Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Lunafreya Nox Fleuret Banners

Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Lunafreya Nox Fleuret Banners

The Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery story chapter event just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. This story chapter event came with 2 banners.


Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery Banner 1

The Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery banner 1 features the following chars and their weapons:

  • Lunafreya Nox Fleuret from Final Fantasy XV – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, Force or FR, and Burst or BT
  • Lion from Final Fantasy XI – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
  • Basch fon Ronsenburg from Final Fantasy XII – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD

Lunafreya is the latest and newest playable char to be introduced in DFFOO. Already have everything on this banner except for all of Lunafreya’s weapons.

Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery Banner 2

The Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery banner 2 features the following chars and their weapons:

  • Lunafreya Nox Fleuret from Final Fantasy XV – FR only
  • Ultimecia from Final Fantasy VIII – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and BT
  • Seifer Almasy from Final Fantasy VIII – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
  • Yang Fang Leiden from Final Fantasy IV – 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD

Have everything on this banner except for Lunafreya’s FR, Seifer’s Ex and LD, and Yang’s LD.

Lunafreya Nox Fleuret from Final Fantasy XV Costume

As part of the release of the aforementioned new story chapter, Lunafreya’s extra costume is now available for purchase with real money for a limited time.


Lunafreya’s costume features her with her long hair down. She’s also wearing this flowing white dress that appeared “during a certain scene in Final Fantasy XV”.


Lunafreya’s regular outfit and her costume both look really good. It’s nice to see her with her hair down, and her long, flowing white dress looks really beautiful.

Lunafreya Nox Fleuret from Final Fantasy XV Stickers

Aside from an extra costume, stickers for Lunafreya are also now available for purchase using Dissidia points.


Already bought some of these stickers but I ran out of Dissidia points so wasn’t able to get them all at once. As soon as I have enough points, will buy the rest of Lunafreya’s stickers.

Thoughts about Lunafreya Nox Fleuret from Final Fantasy XV

I like Lunafreya Nox Fleuret from Final Fantasy XV (#ad). I was really pleased when she was first announced as a playable char in the Japanese version of Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia. Couldn’t wait for her to come to the English or Global version of the game.

Even back then, was already planning to pull for her. So was even more pleased to find out that she’s a really good char. She’s considered to be a meta support.


She can heal. She can battery. She provides really good buffs and auras. She can imperil enemies and enchant the party with the ice and water elements. 

She can also give her allies instant and free turns. She can even quickly charge the force gauge. There’s more, of course, but you get the point.

Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery Banner 1 Multi-Draws Results Part 1

So I was all set to pull for Lunafreya’s entire kit with gems. Was gonna fully build her and max her out. Couldn’t wait to use her. Really glad she’s finally here. 

Also can’t wait to play and read through the story chapter that features her but decided to pull for her first.

Currently have 1193120 gems on hand. Willing to go all the way to the pity for all of Lunafreya’s weapons but really hoping it won’t come to that.

Here are the results of all my multi-draws on the Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery banner 1:

My first multi-draw gave me a gold orb, which turned into 2 golds – a dupe of Basch’s LD and my very first copy of Lunafreya’s 35cp.

Lunafreya’s 35cp is called Alba Umbra Staff (XV). Its affinity ability is called Longstanding Promise. This boosts her Frigid Fubuki ability.


This is the first weapon that I was able to obtain for Lunafreya. So getting this also automatically recruited her to my party.


Pleased to have gotten my very first Lunafreya weapon although I do wish that dupe LD had been Lunafreya’s instead.


My second multi-draw on this banner gave me a gold orb which turned into 3 LDs. It really sucks that not a single one of those LDs belonged to Lunafreya. Instead I got 2 dupes of Lion’s LD and 1 dupe of Basch’s LD.


My third multi-draw gave me dupes of Lion’s 15cp and Basch’s 15cp. Meh.


The fourth gave me a gold orb which turned into dupes of Lion’s Ex and Lunafreya’s 35cp. Ugh. Wish that Lion Ex had been Lunafreya’s instead.


