Final Fantasy Record Keeper Magicite Dungeons Clears Part 3

Final Fantasy Record Keeper Magicite Dungeons Clears Part 3

The rewards from clearing the quests in the Magicite Dungeons in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game are permanent.


But sometimes, we get time limited campaigns and such that require us to clear some of the harder quests in the Magicite Dungeons.

So far, I’ve been able to clear most, if not all, of the easy quests in these dungeons. I’ve also been able to clear some of the harder content here but there’s still a lot that I have yet to do.

Whenever we get time limited missions, I always try to see if I can clear any of them. Whenever I get new Soul Breaks that are actually good, I feel inspired to try and see if there are any hard quests that I can clear with these new relics.

Other than these time limited missions though, I’ve never really felt pressured to hurry up and try to finish all these hard quests that I have yet to do.

Yeah, I do feel kina annoyed whenever we get time limited missions that I can’t clear but I just try not to let it get to me. I miss out on the time limited rewards, which sucks, but at least the content itself won’t disappear and I should be able to do said quest in the future when I get better relics and such.

I always thought that I’d always have time to eventually be able to clear all of these fights. I thought it was better to wait for more powercreep to come before tackling these hard quests.

Why struggle trying to clear these fights now when you can just wait until you get better Soul Breaks to help you out and make things easier for you, right? That’s what I thought. Besides, I just get annoyed and frustrated whenever I try these fights and find out that they’re too difficult for my current relics.

So I clear what I can and just ignore the rest for now. Because, really, what’s the rush, right?

But then Final Fantasy Record Keeper announced that it was gonna end its service on September 29, 2022.


This news came as a very unpleasant and unexpected surprise. I talk more about that in another post.

But anyway, this news meant that there was now a time limit to everything. I want to finish as much as I can before the game ends.

I don’t know if I’ll be able to with my current relics and whatever else I might be able to get before the end though. I guess I can only hope.

I know it doesn’t really matter, but still. I want to try to finish as much as I can before the end. For now, I don’t want to say goodbye to Final Fantasy Record Keeper yet. Heck, I wish this game didn’t have to end, at least not anytime soon.

Anyway, so I started going through the Magicite Dungeons, checking each quest and looking to see which ones I’ve already cleared. Will try to do the ones I haven’t cleared yet. Also trying to see if I can sub-30 these fights.

Geosgaeno, 5-star Magicite

Geosgaeno is the 5-star Magicite (quest level 400) who is weak to the lightning element. He takes reduced damage from physical attacks.

This was one of the fights I deliberately didn’t do so I could save the mythril rewards for later.

5-star Magicites have been powercrept by now and my magical lightning team is pretty stacked so Geosgaeno went down in no time. Got the win in exactly 9 seconds.


My team was:

  • Shantotto from Final Fantasy XI
  • Desch from Final Fantasy III
  • Ashelia B’nargin Dalmasca from Final Fantasy XII
  • Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII (#ad)
  • Vivi Ornitier from Final Fantasy IX

Shantotto, Vivi, and Ashe served as my DPS. Desch was my Chain holder. Cait Sith was my healer, buffer, and support.

Magical Water Argent Odin

The White Odin or Argent Odin fights are quest level 600. There are 2 versions of these fights, one that’s weak to physical attacks and another that’s weak to magical attacks.

The water version of White Odin is weak to the lightning element. For this fight, brought the same chars I used to beat Geosgaeno except I replaced Vivi with Deuce from Final Fantasy Type-0 so I have another healer and buffer.

Things seemed to be going really well at first. Ashe and Shantotto are 2 of the best magical lightning DPS in FFRK and I have a lot of their relics so they did really well here.

Desch didn’t deal much damage at all but his Chain gives good buffs and he can imperil enemies with the lightning element. So he helped increase the damage output of my DPS.

Cait Sith and Deuce did well too, especially Cait who is actually the premier support for mages.

Don’t remember the exact details now but Desch, Cait Sith, and Deuce died before the fight ended. Eff!


Since my DPS were still alive and the fight was nearly over already (Odin only had 16% HP left), decided to keep going. Was really hoping I’d still be able to get the win even with most of my chars already dead.

At least the Chain was still up and Ashe and Shantotto were still dealing really good damage.

But just when I thought that I actually had a chance to win this, Ashe died. Argh! Damn it. Shantotto was still alive though so I kept going and – wow. I’m honestly not that fond of Shantotto but it can’t be denied that she’s really good in Final Fantasy Record Keeper.


Currently, I have 2 of her Awakenings, her Sync, her True Arcane Soul Break (TASB) or Arcane Dyad Soul Break (ADSB), her Dual Awakening Soul Break (DASB), and a few of her other relics.

