Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Yuna and Seymour Guado Banners

Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Yuna and Seymour Guado Banners

The Recurring World event just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. This event came with 2 banners.

Recurring World Banner 1

The Recurring World banner 1 features the following chars and their weapons:

  • Yuna from Final Fantasy X – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and Force or FR
  • Seymour Guado from Final Fantasy X – Burst or BT only
  • Palom from Final Fantasy IV – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
  • Irvine Kinneas from Final Fantasy VIII – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD

Have everything on this banner except for Yuna’s FR, Seymour’s BT, and Irvine’s LD.

Have a copy of Palom’s LD but it hasn’t been limit broken at all. Have 2 copies of Irvine’s Ex. One has been limit broken twice.

I know I must have used 2 copies of Irvine’s Ex in order to limit break my first copy. Shouldn’t have done that though because Irvine’s Ex gives a good E Sphere.

This Sphere raises the ranged attack of its user by 15%. Don’t know yet who I’d want to give this Sphere to but it’s good to have a few copies in case I need more or something.

Recurring World Banner 2

The Recurring World banner 2 features the following chars and their weapons:

  • Yuna from Final Fantasy X – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, BT, and FR
  • Palom from Final Fantasy IV – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
  • Irvine Kinneas from Final Fantasy VIII – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD

Have everything on this banner except for Yuna’s FR and Irvine’s LD.

Thoughts about Yuna from Final Fantasy X

I like Yuna from Final Fantasy X (#ad) well enough, which is why I have her as fully built as possible.

Right now, I have her 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and BT fully MLB. Her Ex has been Purpled or upgraded to Ex+ 3/3. Her Burst has been Greened or upgraded to BT+ 3/3.


Yuna has her High Armor, and it’s been upgraded to Blue. She has her Bloom Stone.

Yuna has triple perfect Artifacts – 3 Charged Esuna Boost★★ (Esuna use +1; raises MAX BRV by 40%) with Buff Attack Boost All★★ (Raises party’s MAX BRV, ATK by 10% with active buff).


Yuna is equipped with the following real Spheres:

  • Paladin Cecil Harvey’s (from Final Fantasy IV) Full HP Break Hit BRV Gain All C Sphere

When inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break while own HP at MAX:
• Grants party 5% of individual MAX BRV once per turn

  • Queen’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) Break Hit Attack Boost All Shorter D Sphere

When inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break:
• Raises party’s MAX BRV, ATK by 5% for 3 turns


All of Yuna’s Summon Boards and Character Enhancement Boards have been completed.

Yuna is a support and healer. She offers pretty good buffs and auras. She can even deal pretty decent damage. She can extend the duration of the party’s buffs. She can remove the party’s debuffs. She can also battery the party.

Interested in acquiring Yuna’s FR, not just ‘cause I like her but also because it’s the only weapon I’m missing for her and I want to complete her.

Yuna’s FR isn’t really meta though. Sure, it works well enough, and Yuna’s a good support but there are better FRs out there.

And, even if I bring Yuna as my support and healer, I’m more likely to use the FR of my DPS. So I don’t really need Yuna’s Force weapon. Would love to have it though.

I’m torn on whether to pull for Yuna’s FR with tickets or with gems. Initially, I was thinking of using gems but – although I want Yuna’s FR, don’t really want to pity it. Don’t want to spend so many gems trying to get it.

It’d be nice to get a copy of Seymour’s BT and Irvine’s LD but don’t really need either. Even if I get Seymour’s BT, have no plans of Greening it or fully building him.

Irvine doesn’t even have his own Force and Burst weapons yet so he’s super outdated by now. Not gonna use him even if I manage to get his LD. At most, he might see use as a Call.

Recurring World Banner 1 Free First Multi-Draw Results

As part of the Winter Festival campaign, we get a free multi-draw on both of the Recurring World banners.

Banner 1′s free pull gave me nothing more than a dupe of Irvine’s 35cp. Bleh. Bad pull is bad.