The dupe of Lunafreya’s 35cp is useful in helping me limit break my first copy but I don’t really need it since I can just use Power Stones or Weapon Tokens to do that. So I wish I could have gotten another one of her weapons instead.

My 5th multi-draw gave me a gold orb which turned into dupes of Basch’s 15cp and Ex. Meh.


The 6th gave me a gold orb which turned into dupes of Basch’s LD and Lunafreya’s 35cp. Argh! Why do I keep getting Lunafreya’s 35cp? Where are the rest of her weapons?


Also, it really sucks to get a gold orb only for it to turn out to be a dupe LD and/or Ex.

My 7th multi-draw gave me a dupe of Lunafreya’s 35cp. Again? Seriously?! Ugh. How come my pulls on this banner are so bad? I’m on my 7th multi-draw and have yet to see hide nor hair of Lunafreya’s 15cp, Ex, LD, BT, and/or FR.


My 8th multi-draw gave me a gold orb which turned into a dupe of Basch’s LD and my first copy of Lunafreya’s 15cp.


Lunafreya’s 15cp is called Moon Staff (XV). Its affinity ability is called August Oracle. This boosts her Energy Heal ability.


It’s nice to get a different weapon for Lunafreya but I wish this had been either her Ex, LD, BT, and/or FR instead. Because I have so many Weapon Tokens that I can use to easily exchange for multiple copies of Lunafreya’s 15cp and 35cp.

I can get her Ex too using Ex Tokens although I’d rather not do that because these Tokens are very rare. I can use Burst Tokens to get her BT which I don’t mind doing.

But what I can’t get without having to pity Lunafreya’s banner are her LD and Force weapons. I need 300 G-Tokens in order to exchange for her LD and 400 G-Tokens to get her Force weapon. Her Burst will cost 500 G-Tokens while her Ex will also cost 300 G-Tokens.

My 9th multi-draw gave me a dupe of Basch’s 35cp. Argh! This is so frustrating. What’s with all these crappy pulls? Sigh.


My 10th multi-draw gave me 2 dupes of Lunafreya’s 35cp. Ugh. By now, I must have enough dupes of these to be able to fully MLB my first copy without having to use a single Power Stone.


My 11th multi-draw also gave me 2 dupes of Lunafreya’s 35cp. WTF? This is like some kind of joke. Where are the rest of Luna’s weapons? Why do I keep getting copies of her 35cp? Enough is enough.


My 12th multi-draw gave me a gold orb which turned into dupes of Basch’s 15cp and Lion’s Ex. Ugh. So sick and tired of seeing dupes of Basch’s and Lion’s weapons.


My 13th multi-draw gave me a gold orb which turned into dupes of Basch’s LD, Basch’s 35cp, and Basch’s 15cp. Lunafreya weapons, doko da?


I’m 13 pulls deep in this banner and yet I still haven’t seen any one of Lunafreya’s Ex, LD, BT, and/or FR. I now have 260 G-Tokens here and at this point, it’s looking very likely that I’m gonna have to pity one or possibly even more of the weapons that I’m still missing for Luna.

The “more” bit is what’s troubling me. I don’t want to have to pity 2 or more of Lunafreya’s weapons. One weapon is already more than enough. If I have to pity more than that, it’s really going to deplete my gem stash which I don’t want to happen.

I can Token Lunafreya’s BT. I can do the same for her Ex although this is definitely gonna be a last resort. But there’s no other way to get her LD and FR so I really need to get these weapons from this banner, preferably without having to pity both.

Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery Banner 1 Tickets Pulls Results Part 1

Decided to stop pulling with gems for now so I can try my luck with tickets. I’m hoping that either Lunafreya’s LD or FR will show up in one of my 10-draws then I can just pity the other with gems.

It would also be really nice if her Ex and/or BT would show up on one of these draws too so I can save my Tokens.

Currently only have 297 tickets on hand. Aside from the usual bronze and silver trash and a few gold dupes here and there, also got the following notable pulls:

  • 2/10, came from a gold orb – dupes of Basch’s Ex and Lion’s 15cp
  • 2/10 – dupes of Lunafreya’s 15cp and 35cp

Man, getting really sick and tired of seeing Lunafreya’s 35cp. Wish I could get copies of her other weapons too.