The effects of these Soul Breaks are really good. IIRC, during this time, Shantotto was either under the effects of her Dual or her Sync. She was able to keep on attacking and she got to move often and really fast.

She also has some sort of damage barrier effect thing going on and this allowed her to survive the onslaught of Odin’s attacks.

When Odin only had a bit of HP left, I intended to have Shantotto use her Limit Break Overstrike to end the battle already but I ended up tapping on her Limit Break Guardian Soul Break instead.


This summoned Colossal Shantotto who temporarily replaced the entire party. So I just had Colossal Shantotto use her finishing attack. This was enough to kill Odin and end the battle already.

Got the win in 35.25 seconds. Really pleased I was still able to clear this fight even with basically all of my chars already dead. Still not that fond of Shantotto but I’m glad I have most of her relics here on Final Fantasy Record Keeper.


It was really amazing to see Shantotto just be able to keep on going even though the rest of her allies were already dead. Odin was still attacking but it was like it didn’t matter to Shantotto and she just shrugged off his hits.

It’s too bad I wasn’t able to sub-30 this quest. The good news is it doesn’t really matter since this fight doesn’t give any rewards if you clear it within 30 seconds. 

So not gonna bother trying to go for sub-30 anymore, at least not right now. After all, still have plenty of other quest to take on.

Magical, Lightning-weak Leviathan

The 6-star Magicite fights are quest level 550. There are 2 versions of these fights, one that’s weak to physical attacks and another that’s weak to magical attacks.

Leviathan is the 6-star Magicite who is weak to the lightning element. So I brought the same team I used to beat magical, lightning-weak Argent Odin. Except this time, I dropped Deuce and replaced her with Lenna Charlotte Tycoon from Final Fantasy V.

I only have Deuce’s Awakening and one of her Ultra Soul Breaks. She may not be the best healer but she works well enough. And she has a Hero Ability that buffs the party and restores a bit of their HP.

But considering what happened in the Odin fight, I thought I could use a healer with more Soul Breaks so I brought in Lenna. Have 2 of her Awakenings, her Sync, and a lot of her other relics.

This quest was pretty easy when compared to the White Odin one. All 6-star Magicite fights have annoying mechanics and gimmicks though.

For Leviathan, he will automatically inflict the doom debuff on everyone as soon as the battle starts. Even if a char dies then gets resurrected, they will still have this debuff.

Leviathan has moves that will reduce the doom counter. Depending on which slot a char is in, their doom counter could go down by a lot after only a few turns.

Managed to get the win in 20.05 seconds although Desch and Lenna ended up dying. IIRC, that was because of the doom debuff.


Physical Lightning Argent Odin

The lightning version of White Odin is weak to the earth element. For this fight, my team was:

  • Gladiolus Amicitia from Final Fantasy XV
  • Galuf Halm Baldesion from Final Fantasy V
  • Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy VII
  • Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
  • Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII

Gladio and Tifa served as my DPS. Galuf was my Chain holder but since I also have multiple BDL relics for him, he was able to act as a secondary DPS. Elarra and Aerith served as my healers and buffers.

Have multiple BDL relics for Tifa and Gladiolus too. And Elarra and Aerith are both really good healers. So this fight wasn’t that bad at all. Was able to get the win in 52.45 seconds.


Physical Dark Argent Odin

The dark version of White Odin is weak to the holy element. For this fight, my team was:

  • Angeal Hewley from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
  • Agrias Oaks from Final Fantasy Tactics
  • Delita Heiral from Final Fantasy Tactics
  • Tyro from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
  • Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII

Angeal, Agrias, and Delita served as my DPS. Agrias was also in charge of lowering the enemy’s resistance to the holy element. Tyro served as my support and buffer while Aerith served as my healer and buffer slash support.

I do have a holy Chain Soul Break but it’s on a char who I have nothing else for so I opted to just bring in 3 holy DPS and borrow the Roaming Warrior holy Chain instead.


The Roaming Warrior holy Chain sucks though and it can only be used two times. So I tried to end the fight before I ran out of uses of the Chain. Unfortunately, wasn’t able to.

The Chain ran out but I decided to keep going since the fight was nearly over already. 

Without an active Chain though, my chars were hitting like wet noodles. Their damage output plummeted, so much so that I could only be surprised and relieved when they would sometimes still deal an attack that could break the damage cap.

So glad I was still able to get the win in the end. My clear time was 42.15 seconds.

Magical Fire Argent Odin

The fire version of White Odin is weak to the water element. For this fight, my team was:

  • Lunafreya Nox Fleuret from Final Fantasy XV
  • Famed Mimic Gogo from Final Fantasy V
  • Rydia from Final Fantasy IV
  • Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII
  • Lenna Charlotte Tycoon from Final Fantasy V

Lunafreya and Rydia served as my DPS. Gogo was my water Chain holder. I used to have Strago Magus from Final Fantasy VI as my water Chain holder but I replaced him with Gogo because the latter can also imperil the water element.

