Ex. Meh. Wrong Lenna weapon. Wish her LD would show up already.


Surprisingly, my next draw also gave me a gold orb. And even more surprisingly, this one turned into the weapon I’ve been looking for.


Yeah, that’s right. Lenna’s LD just came home. Hell, yes! So pleased to see this. Also got another dupe of Trey’s 35cp. LOL. Why does this keep showing up?


Overall, very pleased with this banner. Managed to get the 2 weapons I wanted without having to spend so much.

Got exactly 100 G-Tokens from pulling on the Malodorous Night banner. Used said Tokens to exchange for a Power Stone.


Lenna Charlotte Tycoon from Final Fantasy V

Spent the Power Stones needed to MLB Lenna’s LD and get its passive. Previously, had already Purpled her Ex in preparation for getting her LD.

Now I completed all of her Summon Boards as well. Bought her High Armor and Realized it to 0/3.


Equipped her with 2 of Paladin Cecil Harvey’s (from Final Fantasy IV) RF C Spheres and Freya Crescent’s (from Final Fantasy IX) RF D Sphere.

I thought I was all set to Blue her armor and complete all of her Char Boards but then I started having second thoughts.

Was wondering if I really needed to go that far. Should I invest that much on Lenna? Was it worth it to do so?

After all, I just Blued Selphie Tilmitt from Final Fantasy VIII, and I already have a Blue Porom from Final Fantasy IV as well. I talk more about those 2 in other posts.

Lenna’s a good support too but maybe I don’t really need to Blue her. I don’t know. Needed to think about this some more.

For now, just decided to unlock part of Lenna’s Char Boards, particularly the tiles that would give me her LD Call and LD extension passive.

Besides, still don’t have triple of her perfect Artifacts. I’d like to get those first before thinking about Bluing her. Wouldn’t want to Blue her if she doesn’t even have perfect Arts.

Update: after a bit more farming, was finally able to get triple of Lenna’s preferred Artifacts – ATK 108 with HP 1020.

Still haven’t Blued her though. For now, I’ve decided to just leave her with her High Armor at 0/3. And so far, she’s been working well enough as-is.

Caius Ballad from Final Fantasy XIII-2

After getting Caius’s Burst, leveled it up to the max then equipped it to him. Purpled his Ex to get its passive.

Completed all of his Boards. Got his Bloom Stone. Bought his High Armor and Realized it to 0/3. Equipped him with triple RF Spheres. Farmed for his perfect Artifacts.


Welp, he’s basically complete now. Looks like the only things I didn’t do are Green his Burst, Blue his armor, and give him 3 real Spheres.

Update 2: I talk more about this in another post but I was able to clear Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 6 Reckoning with a team of Selphie, Auron from Final Fantasy X, and Caius.


Pretty pleased with Caius. He may not be the best but he really helped me with Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 6.

Really glad I was able to get through that entire Tier without a BT+ char in any of my teams. But it’s really too bad that we don’t get more resources to Green more chars. If I could, I’d like to BT+ 3/3 all the chars I have with upgradeable Bursts.


So, what about you? Did you pull on the Malodorous Night banner? What do you think about Lenna Charlotte Tycoon, Caius Ballad, and all the other chars featured on this banner? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.


  • screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
  • originally published on my main Tumblr blog on Jun 5th, 2023 9:16:25pm

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