Was down to 247 tickets when I got a gold orb which turned into –


My very first copy of Lunafreya’s Ex! Hell, yes! So happy to see this. At least my Ex Tokens are safe. Now if I could just get her other weapons too.

Lunafreya’s Ex weapon is called Diamond Rod (XV). Its affinity ability is called World Purification. This gives her the Diamond Dust Ex ability.


Aside from Luna’s Ex, this 10-draw also gave me a dupe of Basch’s 15cp. Meh.


Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery Banner 1 and Banner 2 Tickets Pulls Results

After a couple more 10-draws on the Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery banner 1, decided to try my luck on banner 2 as well. Maybe I’ll be able to get Lunafreya’s FR from said banner. Plus, at least I’m also missing a couple of weapons there.

So I started alternating my tickets pulls between both banners. Got the usual bronze and silver trash and gold dupes. Even got a few 10-draws that didn’t give me a single gold.


Here are the results of my more notable 10-draws for both banners:

One of my 10-draws on banner 2 gave me a gold orb that turned into my very first copy of Yang’s LD. Nice.


Yang’s a DPS who deals decent enough damage. He does a follow-up attack every time someone moves, which is nice but I already have other chars who can do that.

Plus, Yang doesn’t even have a Force weapon yet. He doesn’t have a BT yet either so not really sure I’ll bother to use him for endgame fights. Still, it was nice to finally get my first copy of his LD.


Another 10-draw on banner 2 gave me a gold orb that turned into my very first copies of Seifer’s LD and Seifer’s Ex. Nice.

Seifer’s Ex is one of the few that I’m still missing so really pleased to have finally gotten my first copy.


Seifer’s a debuffer who deals decent enough damage. He can also delay with his LD.


He’s been powercrept by now but he does have a good Call. IIRC, he inflicts debuffs and delays enemies with his Calls.


Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery Banner 1 Multi-Draws Results Part 2

After a few more 10-draws, went back to the Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery banner 1 and started using my gems again.

My 14th multi-draw gave me a gold orb which turned into dupes of Lion’s 15cp and Basch’s LD.


My 15th multi-draw gave me dupes of Lion’s LD and Basch’s 15cp. Argh! Why do I keep getting the wrong LD? Why do I keep getting these useless dupes?


Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery Banner 2 Tickets Pulls Results

After those crappy multi-draws, went back to tossing tickets on the Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery banner 2.

A gold orb gave me a dupe of Yang’s Ex. Actually pleased to see this because Yang’s Ex gives an A Sphere that raises its user’s ATK and MAX BRV by 10%.


After a couple more 10-draws, I was soon being greeted by the sight of a Burst orb.


It’s really nice to see a Burst orb but – argh! Why’d it have to show up when I’m pulling on this banner? Why couldn’t I have gotten this on banner 1 instead?

I already have Ultimecia’s Burst so getting a dupe just means I can sell said dupe for 5 Burst Tokens.


That’s nice and all but I’d still prefer to have gotten a new Burst instead. Besides, don’t even have any plans to upgrade Ultimecia’s Burst to BT+ 3/3. Man, I really wish I’d gotten Lunafreya’s BT instead. Sigh.

This 10-draw actually gave me 2 dupes of Ultimecia’s Burst, 1 dupe of Seifer’s 15cp, and 1 dupe of Yang’s LD.


Ahh, this would have been a really great pull if these weren’t all dupes. To think this could have been Lunafreya’s BT and LD instead.

Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery Banner 1 Tickets Pulls Results Part 2

After getting Ultimecia’s BT, went back to the Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery banner 1. Because it didn’t seem like I was gonna be able to get Lunafreya’s FR from banner 2 anytime soon.

Plus, since I already got copies of Seifer’s Ex and LD and Yang’s LD, the only thing I’m missing on this banner is Lunafreya’s FR. So I thought it better to go back to banner 1 where I have a shot at getting all of the weapons I’m still missing for her.

