Final Fantasy Record Keeper Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Realm Dungeons

Final Fantasy Record Keeper Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Realm Dungeons

In the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, there are Realm Dungeons for each of the Final Fantasy series.

For Final Fantasy VII, aside from the main FF7 series, there are also Realm Dungeons for Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII.


Final Fantasy Record Keeper Realm Dungeons Information

The quests in the Realm Dungeons are really easy, especially the older ones. The quests that appeared much later are slightly more difficult but these can still be easily autoed with a decent team.

However, even though the quests here are really easy, there are a lot of times wherein you can’t just auto said quests, at least not if you want to get all the rewards associated with clearing these fights.

A lot of the fights in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper Realm Dungeons have really annoying mission requirements. For instance, some might want you to use so-and-so element or lower an enemy’s stats or something like that.

So instead of being able to just auto your way to victory, you’ll need to watch out for when you should use a certain element or ability or whatever else the fight might require.

Was really annoyed with these missions. They were such a hassle to deal with. Thankfully, this stops being an issue in later quests. Or, to be more precise, later quests have mission requirements that are easier to fulfill.

Anyway, the Realm Dungeons and the Record Dungeons are basically the story mode of Final Fantasy Record Keeper. The quests here are all permanent. Once you clear them, you get some mythril as part of the rewards.

Thoughts about the Final Fantasy Record Keeper Realm Dungeons

The Realm Dungeons are divided into 2 different difficulty modes – Classic and Elite.

The information page of each quest in the Realm Dungeons has 3 tabs: Prologue, Rewards, and Boss.

The Prologue tab includes 1 image as well as a few sentences about the story of the quest you’re currently playing through.

The Rewards tab details the items and materials and such that you’ll get after clearing the quest in question.

The Boss tab shows information about the enemy you’ll be fighting. This tab also includes all the mission requirements or the “target score” that you need to get in order to clear the quest in question.

After clearing a quest, another image and a few more sentences about the next part of the story you’re currently playing through will show up.

So for example, if you’re playing through the Final Fantasy VII Realm Dungeons, you’ll get information about the FF7 storyline. And the displayed images will all be related to FFVII.

Basically, by playing through the quests in the Realm Dungeons, you get to revisit the stories of each of the different Final Fantasy series.

But since the text info for these quests is only a few sentences at most, you’re better off just looking up a more detailed summary about the game in question. Or just play the game again. LOL.

Honestly, I found the Realm Dungeons really boring. There isn’t really much substance to the quests and fights here, unfortunately. Even the text barely contains any info.

You basically just read through the Prologue, Rewards and Boss tabs of the quest info page then enter the Realm Dungeon in question and fight a bunch of enemies.

Quests in the Realm Dungeons usually come with 3 fights. These fights normally have 3 waves each. So these quests can take a while to get through, especially if you also need to make sure that you can get the target score.

Needless to say, I found these quests a slog to get through. It was also annoying how you only get 1 mythril after having to deal with at least 3 fights with 3 waves for each quest.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, the rest of the rewards from clearing these quests are also not that good anymore.

You get lots of orbs and other such materials that can be used to create abilities that are 1 to 3 or 4 stars. Most of the abilities that have such a low ranking are outdated by now.

Some, like Dispel, still have their uses. But if you want to tackle endgame content, your DPS will need to be equipped with 6-star abilities and/or their own Hero Abilities.

Ode to a Sundered World Event

Anyway, I remember doing some of the Realm Dungeons quests when I first started playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper. That was during the Ode to a Sundered World event.

This was the event that introduced Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (#ad) as a playable char in FFRK.


Currently, Genesis is my absolute, most fave Final Fantasy char. He’s the reason why I started playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper.

I went through a lot of the Realm Dungeons quests in an effort to acquire more mythril so I can pull for all of Genesis’s relics on his debut banner. I talk more about that in this post.

After thankfully getting all of Genesis’s Soul Breaks on the Ode to a Sundered World banner, I stopped clearing quests in the Realm Dungeons. It was too boring and annoying.