Recurring World Banner 2 Free First Multi-Draw Results

My free multi-draw on the Recurring World banner 2 gave me a gold orb which turned into dupes of Yuna’s LD and either Palom’s or Yuna’s 15cp. Meh. Wish that Yuna LD dupe had been Irvine’s LD instead.


Recurring World Banner 1 Tickets Pulls Results

After thinking about it some more, decided to just ticket the Recurring World banner 1 in the hopes of being able to get Yuna’s FR and maybe even Seymour’s BT.

I might not have any plans of Greening Seymour’s Burst weapon but it’d still be nice to have it.

Also, I just checked and it looks like Yuna’s Force weapon will be back on a future banner so in case I fail to get it now, at least I can try again later.

Anyway, currently have 179 tickets on hand.


Aside from the usual bronze and silver trash and gold dupes, here are some of the more notable items that I got from these 10-draws:

  • 2/10, came from a gold orb – dupes of Yuna’s Ex and Irvine’s 15cp

Meh. Wish that Yuna Ex dupe had been Irvine’s Ex instead.

  • 1/10 – my very first copy of Irvine’s LD

Hell, yes! Was really pleased to have been able to get Irvine’s LD.


I might not be able to use him for any endgame content since he’s horribly outdated by now but it’s still nice to get something new.

  • 2/10 – dupes of Irvine’s 35cp and Palom’s LD

At least I can now limit break my first copy of Palom’s LD. Would still need more dupes in order to fully MLB it though.

After a few more 10-draws, a Force orb showed up.


Hell, yes! Super pleased to see this. Also super pleased to get my very first copy of Yuna’s FR.


Yay! So glad that I was able to get Yuna’s FR just by using tickets.


Aside from Yuna’s FR, this 10-draw also gave me a dupe of Irvine’s 35cp.


Was down to 99 tickets when Yuna’s Force weapon came home. Still don’t have Seymour’s BT, and it’s too bad that I wasn’t able to get dupes of Irvine’s Ex, but it’s fine. Done pulling on this banner.


Yuna from Final Fantasy X

Since Yuna’s FR is gonna be featured again in a future banner and since it’s not really that good and I don’t really have any plans of using it right now, I decided not to spend the High Power Stones needed to fully MLB it.

Normally, if I get a Force weapon, I’d equip it to a char even if it isn’t fully MLB. But I can’t do this for Yuna because I have her Burst weapon and I’ve already Greened said BT.


Equipping Yuna with her FR means I’d have to drop her Burst+ 3/3 weapon which I don’t want to do since the latter has higher stats.

So now Yuna’s FR is just gonna be sitting in my inventory for the foreseeable future until I can fully MLB it and get its passive.

Although I chose not to MLB Yuna’s FR for now, I did decide to get all of her Force Enhancements so I can make use of her as a force gauge charger.


Recurring World Banner 1 Daily Free Single Draw Results

Each day, we get 1 free single draw on any one of the currently available banners in Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia.

For now, I’ve been using my daily free single draws on the Recurring World Banner 1 since I’m still missing Seymour’s BT and certainly wouldn’t say no to dupes of Yuna’s FR, Palom’s LD, Irvine’s LD, and/or Irvine’s Ex.

Wasn’t really expecting to get anything from these free single draws. It’s really rare to get a gold from these pulls. It’s happened before but more often than not, I just get the usual bronze and silver trash.

So one day, was surprised when I actually got a gold orb.


This turned into yet another dupe of Palom’s LD. Ah, well. At least this dupe will let me limit break my first copy of Palom’s LD again. Now I just need 1 more dupe to fully max limit break Palom’s LD.



So, what about you? Did you pull on either of the Recurring World banners? What do you think about Yuna, Seymour Guado, and all the other chars featured on these banners? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.


  • screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
  • originally published on my main Tumblr blog on Oct 9th, 2023 11:52:42pm

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