Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Dare 2 Defy Event Part 6

Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Dare 2 Defy Event Part 6

The second Dare to Defy event, Dare 2 Defy, just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. This is a global original event that features 7 Shinryu (level 300) quests.


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Dare 2 Defy VI Shinryu Quest
  3. Conclusion


If you use a char on 1 Dare 2 Defy quest, then you can’t use them anymore on the other fights in this event.

You can’t bring a friend support to these fights. Each quest needs to be Perfected (meaning get the score and all the other mission requirements on the same run) in order to get all the rewards.


The bosses featured on these quests are the same as the ones that have recently shown up in the game.

Dare 2 Defy VI Shinryu Quest

Also known as Dare 2 Defy VI. This fight has 3 waves. Wave 1 has 3 enemies, the Lunatic Strange Heads. Wave 2 has 2 Lunatic Strange Heads. Wave 3 has 1 Lunatic Strange Head.

This quest is the same as the Dimensions’ End: Transcendence, Tier 13, Reckoning Shinryu one with a few differences such as the fact that the force gauge of the enemies here charges much slower.

For this fight, my team was Jack Garland from Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin (#ad), Machina Kunagiri from Final Fantasy Type-0, and Galuf Halm Baldesion from Final Fantasy V with The Brothers as my summon.


My Calls were Lunafreya Nox Fleuret’s from Final Fantasy XV, Freya Crescent’s from Final Fantasy IX, and Seymour Guado’s from Final Fantasy X.

Seymour’s Calls debuff the enemies. His LD Call will also delay all the enemies by 2 turns while removing all of their buffs.

Lunafreya’s regular Call heals the party. Her LD Call will give its user multiple turns in a row.

Freya’s Calls heal the party. Her LD Call will also buff the party’s damage output for a few turns.

Have Jack Garland’s 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, BT, and FR fully MLB. His Ex has been Purpled. His Burst has been Greened. He has his High Armor and it’s been Blued.

Jack has his Bloom Stone. He has triple real Spheres and triple perfect Artifacts. All of his Summon Boards, Character Enhancement Boards, and Force Enhancements have been completed.

Garland is currently equipped with my Level 5 of 5 Greatsword Ultima Weapon. Jack is a really good physical, non-elemental DPS. His main gimmick is being able to get the enemies to go into negative brave.

My Machina is as fully built as my Jack Garland except he’s only equipped with a Level 4 of 5 Short Sword Ultima Weapon.

Machina is a really good physical DPS who can work in both rushdown and counter or off-turn comps. That’s because he can counter and deal off-turn damage.

My Galuf is as fully built as my Machina and Jack Garland except he doesn’t have his own Force and Burst weapons yet. Also don’t have another Greatsword Ultima Weapon to give to him so he’s currently equipped with his Ex+ 3/3 weapon.

Galuf is a cover and evasion tank. He takes the place of his allies every time they’re attacked. He can evade most attacks. If Galuf evades an attack, he will counter twice. If he fails to evade an attack, then he’ll only counter once.

If all of your chars have 50% or more HP by the time the force gauge of the enemies hits 100%, their force attack will instantly KO the party.

The force time of the enemies will last for 3 turns and has the following effects: they can’t be killed during their force time and they will use instant KO attacks if all chars have 50% or more HP.

In wave 1, once the enemies drop down to 49% HP, they will trigger “Summon Strange Head”. This will buff them and, if any of them have been killed off already, that enemy will be revived with full HP.

So it’s important to bring all 3 enemies down to 49% HP at around the same time to stop them from resurrecting each other.

Once the enemies drop down to 39% HP, the enemies will trigger “Eliminate” which causes them to self-destruct and KO themselves.

Had to restart wave 1 a couple of times since I seemed to always end up bringing one or 2 of the enemies down to 49% HP while the third still had pretty high health.

Making sure the enemies were always at around the same HP was hard but at least I didn’t have to worry about my chars dying. Galuf did a really great job in keeping everyone safe.

Since Galuf doesn’t have an Ultima Weapon, there were a lot of times wherein he was dealing 1 BRV damage. But at least his HP damage was still pretty good, especially while under the effects of force time.

Once my force gauge was fully charged to 100%, had Machina activate his FR. By then the enemies were down to 57%, 54%, and 57% HP. The force gauge of the enemies was at 78.2%.

