Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Dare 2 Defy Event Part 7

Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Dare 2 Defy Event Part 7

The second Dare to Defy event, Dare 2 Defy, just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. This is a global original event that features 7 Shinryu (level 300) quests.


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Dare 2 Defy VII Shinryu Quest
  3. Conclusion


If you use a char on 1 Dare 2 Defy quest, then you can’t use them anymore on the other fights in this event.

You can’t bring a friend support to these fights. Each quest needs to be Perfected (meaning get the score and all the other mission requirements on the same run) in order to get all the rewards.


The bosses featured on these quests are the same as the ones that have recently shown up in the game.

Dare 2 Defy VII Shinryu Quest

Also known as Dare 2 Defy VII. This fight has 1 wave with 2 enemies, the Krakens. This quest is the same as the Play Bittersweet For Me (Intersecting Wills) Shinryu one.

The main gimmick of this fight is that the enemies here need to be defeated at the same time otherwise they will be revived at full HP.

The enemies here also greatly resist all weapon types. And they have innate +70% non-elemental BRV damage resist.

Once the enemies go down to 69% to 40% HP, they will trigger Counter Black Inkcloud every time a char deals fire, ice, lightning, water, earth, and/or wind elemental BRV damage.

Counter Black Inkcloud deals single target brave damage while also inflicting 2 turns of the blind debuff on its target.

For this fight, my team was Rinoa Heartilly from Final Fantasy VIII, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret from Final Fantasy XV (#ad), and Kain Highwind from Final Fantasy IV with The Brothers as my summon.


My Calls were Cid Raines’s from Final Fantasy XIII, Raijin’s from Final Fantasy VIII, and Keiss’s from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers.

Have Rinoa’s, Kain’s, and Lunafreya’s 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, BT, and FR fully MLB. Their Ex weapons have been Purpled. Their Burst weapons have been Greened. They have their High Armors, and they’ve been Blued.

They have their Bloom Stones. They have triple perfect Artifacts and triple real Spheres.

All of their Summon Boards, Character Enhancement Boards, and Force Enhancements have been completed.

Rinoa is a magical, non-elemental DPS who deals really good AoE damage. She has a bit of support in her kit too but she’s mostly a DPS. She’s currently equipped with my Level 5 of 5 Special or Unique-type Ultima Weapon.

Kain’s a physical, non-elemental DPS who deals good damage and offers a bit of support.

Kain’s main gimmick is that he can fly or leap up into the air once he has max stacks of his overhead buff. While in the air, he’s basically invincible since he can’t be attacked or hit with debuffs. This does mean that he can’t be buffed either. Everything will just miss him while he’s in the air.

While Kain’s in the air, he will attack and deal off-turn damage every time someone on the field does something.

Lunafreya is a really good support slash healer slash buffer. She can imperil enemies and enchant the party with the ice element. She can enable a char to move multiple times in a row. She also has instant turn rate moves that can quickly charge the force gauge.

Anyway, kept on restarting this fight until Lunafreya got the first turn. Had her use Keiss’s LD Call. This will inflict enemies with a debuff that will battery the party based on HP damage dealt during launches.

Then I just spammed Lunafreya’s instant turn rate skills to get my force gauge fully charged as soon as possible. Also had her give her Quick Prayer buff to both Rinoa and Kain. This buff will enable them to move 3 times in a row.


Also had Lunafreya imperil the enemies and enchant the party with the ice element.

Once my force gauge was nearing 100%, ensured that Lunafreya still had all of her buffs active. Then I used her Additional Ability and BT+ finisher and ended her turn.

It was now Kain’s turn. Had him use Raijin’s LD Call. Raijin’s LD Call inflicts the enemies with a debuff that prevents debuffs and reduces all damage to 0 for 2 turns.

Then I had Kain use his LD. This will instantly give him max stacks of his overhead buff. After that, used his BT+ and then had him jump up into the air.


It was now Rinoa’s turn. Had her use her FR and then her BT+ finisher. Was also planning to use Raines’s LD Call. This will allow Rinoa to initiate launches for 2 turns.

But then I found myself thinking what if Rinoa ends up dealing too much damage to an enemy during her Burst+ phase due to all the launching? Didn’t want to risk having one of the Krakens die to a launch while the other one was still at high health. So opted to just not use Raines’s LD Call.

Instead, just had Rinoa spam her Angel Wing skill until she has exactly 7 turns of force time left. Angel Wing buffs Rinoa. It also has instant turn rate.

When I went into Rinoa’s Burst+ phase, have 7 turns of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 360%. The Krakens were down to 87% HP.


One of the effects of Rinoa’s BT+ is that it will turn her HP attack into this special move called Ultima (Angel Wing). This deals a lot of AoE damage so just had Rinoa spam this attack. Every time Rinoa moved, Kain dealt off-turn damage too.

So by the time Rinoa was about to cast Wings of the Heart, her finishing Burst+ move, the Krakens were down to 6% HP. Have 1 turn of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 870%.


Rinoa’s Wings of the Heart was more than enough to finish off both Krakens at the same time.


So the battle ended on turn 2 right after Rinoa’s Burst+ phase was over. Didn’t even get to use my summon. And the enemies didn’t get to move at all. LOL. This fight was really easy with this team. Everyone did so well.


And that’s it. This is the last of the Dare 2 Defy quests. Thankfully, was able to get the Perfect for all of the quests in this event so was also able to get all of the rewards.


The Dare 2 Defy event was pretty interesting. Glad that I was able to solo and even duo some of these Shinryu quests. Wouldn’t mind getting another event like this in the future.

Anyway, here are some more screenshots from this event:


I talk more about my clears for the other Dare 2 Defy quests in other posts.


So, what about you? Which chars did you use to complete these Shinryu quests? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.


  • screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
  • originally published on my main Tumblr blog on Dec 25th, 2023 9:16:28pm

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