I was thinking that this was for the best. Instead of getting all the mythril from all these Realm Dungeons fights now and being tempted to use them all already, I can save them for later.

Like if Genesis gets new relics and I don’t have enough mythril on hand, I can clear quests in the Realm Dungeons to get more pulling resources.

So now I’ve only ever revisited the Realm Dungeons and even the Record Dungeons when I need some more mythril to pull on a banner. IIRC, this has happened a few times.


I remember clearing some Realm Dungeons and Record Dungeons quests to get a few more mythril so I can get the Sync Select pick from the Summer Sun 2021 Festival Banners Stamp Sheet. I talk more about this in another post.

Anyway, the point is that I only bother to clear a Realm Dungeons quest if I need mythril.

Final Fantasy Record Keeper End of Service Announcement

I thought that I’d always have time to do these quests whenever I wanted to. After all, all the fights in the Realm Dungeons are permanent, so didn’t need to rush to do them.

But now everything is coming to an end. That’s because, unfortunately, Final Fantasy Record Keeper just recently announced that it was gonna end its service on September 29, 2022. I talk more about that in another post.


Since FFRK was gonna be ending soon, I started doing the rest of the Realm Dungeons quests that I have yet to do.

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Realm Dungeons

I’d already cleared some of the quests in the Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Realm Dungeons but there were still a lot that I had yet to do.

After completing all of the quests in the Realm Dungeons, my plan was to replay all the quests in the Crisis Core Dungeons. I wanted to take lots of notes and screenshots.


Sadly, I never got to replay the Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Realm Dungeons again before FFRK ended.

Was able to take a few screenshots but – argh! It’s really frustrating that I wasn’t able to take more. Sigh.

Anyway, here’s more information about the quests in the Crisis Core Dungeons and some of the screenshots I was able to take:


Enemy troops from Wutai have hijacked a train in Midgar. Shinra sends SOLDIER member Zack to neutralize them.

Fort Tamblin

Zack is sent on a mission to bring the war with Wutai to an end. Breaking through enemy lines, he comes face to face with the anti-SOLDIER monsters Vajradhara Wu and Vajradhara Tai.

Mt. Tamblin – Animal Trail

Zack becomes separated from Angeal after they are ambushed by unfamiliar soldiers at Mt. Tamblin. As he hurries to locate his mentor, Ifrit attacks.

Banora – Apple Orchard

Zack is sent to the village of Banora where Genesis and Angeal grew up, but he finds it overrun with copies of Genesis out to stop him.


Zack heads back to Angeal’s family home, hoping to find him there. Sure enough, he comes cross Angeal, sword held aloft over his mother’s lifeless body.

Sector 8 – Shinra Building

Midgar and the Shinra Headquarters are attacked by the forces of Genesis. While moving to engage them, Zack runs into Turks member Cissnei locked in combat with G Eraser.

Mako Reactor No. 5

Zack has infiltrated a hidden research lab belonging to Hollander, an ex-Shinra scientist working with Genesis. Zack gives chase as Hollander tries to escape, but is stopped in his tracks by three Machines.

Shinra Building

As Genesis’s army launches another attack on the Shinra Building, Zack and Angeal prepare to face him together.

Modeo Ravine

At the Modeo Ravine Mako Excavation Facility, Zack finds a degraded Genesis threatening vengeance on Hollander.


IIRC, the screenshot below is what showed up after I cleared the Modeo Ravine quests.


Modeoheim, Part 1

Zack heads to Modeoheim after being separated from Cloud and Tseng while on the trail of Dr. Hollander. As he searches an abandoned building there, he is confronted by an A-Griffon.

Modeoheim, Part 2

Angeal fuses himself with several other creatures, transforming into a twisted monstrosity before Zack’s eyes. Realizing he has no other choice, Zack raises his blade to take on Angeal.