A gold orb gave me a dupe of Lion’s LD. Then another 1 gave me a dupe of her Ex.


Man, this is really so frustrating. If only I could get at least 1 copy of Lunafreya’s LD, BT, and FR.


Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery Banner 1 Multi-Draws Results Part 3

By now, I have 300 G-Tokens on the Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery banner 1. Decided to go back to using gems on this banner, hoping that Lunafreya’s LD, BT, and/or FR will show up before I get to 400 G-Tokens.

Here are the results of the rest of my multi-draws on this banner:

My 16th multi-draw gave me a gold orb which turned into dupes of Lion’s 35cp and Lion’s Ex. Meh.


My 17th multi-draw gave me a gold orb too. Was expecting to get the usual Lion or Basch Ex or LD and so imagine my surprise when what showed up at the very end of this pull turned out to be –


My very first copy of Lunafreya’s Burst weapon! Hell, yes! Super pleased to see this.

Lunafreya’s Burst weapon is called Fortitude (XV). Its affinity ability is called Lend the Chosen King Strength. This gives her the Coronal Spark of Life Burst ability.


This multi-draw only gave me Lunafreya’s Burst. Now have 340 G-Tokens on this banner.


My 18th multi-draw on this banner gave me a gold orb which turned into dupes of Lion’s Ex and Lunafreya’s 35cp.


This pull also gave me the message that “Gil will exceed maximum that can be held. Excess gil will be lost”.


Welp, looks like I now have 9999999 gil on hand. I think this is the first time I ever got this message while pulling on a banner.

Lunafreya Nox Fleuret’s Weapons and Armor Part 1

After getting that message about my gil, decided to pause on my pulling spree for a bit then start enhancing and maxing out Lunafreya’s weapons so I can try to lower my gil stash even just a bit.

Was able to fully MLB Lunafreya’s 35cp without having to use a single Power Stone. Got to do the same for her 15cp thanks to getting a lot of dupes via my ticket pulls.

After that, I spent the Power Stones needed to MLB Lunafreya’s Ex. Then I spent the Book and 3 Ingots needed to Purple her Ex or get it to Ex+ 3/3.


Then I bought her first armor, Lunafreya’s Pendant (XV), and spent the resources needed to max it. Afterwards, bought her next armor, Oracle’s Gown (XV), and maxed that out as well.


Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery Banner 1 Tickets Pulls Results Part 3

Doing all of that helped to deplete my gil stash a bit. So I went back to the Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery banner 1. 

Tried my luck with tickets again. Was really worried that I was nearing 400 G-Tokens and yet I still haven’t seen either Lunafreya’s LD or FR.

A couple of 10-pulls later, I got a gold orb which gave me one of the weapons I’d been hoping to get.


Yup, that’s right. Just got my very first copy of Lunafreya’s LD. Finally! And hell, yes! Super pleased to see this. At least now I don’t have to worry about what I’ll do if I get to 400 G-Tokens and still don’t have either Luna’s LD or FR.

Lunafreya’s LD weapon is called Trident of the Oracle (XV). Its affinity ability is called Truth of Heart. This gives her the Awakening LD ability.


This 10-draw only gave me Lunafreya’s LD. The rest were all bronze and silver trash. Was down to 67 tickets when Lunafreya’s LD came home.


Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery Banner 1 Multi-Draws Results Part 4

After getting Lunafreya’s LD with tickets, went back to using gems on the Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery banner 1. Now have 360 G-Tokens on this banner.

I’m hoping to get Lunafreya’s FR before I get to 400 G-Tokens but it’s fine even if that doesn’t happen. Now that I have the rest of Lunafreya’s weapons, can just pity her FR then finally be done with this banner.

My 19th multi-draw on this banner gave me a gold orb which turned into dupes of Basch’s LD and Lion’s 15cp.


My 20th multi-draw on this banner gave me a gold orb which turned into dupes of Lion’s LD and Basch’s 35cp.


And that’s it. Now have 400 G-Tokens on this banner so this pulling spree is finally over. I’m now down to 1093820 gems. Oof. Lunafreya really cost me a lot of gems and tickets.

Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery Banner 1 Token Exchange Shop

The Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery banner 1 Token Exchange Shop contains the following items and the cost to exchange for said items:

  • Lunafreya’s BT – 500 G-Tokens
  • Book of Ruin’s Miracles (used to Realize a BT to BT+ 0/3) x1 – 400 G-Tokens
  • Lunafreya’s FR – 400 G-Tokens
  • Lion’s LD – 300 G-Tokens
  • Basch’s LD – 300 G-Tokens
  • Lunafreya’s LD – 300 G-Tokens
  • Lion’s Ex – 300 G-Tokens
  • Basch’s Ex – 300 G-Tokens
  • Lunafreya’s Ex – 300 G-Tokens
  • High Power Stone (used to limit break a Force weapon; 4 is needed per limit break so you’ll need a total of 12 to fully MLB a FR) x4 – 300 G-Tokens
  • Book of Ruin’s Mysteries (used to Realize an Ex weapon to Ex+ 0/3) x1 – 200 G-Tokens
  • Power Stone (used to limit break 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD weapons; you can also use 20 to create 1 High Power Stone) x4 – 100 G-Tokens

Spent all of my G-Tokens to finally get my very first copy of Lunafreya’s FR.


Lunafreya’s Force weapon is called Aurora Rod (XV). Its affinity ability is called Hydraean. This gives her the Furious Spray Force ability.


Honestly, not really all that fond of the name Furious Spray. Wish they gave Lunafreya’s FR ability a different name. The same could be said for her Frigid Fubuki ability.

Lunafreya Nox Fleuret’s Weapons and Armor Part 2

Now that I have all of Lunafreya’s weapons, it was time to go back to fully maxing out everything that belongs to her.

Bought Lunafreya’s High Armor, Dress of Reminiscence  (XV). After maxing it out, spent the resources needed to upgrade it to Blue.


Then I spent the Power Stones needed to fully max out Luna’s LD.


After that, I turned my attention to her Burst weapon. Leveled it to the max then spent the Book needed to Realize it to 0/3. Afterwards, spent the 3 Ingots needed to Green Lunafreya’s Burst or get it to BT+ 3/3.


Didn’t have enough High Power Stones on hand so had to make use of a lot of Power Stones in order to fully MLB Lunafreya’s FR.


Lunafreya Nox Fleuret from Final Fantasy XV

Got Lunafreya to Level 90 and Crystal Level 90. Bought her Bloom Stone. Completed all of her Boards and Force Enhancements.


Also spent some time farming the co-op that came with the Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery story chapter event to get a lot of Lunafreya’s Eidojas.

Fused these Eidojas in search of the perfect Artifacts for Luna. After a while, managed to get the following Artifacts for Lunafreya:

  • 3 ATK 108 with Blood of the Oracle Up★★(While Oracle active: raises party’s INT BRV, ATK by 5%)
  • 3 INT BRV 170 with Blood of the Oracle Up★★
  • 1 ATK 108 with INT BRV 170

Lunafreya Nox Fleuret Spheres

After that, started thinking about what Spheres I would equip to Lunafreya. Her Sphere slots are A, C, and D. Ended up equipping Lunafreya with the following real Spheres:

  • Jecht’s (from Final Fantasy X) Critical Base Attack Up Shorter A Sphere

When dealing critical hit:
• Raises own INT BRV, ATK by 10% for 3 turns


Had to Purple a dupe Jecht Ex to get another copy of this Sphere.

In retrospect, after using Lunafreya in a few battles, I kinda regret this now. Shouldn’t have bothered to Purple a dupe Jecht Ex for her.

Lunafreya has skills that get stronger and better the higher her INT BRV is. But the ATK stat isn’t really that useful for her. Sure, she can deal decent enough damage but, at the end of the day, she’s primarily a support. Her damage is nothing when compared to an actual DPS.

Instead of giving her a Sphere that raises her ATK and INT BRV stats, should have gone for one that increases her MAX BRV and INT BRV. 

