Category: FFRK Free Draws

Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun Festival Banner 2

Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun Festival Banner 2

The Summer Sun Festival 2020 event in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game includes several banners that would only be available for a few days. Some of these fest banners will overlap while others won’t. The Summer Sun Festival 2020 banner 2 features the following chars and their weapons and armors: The Awakened … Continue reading Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun Festival Banner 2

Final Fantasy Record Keeper Free Relic Draws

Final Fantasy Record Keeper Free Relic Draws

In the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, we sometimes get free draws. This post is a list of the results of some of these free pulls. One of these draws gave me a 7-star, fist-type weapon. It’s been a really long while though so I can’t quite remember the reason for this particular … Continue reading Final Fantasy Record Keeper Free Relic Draws

Final Fantasy Record Keeper Final Fantasy VII Free Relic Draw

Final Fantasy Record Keeper Final Fantasy VII Free Relic Draw

In the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, we sometimes get free draws. One of these is from a Final Fantasy VII banner. Or at least I think this particular draw is from a Final Fantasy VII (#ad) banner. Unfortunately, this banner showed up a really long time ago so can’t remember all the exact details … Continue reading Final Fantasy Record Keeper Final Fantasy VII Free Relic Draw

Final Fantasy Record Keeper Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Collaboration Event

Final Fantasy Record Keeper Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Collaboration Event

The Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game is having a collaboration event with the Final Fantasy Brave Exvius (FFBE) mobile game. The festivities include lots of free relic draws. You’re guaranteed to get at least 2 6-star relics from these multi-pulls. Here are the results of my free pulls on the FFRK x FFBE … Continue reading Final Fantasy Record Keeper Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Collaboration Event