Lower Junon

Hollander is captured in Modeoheim, but then escapes from the detention center in Junon. To shake off Zack’s pursuit, he sends the General’s Tank into battle.

Upper Junon

Zack arrives at the airport hot on the heels of the fleeing Hollander. There he encounters a Guard Scorpion.

Nibel Reactor, Part 1

An encounter with Genesis while on a mission in Nibelheim triggers a change in Sephiroth, and he becomes consumed with hatred. Zack takes up arms to stop him.

Nibel Reactor, Part 2

Sephiroth proclaims himself the chosen one, destined to rule the planet. Zack draws steel once more to stay the fallen hero.

Nibel Plains

Zack fled with Cloud, who was suffering from mako addiction. With Cissnei’s help, Zack was able to escape the Turks’ pursuit, but he soon finds himself attacked by G Eliminator.

Abandoned Mako Reactor

Hollander is pursuing Cloud, and the S-cells within him. Realizing the danger this places Cloud in, Zack hurries back to the mako reactor.

Portal of Severance

Zack recovered the Goddess Materia from the Depths of Judgement and Lake Oblivion. Now having opened the path to the Light of Doom, he is attacked by G Regicide.

Hall of Parting, Part 1

Genesis absorbs mako energy from a statue of the Goddess, believing it will grant him protection. Instead, it transforms him into a hideous avatar that attacks Zack.

Hall of Parting, Part 2

Genesis unleashes an onslaught of sword and magic attacks. Zack struggles to hold his ground, but fights on to the end.


Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Realm Dungeons Battle Screenshots

Was able to take a few screenshots of the fights against Genesis Rhapsodos in the Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Realm Dungeons. IIRC, these were from the final battle in the Hall of Parting, Part 2 Dungeon.


Of course, I brought a full Final Fantasy VII team to all of these fights. I ran other chars in the other Realm Dungeons fights but I always brought Genesis and he was always in the top or leader slot of my party.

For these fights, my team was:

  1. Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
  2. Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII
  3. Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
  4. Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII
  5. Angeal Hewley from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Realm Dungeons More Screenshots

Here are some more screenshots from the Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Realm Dungeons.

Hall of Parting, Part 2


Modeo Ravine


End of Final Fantasy Record Keeper Mobile Game

And that’s it. Unfortunately, that’s all the screenshots that I was able to take from the Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Realm Dungeons before Final Fantasy Record Keeper ended its service on September 29, 2022.


I was able to finish playing through all the Realm Dungeons but, sadly, I wasn’t able to replay the Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII quests. Ahh, if only we had more time. If only this game didn’t end yet or at all. Sigh.

Didn’t even get the chance to finish all of the content in Final Fantasy Record Keeper. Was able to do a lot but I wish I’d been able to play through everything before the end. I talk more about that in another post.

Another thing that’s really upsetting is the way Final Fantasy Record Keeper ended. Its end feels so anticlimactic. Truly a letdown of epic proportions. The game could have tried to do more before everything ended.

But instead, even before the end, FFRK felt dead already. We stopped getting any new events long before the end.


We got a special banner and some tickets that we could use to pull on said banner. I talk more about that in another post, but we’d get like 1 ticket per day as part of some login bonus campaign or something.

That only lasted for like 30 days or so though. But why couldn’t they have made it last until the end? Why couldn’t they have given us more free pulls?

Why couldn’t they have adjusted the rates or something? Why couldn’t they have made it so that these daily free 10-draws would give us at least 1 6-star or 7-star Soul Break or something?

They didn’t even refresh the Realm and Elemental banners or given us more mythril and Realm/Elemental x11 tickets.

The game could have gone out with a bang but it feels like it all just ended in disappointment.


So what about you? Were you able to play through all of the Realm Dungeons in Final Fantasy Record Keeper? What do you think about Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII? What do you think about the fact that Final Fantasy Record Keeper is all over now? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.


  • screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
  • originally published on my main Tumblr blog on Aug 19th, 2023 9:52:26pm

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