Have a couple MAX BRV and INT BRV up Spheres because most chars want Spheres that boost their ATK. So these MAX BRV and INT BRV and other such Spheres are just rotting in my inventory. Should have equipped one of these to Luna. Ah, well. What’s done is done. It’s not really that bad anyway.

  • Maria’s (from Final Fantasy II) HP Heal Base Attack All Shorter C Sphere

After recovering HP:
• Raises party’s INT BRV, ATK by 5% for 3 turns


Lunafreya’s a healer so this Sphere will nearly always be active.

  • Lunafreya Nox Fleuret’s (from Final Fantasy XV) Weak Attack All Longer D Sphere

When attacking target’s weakness:
• Raises party’s ATK by 5% for 6 turns


Lunafreya enchants the party and imperils enemies with the ice and water elements so she and her allies will almost always hit for weakness damage.


Now my Lunafreya is as complete and fully maxed out as she possibly can be. Well, except for the fact that she doesn’t have an Ultima Weapon. She doesn’t really need one though since she’s not a DPS.


Lunafreya Nox Fleuret in Shinryu Quests

Shinryu quests (level 300) are currently the hardest kind of fight in Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia.

I’ve been able to try out Lunafreya in a few Shinryu quests and she did really, really well. The hype she got is well-deserved. She truly is an excellent support and buffer.

But, as aforementioned, her damage isn’t that good. It’s fine though since she isn’t meant to be a DPS anyway.

Absolutely no regrets in building her and maxing her out. She cost me a lot of gems and tickets but it was all worth it because I do like her and she is really good. I hope to be able to use Lunafreya for as long as possible.

Also, I really like the animations of Lunafreya’s skills and abilities. She even gets to summon Shiva in some of them.

Her Force partner is Rydia from Final Fantasy IV. Their force animation isn’t that bad but I wish it could have featured them summoning different espers or something.

And I still don’t like the name of Luna’s force ability. Furious Spray just sounds so – lame or meh, I guess. Would have preferred a different name.

Thoughts about the Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery Story

I’ve started playing and reading through the Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery story chapter and it’s pretty good. Warning for possible spoilers for the aforementioned chapter.

I enjoyed seeing Lunafreya, and I’m glad that she’s featured in this chapter. But I wish we got more. I wish part 1 of this chapter was longer and I wish that I got to see more scenes featuring Lunafreya.

It feels like she spent most of this chapter just being nothing more than a puppet of Ultimecia from Final Fantasy VIII. I wish she’d been able to do more instead of just spending a lot of scenes being confused and following Ultimecia’s orders.

I like how the other chars acknowledged how powerful Lunafreya was but I do wish we’d seen more of that power in action. I want to see more of the power of the Oracle.

Heck, Luna didn’t even get to summon Shiva or something. Even when Luna was under Ultimecia’s command, she hardly got to do much of anything before she was being rescued by the good guys.

They kept talking about how powerful Lunafreya is and how Ultimecia wants her because of that power but we didn’t really get to see it. The most we’ve seen was Luna casting barrier shields and such.

I also liked how Lunafreya and Noctis Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV got to talk more in the end after her memories had been restored. But I wish she got to interact with him and the rest of the Final Fantasy 15 cast some more.


On a side note, it wasn’t until I took the above screenshot that I noticed that Lunafreya is actually wearing a golden ring. In fairness, this wasn’t that surprising since the lower halves of everyone’s bodies are usually hidden by the dialogue textbox.

I really like this attention to detail though. I suppose this must be Lunafreya’s wedding ring since this chapter outright mentions that she and Noctis had gotten married after they reunited in the afterlife.

Anyway, I’m hoping to see more of Lunafreya in part 2 of this chapter. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem likely since part 2 appears to be centered on the Final Fantasy VIII cast.


So, what about you? Did you pull on either of the Act 3, Chapter 9, Part 1: Vanishing Scenery banners? What do you think about Lunafreya Nox Fleuret and all the other chars featured on these banners? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.


  • screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
  • originally published on my main Tumblr blog on Nov 8th, 2022 11:38:33pm

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