As usual, Cait Sith and Lenna served as my healer and support. Everyone did really well. Aside from providing the water Chain Soul Break, Gogo kept Odin weak to the water element.

Rydia and Lunafreya dealt lots of damage. The additional healing from Lunafreya’s Hero Ability and Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB) also helped. Managed to get the win in 35.85 seconds.

Magical Holy Argent Odin

The holy version of White Odin is weak to the dark element. For this fight, my team was:

  • Kuja from Final Fantasy IX
  • Cloud of Darkness from Final Fantasy III
  • Cid Raines from Final Fantasy XIII
  • Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII
  • Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper

Had a bit of trouble with this fight. My initial team was Ultimecia from Final Fantasy VIII, Cloud of Darkness, Cid Raines, Cait Sith, and Lenna but it wasn’t working out.

The sap debuff from Odin was really messing with my run because my chars would all end up dying before I could get them back to full health. 

I do have Lenna’s Ultra Soul Break (USB) that can counter the sap debuff via Regenga and it can even provide Last Stand but I couldn’t seem to get the timing right with regards to casting this.

Sometimes, Lenna doesn’t have enough bars to cast her USB so I can’t overwrite the sap debuff. Or my chars will get sapped when their HP is already too low. This will cause Last Stand to proc then they could end up dead before I can get Lenna to move again.

So I decided to try changing my healer to Elarra. Lenna was my first choice because I have lots of her relics already, including 2 of her Awakenings and 1 of her Sync. She may not be the best, but she’s really good when she works.

As for Elarra, I have 2 of her Ultras and her Dual Awakening Soul Break (DASB). Missing her Awakening and both of her Syncs. Elarra’s great as a physical support if you have all of her relics, but she can work well enough in a magical team.

One of her Ultras provides Regenga, which can overwrite the sap debuff. Like Lenna, she can also reduce the delay of the party’s actions for a few turns.

Since I’m missing Elarra’s Syncs and AASB, opted not to create her Hero Ability. So I had her equipped with Dispel and Passionate Salsa. She did pretty well on this fight.

Elarra doesn’t have an easy access to Last Stand. But as long as I’m able to overwrite the sap debuff with her Ultra, then no one was in danger of dying.

I do wish I could get Elarra’s Sync 2. Then she’d be a really awesome support for physical teams (really need a good physical support. At least I have Cait Sith for my magical teams). I can Lens her AASB but I don’t want to do that since I don’t have her Sync 2.


Anyway, as for Ultimecia – I don’t know. She was doing pretty well, and maybe I could have made her work after a few more tries since I do have multiple BDL relics for her. Have 1 of her Awakenings, her DASB, and 1 of her Syncs.

The Sync I have for her is her wind one though so if I use it, I have to use her dark Glint+ to overwrite the wind infusion from her Sync. Her dark Glint+ will infuse her with the dark element which will allow her to hit weakness damage even if she’s using her wind Sync.

I never got to do that for this fight though since I always start with her DASB then use her Awakening once the effects of the former have run out.

Decided to try Kuja since I did just get his Dual Awakening Soul Break. Also got one of his Awakenings. Too bad I’m missing his Sync. 

Kuja did pretty well although I don’t know if he’s better than Ultimecia or not. Well, Kuja does have his Hero Equipment whereas Ultimecia’s isn’t available yet. Not sure if it’ll show up before the game ends.

Maybe I could have replaced Cid Raines with Kuja since I don’t have his Dual. I do have one of his Syncs and Awakenings though and he was doing pretty well too. Plus, he has his Hero Equipment as well.

If I had Kuja’s dark Chain Soul Break, I could have just dropped the Cloud of Darkness. The Cloud of Darkness served as my dark Chain holder. But the only BDL relic I have for them is 1 of their AASBs.

Their damage was meh on this fight. It was basically non-existent. Just had them focus on imperiling Odin with the dark element when they weren’t busy casting their Chain.

Anyway, after a couple more tries, managed to get the win in 30.80 seconds. Meh. Too bad I missed out on the sub-30. Ah, well.

Other Magicite Fights

The following is a list of the rest of the Magicite Dungeons fights that I have yet to do and that I’m hoping to be able to do before Final Fantasy Record Keeper ends.

  1. Magical, Ice-weak Valefor
  2. Physical, Earth-weak Ramuh
  3. Physical Wind Argent Odin
  4. Magical Wind Argent Odin
  5. Poison Argent Odin
  6. Poison Dark Odin


So what about you? Have you done any of the quests in the Magicite Dungeons? What do you think about these fights? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.


  • screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
  • originally published on my main Tumblr blog on Oct 26th, 2022 9:21:00pm

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