The conditions for increasing the HP damage bonus of Machina’s FR are as follows:

  • +5% when party member selects melee attack on party member’s own turn
  • +5% after melee additional attack triggered not on party member’s own turn
  • +20% when melee attack selected on own (Machina’s) turn or after own melee additional attack triggered not on own turn
  • +40% when party member uses ability transformed from BRV attack, HP attack on party member’s own turn
  • +15% when party member acts with non-standard turn rate on party member’s own turn

On Machina’s next turn, had him use his BT+ finisher already. His attack took the enemies down to 50%, 48%, and 50% HP.

So the Lunatic Strange Heads triggered “Summon Strange Head”. Doing this also gave each of them a shield that you need to break through in order to deal damage to them.

I thought that I’d have to restart again but thankfully, Jack’s attack was able to break through the shield and get the other 2 enemies down to 49% HP.


Have 8 turns of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 249%. IIRC, had Jack use either his Zantetsuken LD ability or his Spinning Slash skill.

Of course, right after bringing the other 2 enemies down to 49% HP, they also triggered “Summon Strange Head” so had to break through their shields again.


After managing to do that, this wave became much easier to deal with. The enemies got to move often enough which would trigger Galuf’s and Machina’s counters.

Soon, was able to get the enemies down to 39% HP so they triggered “Eliminate”.


It was turn 18 when I got to wave 2. Have 4 turns of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 551%.


As soon as this wave starts, the enemies will get a +50% ATK, SPD, turn rate, BRV damage, and HP damage aura.

The enemies here got to move a lot so by the time I only have 1 turn of force time left, the HP damage bonus was at 785%. The Lunatic Strange Heads were down to 42% and 38% HP.

Summoned The Brothers already. The on-entry attack of The Brothers took the enemies down to 21% and 17% HP.


It was currently Jack’s turn. His attack took the Lunatic Strange Heads down to 11% and 12% HP.

After that, just continued attacking the enemies while waiting for my force gauge to charge back to 100% again.


As usual, the enemies got a lot of turns which meant Galuf and Machina got to counter a lot as well.

Soon, the Lunatic Strange Heads were down to 1% HP. Galuf’s and Machina’s counters managed to finish them both off a few turns later.


As soon as wave 3 started, the enemy got an aura that reduces HP damage dealt to him by 80%. He also buffed himself with 5 turns of a 1 million HP damage shield.

So just had Machina use Seymour’s LD Call to get rid of this shield. It looks like I forgot to use Seymour’s regular Call. Should have used it in wave 2. Ah, well.

Anyway, my force gauge was fully charged by now. Jack got the next turn after Machina.

Decided to go ahead and use Jack’s FR already instead of waiting for Galuf’s turn and having him use Freya’s LD Call.

So had Jack use his Additional Ability then Lunafreya’s LD Call. Activated Jack’s FR then his BT+ finisher. Afterwards, went straight into his Burst+ phase.


By then have 9 turns of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 196%. The Lunatic Strange Head was down to 95% HP.

The conditions for increasing the HP damage bonus of Garland’s FR are as follows:

  • +20% when party member selects melee attack on party member’s own turn
  • +20% when enemy afflicted with Break present on party member’s own turn
  • +30% when enemy with less than 0 BRV present on party member’s own turn

By the time Jack was about to cast Soul of Chaos, his finishing Burst+ move, have 3 turns of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 654%. The Lunatic Strange Head was down to 46% HP.


Managed to get the HP damage bonus up to 800% before my force time ended. By then the Lunatic Strange Head was at 37% HP.


It was Jack’s turn. His attack took the enemy down to 23% HP. After that, just continued spamming skills again while waiting for my force gauge to charge back up to 100% again.

By the time my force gauge was once again fully charged, the enemy was down to 7% HP and his force gauge was at 87.2%.

Opted to use Machina’s FR again. At some point, also had Galuf use Freya’s LD Call.

Soon, the enemy was finally down to 1% HP. It was Galuf’s turn. Have 8 turns of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 164%.


Galuf’s attack was more than enough to finish off the last boss, ending the battle on turn 39.


Got the score and all the other mission requirements which also got me the Perfect. This team did really well.



So, what about you? Which chars did you use to complete these Shinryu quests? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.


  • screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
  • originally published on my main Tumblr blog on Dec 22nd, 2023 11:32:38pm

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